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Class guinea.player.event.SamplePositionEvent


public class SamplePositionEvent
extends SampleEvent
Position events are sent at regular intervals when sample is playing to inform about the current position of the sample.

Variable Index

· position
Position in sample.

Constructor Index

· SamplePositionEvent(Object)
Create a new sample position event.
· SamplePositionEvent(Object, long, long)
Create a new position event with specified timestamp and position.

Method Index

· getPosition()
Get position in sample.
· toString()
Return a string representation of the event.


· position
 protected long position
Position in sample.


· SamplePositionEvent
 public SamplePositionEvent(Object source)
Create a new sample position event.

source - source of event.
· SamplePositionEvent
 public SamplePositionEvent(Object source,
                            long frame,
                            long position)
Create a new position event with specified timestamp and position.

source - source of event.
frame - timestamp of event.
position - position in sample.


· getPosition
 public long getPosition()
Get position in sample.

· toString
 public String toString()
Return a string representation of the event.

toString in class SampleEvent

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