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Class guinea.ui.TenGrade


public class TenGrade
extends GradeBar
An example of using GradeBar as a ten-grade answering component. The scale goes from 0 to 10 with one decimal and shows the grade symbolicly also ("Very unclear", "Rather unclear", "Midway", "Rather clear", "Very Clear").

Constructor Index

· TenGrade()
Construct a new ten-grade answering component with 'Clarity' as the question.
· TenGrade(String)
Construct a new ten-grade answering component with a given text as the question.


· TenGrade
 public TenGrade()
Construct a new ten-grade answering component with 'Clarity' as the question.

· TenGrade
 public TenGrade(String qtext)
Construct a new ten-grade answering component with a given text as the question.

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