Tik-76.115 Individual Project: Guinea Pig
$Id: test_config.html,v 1.6 1996/04/12 09:08:05 hynde Exp $


The test.config file is the main configuration file that the Test creation module creates. It contains the test specific configuration information needed by Test Logic when actually running the test.

The test.config is stored in file test.config in the test's main directory. The following example explains the format of the file. Keywords are in bold and parameters in italics.

# File: test.config
# Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored. 
# The first item must be testtype name.
# If string valued papameters contains spaces,
# they must be enclosed in "double quotes".
# If a testtype doesn't support some of the parameters
# specified, that parameter value is ignored.

# Configuration file format version number (float)
TestConfigVersion: 1.0

# TestTypes specified so far are:
# ab, ab_scale, abc, abx, tafc, audiometry (string)
TestType: ab

# Directory and file names (defaults given)
# If a directory name or filename begins with a:
# slash ('/path') it is an absolute path
# tilde ('~username/') it is a home-directory starting path

# Name of the test root directory
TestRootDir: "."

# Name of the samples directory
SamplesDir: "samples"

# Name of the guineapigs directory
GuineaPigDir: "guineapigs"

# Name of the test.items file
TestItemsFile: "test.items"

# Name of the playlist file
PlayListFile: "playlist"

# Parameters for the Sound Player:
# Valid samplerates are: 44100, 22050 and 11025 (int)
SampleRate: 44100

# 1, 2 are usual values for mono, stereo (int)
OutputChannels: 2

# Default scaling factor in decibels (float)
# If MCLL adjustment is used, this is the 0 dB level Testee
# makes his/her adjustments against.
OutputLevel: -20

# Use Most Confortable Listening Level adjustment (boolean)
UseMCLL: yes

# Adjustment range: min dB , max dB , default dB, tick dB (int int int int)
MCLLParams: -5 5 0

# Show the MCLL ajustment value to Testee.
MCLLShowvalue: no

# Sample list gives the samples and their respective ids.
# It also specifies the lenghts of needed pauses.
# The file-id and pause-id use the same name space so names
# ids must be non-overlapping.
# Order of the File: and Null: lines is irrelevant.
# File: id filename (string string)
# Null: id len (string int)
Null: pa1 pause1_lenght_in_samples
File: id1 "filename1"
Null: pa2 pause2_lenght_in_samples
File: id2 "filename2"
Null: pa3 pause3_lenght_in_samples

# Each testlogic selects which fields of testtype specific
# data it uses.

# Test configuration data for all AB derivative tests


# Time to warn testee that answering time is running out (float)
WarnTime: 7.5

# Time to answer (float). If this is 0,
# wait forever for the answer.
AnswerTime: 7.5

# Test sequence used in ab-test test derivatives
# This list arranges the playing order and pauses between
# logical testitems.
# Item: 'pause' pause_id (string string)
# Item: 'testitem' item (string string)
# All pause-id:s must be found in the Samplelist.
# Valid items are so far: A, B, C and X


Item: pause pa1
Item: testitem A
Item: pause pa2
Item: testitem B
Item: pause pa3


# Test configuration data unique to AB_SCALE test.


# Scales to be used in ab_scale, abc tests to give the
# ranking. (Parameters must currently be an integers.)
# min, max, default, tickinterval (int int int int)
# Giving 0 as tickinterval disables the tickvalues under scale.
ScaleParams: 1 5 1 0



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