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Class guinea.util.ExpandPath


public class ExpandPath
extends Object
A class that expands variables in string as in UNIX-shell variable expansion.

Variable Index

· defVars
· undefinedVar

Constructor Index

· ExpandPath()
· ExpandPath(Dictionary)

Method Index

· addExpandHook(ExpandPathHook)
· callHooks(String, Dictionary)
· expand(String)
· expand(String, Dictionary)
· expand(String, Dictionary, ParsePosition, char)
· expandVar(String, Dictionary)
· getNextChar(String, ParsePosition)
· getVarValue(String, Dictionary)
· isEmpty(String)
Test whether a string is empty.
· main(String[])
· removeExpandHook(ExpandPathHook)


· undefinedVar
 public static final Object undefinedVar
· defVars
 protected Dictionary defVars


· ExpandPath
 public ExpandPath()
· ExpandPath
 public ExpandPath(Dictionary vars)


· expand
 public String expand(String path)
· expand
 public String expand(String path,
                      Dictionary vars)
· expand
 protected String expand(String path,
                         Dictionary vars,
                         ParsePosition pos,
                         char endChar)
· getVarValue
 protected String getVarValue(String varName,
                              Dictionary vars)
· callHooks
 protected String callHooks(String varName,
                            Dictionary vars)
· expandVar
 protected String expandVar(String varName,
                            Dictionary vars)
· isEmpty
 protected static final boolean isEmpty(String s)
Test whether a string is empty.

s - String to test.
True if s is null or the length of s is zero. Otherwise returns false.
· getNextChar
 protected char getNextChar(String str,
                            ParsePosition pos)
· addExpandHook
 public synchronized void addExpandHook(ExpandPathHook hook)
· removeExpandHook
 public synchronized boolean removeExpandHook(ExpandPathHook hook)
· main
 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception

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