Guinea Pig - Overview

guinea pig n
1: a small stout-bodied short-eared nearly tailless domesticated rodent (Cavia cobaya) often kept as a pet and widely used in biological research 2: a subject of scientific research, experimentation, or testing
- Webster

The goal of the Guinea Pig project is to build a system that makes easier to create psychoacoustical listening test by taking care of some tedious routine tasks like creation of playlists. System will also automate the running of these tests. A variety of test types have been implemented including:

Additional options and features for most tests: Features of the sound player: See also: SGI Audio Features.

Traditional procedure when making listening tests is such that the tester edits and records the whole test on a DAT-tape that is then played to the test subject. The test subject listens to the test and marks his/hers answers on paper. The tester then has to enter the answers manually to a computer to analyze them. Guinea Pig eliminates the need to edit the whole test into a tape beforehand and removes the manual entering of the results. Also the test doesn't need to be the same for all subjects. The order, in which the individual test items consisting of sound samples are presented to the subject, can be arranged to be different for each session.

The first phase is the test creation where the tester selects the test type, used sound samples and other test parameters. As the result configuration files are generated that contain the parameters needed in the test.

The test is then run for each test subject and results are saved. After the tests have been performed the results can be studied, processed and analyzed with some statistical programs.

Requirements and features

The system runs on and is designed only for Silicon Graphics' workstations with IRIX 6.3 or greater.

The GP's sound player engine uses the newer SGI's Audio Library for IRIX 6.3 and up and POSIX threads (pthreads). It might be possible to make it to work on IRIX 6.2 if newer audio library were available and POSIX threads were installed.

The sound player engine handles the audio output of the GuineaPig system. It reads the sample files, mixes them together and sends the audio data to output devices. The player is written in C. A higher level Java module is provided for using the player.

Since the Sound Player uses the SGI Audio Library and the SGI Audio File Library, all supported devices and sound file formats are available. The audio devices includes the normal analog stereo outputs on most systems as well as the default or additional digital outputs up to eight digital channels on one device (ADAT). The supported audio file formats include: AIFF/AIFF-C, Next/Sun, Wave, MPEG1, raw data, and many more.

Most of the system is written in Java. Java 1.1 is required and it is freely available for download from SGI.

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