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Class guinea.awt.GPContainer


public class GPContainer
extends Container
The GPContainer extends the java's lightweight Container. It adds the option to use a 3D frame around the container and wheather the frame is raised or lowered. It also provides a fix for enabling/disabling a lightweight container.

Variable Index

· frameRaised
Is frame raised (true) or not (false).
· isFramed
Is the container framed?

Constructor Index

· GPContainer()
Construct a new container that is not framed.
· GPContainer(boolean)
Construct a new container.
· GPContainer(boolean, boolean)
Construct a new container.

Method Index

· getInsets()
Determines the insets of this container, which indicate the size of the container's border.
· isFramed()
Is the container framed?
· isFrameRaised()
Is the container's frame raised.
· paint(Graphics)
Paints the container.
· setEnabled(boolean)
Fix an error in java's setEnabled for Containers
· setFramed(boolean)
Set the container so that it has/has not have a frame.
· setFrameRaised(boolean)
Set wheather the frame is raised of not.


· frameRaised
 protected boolean frameRaised
Is frame raised (true) or not (false).

· isFramed
 protected boolean isFramed
Is the container framed?


· GPContainer
 public GPContainer()
Construct a new container that is not framed.

· GPContainer
 public GPContainer(boolean isFramed)
Construct a new container.

isFramed - if true, the container is framed.
· GPContainer
 public GPContainer(boolean isFramed,
                    boolean raised)
Construct a new container.

isFramed - if true, the container is framed.
raised - if true, the container is raised.


· setFrameRaised
 public void setFrameRaised(boolean raised)
Set wheather the frame is raised of not.

raised - if true, the container's frame is raised.
· isFrameRaised
 public boolean isFrameRaised()
Is the container's frame raised.

true if container's frame is raised.
· isFramed
 public boolean isFramed()
Is the container framed?

returns true if container has a frame.
· setFramed
 public void setFramed(boolean isFramed)
Set the container so that it has/has not have a frame.

isFramed - if true, the container has a frame.
· getInsets
 public Insets getInsets()
Determines the insets of this container, which indicate the size of the container's border.

getInsets in class Container
· paint
 public void paint(Graphics g)
Paints the container.

paint in class Container
· setEnabled
 public void setEnabled(boolean enable)
Fix an error in java's setEnabled for Containers

enable - enable or disable component.
setEnabled in class Component

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