Sound Player Tester
The PlayerTester is a tool for testing the sound
player and sound samples. You can select the player parameters (such
as sample rate, channels, devices, etc.) and you can load samples and
play them.
The player tester is started with the gpPlayerTester
command with no arguments. For example:
It will bring up the main window:
Fig. 1: An example of a player tester window.
The window has two menus
Player and
Samples. They are used for
player and sample operations. Below then there is a list that shows
the samples that are currently loaded.
A Player Log Window will pop up also. It will
display debug messages from the external player and the java module.
You can close it with the close button in the top left. If you want
to see it again, select show log window
from the player menu.
Fig. 2: An example of a player tester log window.
Player menu
The player menu can be used to select the parameters of the player.
The sample rate, channels, audio device and launch mode must be set
before starting the player (launch), they cannot be changed after the
player has been started.
- Sample rate:
- Some preselected sample rates available are listed. Select
desired sample rate from the list to use that rate. Default is
- Channels:
- Select number of output channels, 1, 2, 4 or 8 are listed. The
number of channels that is available depends on the audio device
used. Default is 2.
- Audio device:
- The audio device name to use. The default is 'default' which
uses the default audio device selected with apanel. Some
devices may not be available on your system.
- Master volume:
- Set player's output level correction. Some preselected choices
are listed. The level can be set any time. Default is 0dB.
- Virtual players:
- Allocate new virtual player with specified number of channels
within a real player. The player must be running already for
this to work. Example: first start player with 8 output
channels via ADAT Out interface. Then allocate four 2-channel
virtual players. Now load several stereo samples and assign
them to various virtual players (see later).
- Launch mode:
- Select the mode that the soundplayer communicates with the
external player program. The default is 'socket'.
- Launch:
- Start the player. The player parameters must be before launch
to take effect.
- Connect:
- Connect to a player that is already running and waiting for a
connection. You usually should use launch above.
- Stop:
- Stop and quit player player.
- Quit:
- Stop and quit player program and exit PlayerTester.
- Show Log Window:
- Show log window if you have closed it.
Samples menu
The samples menu is used to load samples and combine several samples.
The menu only works after when the player has been started.
- Load Soundsample:
- Load a sound sample file. It will pop up a file selection
dialog to get the file name. It will then load the sample, add
the name of the sample to the sample list and starts a
sample window for the sample.
- Load serialized sample:
- The same as above but reads the properties from a serialized
file and loads the sample.
- Load property sample:
- The same as above but reads the properties from a text
properties file and loads the sample.
- Make parallel:
- Create a new parallel sample. First
select the samples you want to combine from the sample list and
then select 'make parallel'. A new sample window will come up.
Sample window
When sample is loaded, a new window for the sample is created:
Fig. 3: An example of a player tester sample window.
The volume of the sample can be changed with the scrollbar on the top
left. The 'start' and 'stop' button can be used to
start/stop the sample (surprise). On the bottom left is a sample
meter that shows the current position in the sample. You can jump to
any position on the sample by clicking at a position or dragging and
releasing an indicator to desired position. On bottom right is shown
which virtual player is used. The default is 'master player' which is
the real player. If virtual players have been allocated with the
player-menu, you can assign the sample to a virtual player. To unload
the sample, close the window with the close-button on the top left.
Parallel sample
A parallel sample is a sample that is a combination of several
samples. At any time only one of the samples is playing and the
others are silent. When an other sample in a parallel sample is
selected, the switch is done using a cross-fade. The window for
parallel sample is almost the same as in
regular sample window. Only the virtual
player selection is replaced a selection of samples that consist this
sample. Selecting one of the samples switches to the other sample
using a cross-fade. Here is a figure of the parallel window:
Fig. 4: An example of a player tester parallel sample window.
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Last modified: Mon May 25 16:33:44 EEST 1998