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Interface guinea.ui.remote.ProcessRemoteCommand

public interface ProcessRemoteCommand

Variable Index

This command processor object is a client end of a remote object.
This command processor object is both a client and server end of a remote object.
This command processor object is a server end of a remote object.

Method Index

· getRemoteName()
· getRemotePipe()
· getRemoteType()
· isRemoteClient()
· isRemoteServer()
· processRemoteCommand(RemoteCommand, RemotePipe)
· setRemoteName(String)
· setRemotePipe(RemotePipe)


 public static final int REMOTE_SERVER
This command processor object is a server end of a remote object.

 public static final int REMOTE_CLIENT
This command processor object is a client end of a remote object.

 public static final int REMOTE_CLIENT_SERVER
This command processor object is both a client and server end of a remote object.


· processRemoteCommand
 public abstract void processRemoteCommand(RemoteCommand command,
                                           RemotePipe pipe)
· setRemotePipe
 public abstract void setRemotePipe(RemotePipe pipe)
· setRemoteName
 public abstract void setRemoteName(String objectName)
· getRemotePipe
 public abstract RemotePipe getRemotePipe()
· getRemoteName
 public abstract String getRemoteName()
· getRemoteType
 public abstract int getRemoteType()
· isRemoteClient
 public abstract boolean isRemoteClient()
· isRemoteServer
 public abstract boolean isRemoteServer()

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