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Interface guinea.player.event.SampleListener

public interface SampleListener
extends EventListener
The listener interface for receiving sample messages. Events are sent when sample starts playing, stops or is stopped or when it loops.

Method Index

· sampleLooped(SampleEvent)
Called when sample has looped.
· sampleStarted(SampleEvent)
Called when sample has started.
· sampleStopped(SampleEvent)
Called when sample has stopped or was stopped.


· sampleStarted
 public abstract void sampleStarted(SampleEvent e)
Called when sample has started. Event's timestamp tells when sample started playing.

· sampleStopped
 public abstract void sampleStopped(SampleEvent e)
Called when sample has stopped or was stopped. Event's timestamp tells when sample stopped playing.

· sampleLooped
 public abstract void sampleLooped(SampleEvent e)
Called when sample has looped. Event's timestamp tells when sample looped and started playing from start.

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