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Interface guinea.ui.SampleMonitorInterface

public interface SampleMonitorInterface
This interface is implemented by user interface components that can be used to monitor the state of a playing sample.

Method Index

· clearMonitored()
Stop monitoring the sample.
· getMonitored()
Get the monitored sample.
· isMonitorEnabled()
Test whether monitoring is enabled.
· setMonitored(Sample)
Set sample to monitor.
· setMonitorEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable monitoring.


· setMonitored
 public abstract void setMonitored(Sample sample)
Set sample to monitor.

sample - the sample to monitor. null can be used to cancel monitoring.
· getMonitored
 public abstract Sample getMonitored()
Get the monitored sample.

· clearMonitored
 public abstract void clearMonitored()
Stop monitoring the sample. The same as setMonitored(null).

· setMonitorEnabled
 public abstract void setMonitorEnabled(boolean enable)
Enable or disable monitoring.

· isMonitorEnabled
 public abstract boolean isMonitorEnabled()
Test whether monitoring is enabled.

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