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Class guinea.player.TimeStamp


public class TimeStamp
extends Object
implements Cloneable
A time stamp object stores three different type of times used in SGI's Digital Media libraries and systems. It stores the frame number, the UST (Unadjusted System Time) and current time values that all describe the same point in time.

See Also:
getCurrentTimeStamp, getTimeStampForFrame

Variable Index

· frame
The audio frame number.
· time
The current time time stamp.
· ust
The UST time stamp.

Constructor Index

· TimeStamp()
Contruct a new time stamp.
· TimeStamp(long)
Contruct a new time stamp with given frame number.
· TimeStamp(long, long)
Contruct a new time stamp with given frame, and UST time values.
· TimeStamp(long, long, long)
Contruct a new time stamp with given frame, UST, current time values.

Method Index

· getFrame()
· getTimeMicros()
· getTimeMillis()
· getUST()
· toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.


· frame
 protected long frame
The audio frame number.

· ust
 protected long ust
The UST time stamp.

· time
 protected long time
The current time time stamp.


· TimeStamp
 public TimeStamp()
Contruct a new time stamp.

· TimeStamp
 public TimeStamp(long frame,
                  long ust,
                  long time)
Contruct a new time stamp with given frame, UST, current time values.

frame - the frame number.
ust - the UST timestamp.
time - the current time stamp.
· TimeStamp
 public TimeStamp(long frame,
                  long ust)
Contruct a new time stamp with given frame, and UST time values.

frame - the frame number.
ust - the UST timestamp.
· TimeStamp
 public TimeStamp(long frame)
Contruct a new time stamp with given frame number.

frame - the frame number.


· getFrame
 public long getFrame()
· getUST
 public long getUST()
· getTimeMillis
 public long getTimeMillis()
· getTimeMicros
 public long getTimeMicros()
· toString
 public String toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.

toString in class Object

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