Running a test


gpRunTest - run a listening test.


gpRunTest -f test_config_file [-session sessionID] -subject subjectID
  [-timeout timeout] [-wtimeout warning_timeout]
  [-sequenceType free|fixed] [-sequence sequence]
  [-sampleSwitching normal|parallel]


A test is run using the gpRunTest command. It is started with options that tell it where to read the test configuration information and some other bits. See examples for how to use the command.

Usually a test goes like this:

  1. Go to the test directory.
  2. Run the test with the gpRunTest command.
    1. The test reads the parameters needed by the test (test items, samples, UI parameters), creates the subject UI window, etc.
    2. Test items are played to the subject and answers from the subject are saved.
    3. When all items have been played the results are written to a file. The file contains java objects containing copies of test items and corresponding answers from the subject. The results can be converted to a text file with result processing tools.
If an error occurs during the test, the system tries to save as much as it can (the items finished in the session).

Here are the options needed to run the test:

-f test_config_file (required)
Set the test configuration file where to read test information. This should be the first option to the RunTest program.
-session sessionID (optional)
Set the session ID of this session. If no session ID is set, a new 'unique' ID will be generated. If session-specific playlist are used, the session ID must be set explicitly (the system searches session playlists based on session IDs). Session ID should be set before the subjects are added.
-subject subjectID (required)
Add a subject to this session with ID 'subjectID'. If subject ID is NONAME, a new subject ID is generated based on the session ID of this session. Session ID should be set before the subjects are added.

In addition to those options needed to run the test there are some additional options that allow you to override some test parameters set in the configuration file. These options shouldn't be used directly, the parameters should be in the test parameter file. These option are mostly just for testing and debugging.

-timeout timeout (optional)
Set the time (in seconds) the subject has to give the answers. If set to zero, time limit will not be enforced.
See also: Timeouts
-wtimeout warning_timeout (optional)
Set the time in seconds before the timeout to warn that time is about to end. If set to zero, no warning is shown (goes directly to timeout when time ends).
See also: Timeouts
-sequenceType free | fixed (optional)
Set sequence type of test. In free the subject can freely switch between samples, in fixed a fixed sequence of samples is played.
See also: Sequences
-sequence sequence (optional)
Set sample sequence for test.
See also: Sequences
-sampleSwitching normal | parallel (optional)
Set sample swithing type in free sequence tests. In parallel a switch from one sample to another is done with a cross-fade, in normal the first sample stops and the new sample starts from beginning.
See also: Switching


First the simplest and most commonly used ways to run the test. First:
   RunTest -f -subject arnold
and second:
   RunTest -f -subject NONAME
The TESTDIR is the pathname of the test directory. The file '' is the name of the file test configuration file. A new session ID for this session is generated because session ID hasn't been set explicitly. If the first example, a single subject is used and his subject ID is 'arnold'. In the second example, setting the subject's ID to 'NONAME' will generate a new subject ID for this subject based on the session ID.

In the next example the session ID of the session is set explicitly:

  RunTest -f -session ses02 -subject NONAME
This will set the session ID to 'ses02' for this test. Also a new subject ID for the subject is generated based on the new session ID.


Tests, Timeouts, sequences, switching, results processing


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Last modified: Mon Oct 5 10:46:57 EEST 1998