
The VolumeGrade is an extension to the normal GradeBar which given numbers as answers. This version gives Volume objects as answers by converting GradeBar's numeric answers to Volume type in selected scale. Here is an example of a volume grade component.

[image of a VolumeGrade]

The VolumeGrade component is derived from the GradeBar component. All parameters are the same as in the GradeBar except these differences and additions:

Parameter Value Description R/O
class VolumeGrade Volume grade's class alias name. Req.
scaleType scale's type The volume scale to use. Possible values are: linear, decibel and percent. By default decibel scale is used. Opt.

The numeric minimum and maximum values and other values are in the selected scale.

Volume scale to use

By default the volume grade uses decibel scale. You can also use linear and percent scales. Select the scale to use by setting the scaleType parameter to either decibel, linear or percent. For example:
   # Use linear scale

Other parameters

Other parameters work just like in a regular GradeBar. They just operate on the numeric values instead of volume objects. To set minimum and maximum values, use plain numeric values and set the scale type as you want. For example to get volume answers from -20dB to 10dB in decibel scale, define min/max parameters like this:
   # Get decibel values from range [-20, 10] dB with one decimal
Also adjectives can be used as well as 'default answer' including random initial value.
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Last modified: Thu Jan 21 16:52:13 EET 1999