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Class guinea.ui.event.ValueChangedEvent


public class ValueChangedEvent
extends UIEvent
The ValueChanged events are sent by the UI clients to the test main program to inform the program about value changes in the subject UI components such as giving the answer as a scale or selecting the preferred sample. Also these events are used to change values in the UI components by the test program (such as setting the initial value).

See Also:

Variable Index

· value
The new changed value.

Constructor Index

· ValueChangedEvent(Object, String, Object)
Construct a new value change event

Method Index

· getValue()
Get value from event.


· value
 protected Object value
The new changed value.


· ValueChangedEvent
 public ValueChangedEvent(Object source,
                          String name,
                          Object value)
Construct a new value change event

source - the source object
name - name of the changed variable or parameter
value - the new value


· getValue
 public Object getValue()
Get value from event.

the changed value

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