Tik-76.115 Individual Project: Guinea Pig
$Id: test_items.html,v 1.1 1996/04/21 17:54:35 kepa Exp $

Test items

Test items file contains information on how samples are used together in a test. In it the tester can generate pairs or triples of samples that form the test items. The test.items file is generated by the Playlist creator. The test subject will give one answer for each test item during a test. Test items are later on used to track user responses. See the results file for more infromation.

Below is the format of the test.items file. The information recorded in the test-item is an item ID number, and a list of samples needed for the current test.

The test items are stored in file test.items in the test main directory The following example explains the format of the file. Keywords are in bold and parameters in italics. In the test items, only the additional (or otherwise important) parameters are listed. Rest of the fields are copied from the test.items list.

# File: test.items
#  Grouping of samples together to form test items
# Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored. 
# Next test items are listed. 
# ID of the test item. These ids must be of the form 'idx',
# where x is an integer.
Id: id1
# Test samples. These are for an A/B/X test
Sample: A sample1
Sample: B sample2
Sample: X sample1
# Next test item. 
# ID of the test item. These ids must be of the form 'idx',
# where x is an integer.
Id: id2
# Test samples. These are for an A/B/X test
Sample: A sample3
Sample: B sample4
Sample: X sample4

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