Native listeners can easily recognize foreign accent of non-native speakers. Many
Estonians can understand and speak Finnish at some level, as our languages are so
close. Still, there are several differences in sound system and prosodic
structure, which ought to be the main sources of non-native accent. This pilot
study concentrates on prosodic cues in speech of Estonian speakers when reading
Finnish text.
Speech material and subjects
4 native speakers of Estonians (2 male and 2 female) and 2 native speakers of
Finnish (1 male and 1 female) reading the same text in Finnish have been
recorded. The Estonian speakers have been never studied Finnish, their knowledge
of Finnish is obtained mainly by watching Finnish TV-channels during several
years. Also personal contacts with Finnish people have improved their language
skills. The speech recordings of native Finnish speakers serve as the reference
Scope of the study
If non-native accent is perceptually recognized, several acoustic features should
also manifest it. In current acoustic-phonetic study we are looking for answers
to the following questions:
Which prosodic cues exhibit more non-nativeness?
Is speaker profile language-dependent?
Are speakers' native languages detectable from his/her non-native speech?
Is non-native accent automatically detectable?
Speech material of Finnish and Estonian speakers has been segmented in four
levels (phoneme, syllable, word, breath group). Duration and fundamental
frequency for phonemes and syllables have been measured and statistical analysis
of duration ratios as well as F0-patterns has been carried out.
Preliminary results show systematic differences in duration ratios of stressed
and unstressed long/short segments of native and non-native speech. Differences
in F0-patterns do exist, as well.
In the presentation the preliminary findings will be introduced and ideas for
further research will be discussed.