PULMU-The Plucking Point Estimator

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PULMU for Linux is coming.


What is it ?

PULMU estimates the plucking point on the string of an acoustic guitar. By the output of the estimator you can control audio effects. It is a Pure Data external coded in the C-language.

PULMU the plucking point estimator is a Pd plugin for conrtolling audio effects by merely changing the plucking point on your acoustic guitar. It works on your acoustic guitar, equipped with an undersaddle or bridge pickup, made by B-band. You can download the implementation from the Software pages and try it out. The Manual helps out with the installation and informs how to use it. The plugin/implementation of PULMU provided here is free. In addition, the Pd software needed to run PULMU is also free and provided at the Pd download page.

Literature on the algorithm


  • Penttinen, H., and Välimäki, V., ''A time-domain approach to estimating the plucking point of guitar tones obtained with an under-saddle pickup,'' Applied Acoustics, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 1207-1220, December 2004. Special Issue on Musical Acoustics.

  • Penttinen, H., Siiskonen, J., and Välimäki, V., '' Acoustic Guitar Plucking Point Estimation in Real Time,'' Accepted for publication in the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'05), Philadelphia, PA, USA, March 19-23, 2005.
  • Penttinen, H., and Välimäki, V., ''Akustisen kitaran näppäyskohdan arviointi,'' in Proceedings of IX musiikintutkijoiden symposium, pp. 114-118, Jyväskylä, Finland, March 17-19, 2005. in Finnish.


    Modified: 2005-07-05
    Created: 2004-09-29 by Henri Penttinen.
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