Subject UI Tester

The UITester is a tool that shows what the subject UI window looks like before using it in a test. It is useful for experimenting with the ui parameters and adding ui components and testing them. Use it with the FontTester utility for selecting the fonts.

The font tester is started with the gpUITester command with the file name of the UI properies as an argument. For example:

It will bring up the subject UI window (in this case an A/B/C test UI window:

[example image of UITester window]
Fig. 1: An example of an UI tester window.

The window will show the control and answering panels of the subject UI. All the features of subject UIs cannot yet be tester with the UITester tool (more features will be added later).

To quit, close the window using the close-button in the top left.

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Last modified: Mon May 25 14:41:47 EEST 1998