The multilingual vowel perception research project is a study of the
reactions of speakers of different languages to the same set of synthetic
vowels. The purpose is to see how different vowel systems are reflected in
the answers to this set, which includes strange vowels for many languages.
Of special interest is the question of possible "universal" vowels, vowels
which could be called the same in several languages. In time the study
will yield information about individual and dialectal differences, effects
of language contacts and it is also interesting from the point of view of
the testing technique.
The test consists of 386 synthetic vowels which cover the entire vowel
space except for diphthongs and nasal vowels. To produce the vowels the
Klatt synthesis program was used and the results checked against the Praat
analysis program. The vowel space has been created by varying F1 from 250
to 800 Hz with steps of 30 mels and F2 from 600 to 2800 Hz with steps of 40
mels. F3 is 2500 Hz as long as F2 is 2000 Hz or below and higher by 200
mels when F2 is above 2000 Hz. There are two different sets according to
the duration of the vowels, long vowels of 350 ms and short vowels of 120
ms. The pitches in the two sets can be seen in the scheme below.
| Long vowels | Short vowels |
Time (ms) | 0 | 120 | 350 | 0 | 40 | 120 |
Frequency (Hz) | 100 | 120 | 80 | 100 | 110 | 90 |
In the test the subjects are asked to identify the test vowels as vowels of
their native languages. They are also asked to rate the goodness of the
vowels on a scale from 1 to 7. A vowel can also be repeated any number of
times and the answering time is up to the subject. Most subjects have
taken about 40 - 50 minutes for one test.
The first tests were made in the computer class of the Language Centre of
the University of Turku, but now the test is also available in the Internet
( There have been some
difficulties with the system, especially with Macs, but we have also
received complete test answers from both Finland and abroad. We have
results from about 200 subjects representing about 20 languages, Finnish
informants forming the largest group, of course. We hope to get many more
answers to the test to make it serve the multiple goals set for it.