Common test parameters

Here is a table of most common test parameters used in most or all tests.

Parameter Value Description R/O
class class name A fully qualified Java class name of a class that handles the test. A class alias name (a shorter name for the class) can be used also. Req.
testDirectory directoryname The name of the test directory. All other config file names are relative to the test directory (unless they have absolute paths as filenames). If test directory is not specified, the system uses the directory where the test config file is loaded from or current directory if test config file's directory couldn't be determined. Opt.
uifile filename Name of the file that contains information needed to construct the subject UI window. The filename is relative to the test directory unless absolute. Req.
itemsfile filename Name of the file that contains test items for this test. The filename is relative to the test directory unless absolute. Req.
samplefile filename Name of the sample list file. The filename is relative to the test directory unless absolute. Req.
playlistfile filename Name of the playlist file. This is used mainly for a fixed playlist for all sessions. If you do not set this parameter, the playlists will be searched automatically from the default places. The filename is relative to the test directory unless absolute. Opt.
resultFile filename Name of the session result file where to store answers from a session. It is better you don't set this parameter, the names for result files are generated automatically. The filename is relative to the test directory unless absolute. Opt.
sequenceType sequence type The type of sample sequence played to the subject. It is either free (default) or fixed Opt.
sequence sample sequence The sample sequence played to the subject in a fixed sequence test.
* This is required if sequence type is fixed.
itemTimeout time in secs. Set timeout time and enable or disable time limits. Default: no time limits. Opt.
itemWarningTimeout time in secs. Set warning time. Default: zero. Opt.
sampleSwitching switch type Set switching type. It is either normal or parallel (default). Opt.
showPlayingSample true or false Whether to show to the subject which sample is playing currently. (default: true). Opt.
autoPlaySample param. name Which sample to automatically start playing when item starts. Used only in free sequence tests. Opt.

Soundplayer parameters

parameters for sound player. Prepend with the string 'player.' in the test config file, for example, set sample rate to 44100Hz:
See sound player parameters for more detailed information.

Parameter Value Description R/O
class guinea.player.SoundPlayer The soundplayer's java class name. For normal use, the class name of the player should be omitted. It is used only if a special player is needed. Opt.
rate sample rate Sample rate of the output. Req.
channels num. of channels Number of output channels. Req.
device audio device name The name of the audio device, for example: 'Analog Out' or 'ADAT Out'. Device 'default' will use the default device set with apanel. Opt.
buflen buffer length The length of the mixing buffer. It can be used to adjust the length of the delay in output. Opt.

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Last modified: Wed Jan 13 14:29:26 EET 1999