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Class guinea.ui.VolumeGradeBar


public class VolumeGradeBar
extends GradeBar
The VolumeGradeBar is an extension to the normal grader bar which given numbers as answers. This version gives Volume objects as answers by converting graderbar's numeric answers to Volume type.

Variable Index

· scale
The volume scale type to use.
· useNumberFormat
Use number format for formatting the level.

Constructor Index

· VolumeGradeBar()

Method Index

· formatMessage(Object)
Format the current grade to string for displaying grade/adjective below the scrollbar.
· getAnswer_internal()
Convert the Number value the GradeBar normally uses to a Volume object in selected volume scale type.
· getVolumeScaleType()
Get the volume scale type used in this component.
· propertyLoad(Properties, String)
· setAnswer(Object)
Set answer of question.
· setVolumeScaleType(int)
Set the volume scale type used in this component.


· scale
 protected int scale
The volume scale type to use. Default is VOLUME_DECIBEL.

See Also:
· useNumberFormat
 protected boolean useNumberFormat
Use number format for formatting the level. It is necessary if adjectives are wanted with scale. Default if false, Volume object is used.


· VolumeGradeBar
 public VolumeGradeBar()


· setVolumeScaleType
 public void setVolumeScaleType(int scale)
Set the volume scale type used in this component.

scale - The volume scale type.
See Also:
· getVolumeScaleType
 public int getVolumeScaleType()
Get the volume scale type used in this component.

A volume scale type.
See Also:
· getAnswer_internal
 protected Object getAnswer_internal()
Convert the Number value the GradeBar normally uses to a Volume object in selected volume scale type.

A volume object.
getAnswer_internal in class GradeBar
See Also:
scale, Volume
· setAnswer
 public void setAnswer(Object answer)
Set answer of question. If the answer is a Volume object, it is converted to a Number using the selected scale.

answer - The answer as a guinea.player.Volume. A java.lang.Number and a null are also possible.
setAnswer in class GradeBar
See Also:
· formatMessage
 protected String formatMessage(Object value)
Format the current grade to string for displaying grade/adjective below the scrollbar.

value - The value to format.
formatMessage in class GradeBar
· propertyLoad
 public void propertyLoad(Properties p,
                          String name) throws IllegalArgumentException
propertyLoad in class GradeBar

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