Guinea Pig demo

The demo has example files for all tests currenly included in the GP system. You can run the tests to see how they work and use the example files for help for doing your own tests. See the GP System Manual for more information.

Running the demo

How to run the demo:
  1. You need to make a copy of the demo directory for you to be able to save the results to a file. To see the demo, make first a new directory, for example, in your home directory. Then enter the directory and type:

    ln -s /usr/GuineaPig/demos/demo/* .

    This will make symbolic links to the demo files in your directory.

  2. Decide which demo to run. See the list of 'test*.properties' file names. Select one of the tests.
  3. Run the demo, type




    to run the A/B test example. The is a test configuration file name. Also look at the manual about running a test.

  4. User interfaces should come up (see below if you have problems). Use buttons to play and switch between samples. Give answers to all the questions (the programs doesn't let you to go the next one until all questions have been answered).
  5. You will see a lot of debug messages.
  6. When all items have been done the program will write the results in the test directory. For printing the results, see result processing section in the manual.
Look at the configuration files, they have some comments about the file formats and it should help you to modify the tests.


Some problems you might see:
Windows don't open and you get an error with a long stacktrace
You'll probably see 'peer' in the stack trace. It probably can't find the fonts used by the UI. Try commenting out the lines having a 'font' on them in

Last modified: Tue Apr 21 10:19:27 EET DST 1998