The test.config is stored in file test.config in the test's main directory. The following example explains the format of the file. Keywords are in bold and parameters in italics.
# # File: test.config # # Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored. # # # The first item must be testtype name. # # If string valued papameters contains spaces, # they must be enclosed in "double quotes". # # If a testtype doesn't support some of the parameters # specified, that parameter value is ignored. # # Configuration file format version number (float) TestConfigVersion: 1.0 # TestTypes specified so far are: # ab, ab_scale, abc, abx, tafc, audiometry (string) TestType: ab # Directory and file names (defaults given) # # If a directory name or filename begins with a: # slash ('/path') it is an absolute path # tilde ('~username/') it is a home-directory starting path # Name of the test root directory TestRootDir: "." # Name of the samples directory SamplesDir: "samples" # Name of the guineapigs directory GuineaPigDir: "guineapigs" # Name of the test.items file TestItemsFile: "test.items" # Name of the playlist file PlayListFile: "playlist" # Parameters for the Sound Player: # # Valid samplerates are: 44100, 22050 and 11025 (int) SampleRate: 44100 # 1, 2 are usual values for mono, stereo (int) OutputChannels: 2 # Default scaling factor in decibels (float) # If MCLL adjustment is used, this is the 0 dB level Testee # makes his/her adjustments against. OutputLevel: -20 # Use Most Confortable Listening Level adjustment (boolean) UseMCLL: yes # Adjustment range: min dB , max dB , default dB, tick dB (int int int int) MCLLParams: -5 5 0 # Show the MCLL ajustment value to Testee. MCLLShowvalue: no # Sample list gives the samples and their respective ids. # It also specifies the lenghts of needed pauses. # # The file-id and pause-id use the same name space so names # ids must be non-overlapping. # Order of the File: and Null: lines is irrelevant. # # File: id filename (string string) # Null: id len (string int) # SampleList: Null: pa1 pause1_lenght_in_samples File: id1 "filename1" Null: pa2 pause2_lenght_in_samples File: id2 "filename2" Null: pa3 pause3_lenght_in_samples /SampleList # Each testlogic selects which fields of testtype specific # data it uses. # Test configuration data for all AB derivative tests ABTestGlobal: # Time to warn testee that answering time is running out (float) WarnTime: 7.5 # Time to answer (float). If this is 0, # wait forever for the answer. AnswerTime: 7.5 # Test sequence used in ab-test test derivatives # # This list arranges the playing order and pauses between # logical testitems. # # Item: 'pause' pause_id (string string) # Item: 'testitem' item (string string) # # All pause-id:s must be found in the Samplelist. # Valid items are so far: A, B, C and X TestSequence: Item: pause pa1 Item: testitem A Item: pause pa2 Item: testitem B Item: pause pa3 /TestSequence # Test configuration data unique to AB_SCALE test. AB_SCALETest: # Scales to be used in ab_scale, abc tests to give the # ranking. (Parameters must currently be an integers.) # min, max, default, tickinterval (int int int int) # # Giving 0 as tickinterval disables the tickvalues under scale. ScaleParams: 1 5 1 0 /AB_SCALETest /ABTestGlobal