The previous versions of GP (pre 2.03) there were different test item classes that were used for different tests. They all have now been replaced with a single generic item class. Also defining, extending and configuring test items have been made easier and more powerful. For most part the test items file format is the same as before, except that the class parameter (which told the test item class to use) should be omitted.
However, the old files should still work for some time but it is recommeded that the files are converted to new format for better compatibility to future versions.
# Item 'item1' # which sample is the A sample item1.A=pirr44 # which sample is the B sample item1.B=pirr32 # Item 'item2' # which sample is the A sample item2.A=pirr16 # which sample is the B sample item2.B=pirr12The file contains two test items whose item IDs are 'item1' and 'item2'. Each have two parameters A and B.
See each test type's documentation for the needed item parameters for that test.