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Class guinea.player.AudioPlayerInfo


public class AudioPlayerInfo
extends Object
implements Serializable, PropertyLoader

Variable Index

· buflen
Buffer length for soundplayer.
· channels
The number of channels.
· deviceName
The name of the device to use or null to use any available device.
· isVirtualPlayer
· parentPlayerName
· sampleRate
The sampling rate.
· startChannel
The index on first channel for use with virtual player.

Constructor Index

· AudioPlayerInfo()

Method Index

· getBufLen()
Get audio buffering length.
· getChannels()
Get number of channels.
· getDeviceName()
Get the name of the device.
· getParentPlayerName()
· getSampleRate()
Get sample rate of player.
· getStartChannel()
Get start channel.
· isVirtualPlayer()
· matchesPlayer(AudioPlayerInfo)
· propertyLoad(Properties, String)
· setChannels(int)
Set number of channels.
· setChannels(int, int)
Set number of channels.
· setDeviceName(String)
Set the name of the device.
· setSampleRate(double)
Set output sample rate.
· toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.


· deviceName
 public String deviceName
The name of the device to use or null to use any available device.

· channels
 public int channels
The number of channels.

· sampleRate
 public double sampleRate
The sampling rate.

· startChannel
 public int startChannel
The index on first channel for use with virtual player.

· buflen
 public int buflen
Buffer length for soundplayer.

· parentPlayerName
 public String parentPlayerName
· isVirtualPlayer
 public boolean isVirtualPlayer


· AudioPlayerInfo
 public AudioPlayerInfo()


· setSampleRate
 public void setSampleRate(double rate)
Set output sample rate.

rate - The sample rate in Hz.
· getSampleRate
 public double getSampleRate()
Get sample rate of player.

sample rate in Hz.
· setChannels
 public void setChannels(int chan)
Set number of channels. The maximum number is limited by the used.

chan - Number of channels.
· setChannels
 public void setChannels(int chan,
                         int start)
Set number of channels. The maximum number is limited by the used.

chan - Number of channels.
start - Starting channel.
· getChannels
 public int getChannels()
Get number of channels.

number of channels.
· getStartChannel
 public int getStartChannel()
Get start channel.

The start channel number.
· getDeviceName
 public String getDeviceName()
Get the name of the device.

A device name.
· setDeviceName
 public void setDeviceName(String devName)
Set the name of the device.

devName - A device name.
· getBufLen
 public int getBufLen()
Get audio buffering length.

Length of audio buffer.
· isVirtualPlayer
 public boolean isVirtualPlayer()
· getParentPlayerName
 public String getParentPlayerName()
· matchesPlayer
 public boolean matchesPlayer(AudioPlayerInfo p)
· propertyLoad
 public void propertyLoad(Properties p,
                          String name) throws IllegalArgumentException
· toString
 public String toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.

toString in class Object

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