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Class guinea.awt.AdjustmentEvent


public class AdjustmentEvent
extends AdjustmentEvent
An improvement to the AWT's AdjustmentEvent. The event can indicate whether this adjustment event was the first or the last in a series of adjustments (mouse moves a scrollbar knob while holding the button pressed down) in addition to just showing that a value has changed.

Variable Index

First TRACK event in a series of events.
Last TRACK event in a series of events.
A TRACK event between the first and last adjustment event.

Constructor Index

· AdjustmentEvent(Adjustable, int, int, int)
Constructs a AdjustmentEvent object with the specified Adjustable source, type, and value.
· AdjustmentEvent(Adjustable, int, int, int, int)
Constructs a AdjustmentEvent object with the specified Adjustable source, type, value and tracking type.

Method Index

· getTrackType()
Get the tracking type of this event.


 public static final int TRACK_FIRST
First TRACK event in a series of events. Sent when the user presses down the mouse button to move the adjuster.

 public static final int TRACK_TRACK
A TRACK event between the first and last adjustment event.

 public static final int TRACK_LAST
Last TRACK event in a series of events. Sent when the user releases the mouse button to indicate that the adjustment has been completed.


· AdjustmentEvent
 public AdjustmentEvent(Adjustable source,
                        int id,
                        int type,
                        int value)
Constructs a AdjustmentEvent object with the specified Adjustable source, type, and value.

source - the Adjustable object where the event originated
id - the event type
type - the adjustment type
value - the current value of the adjustment
· AdjustmentEvent
 public AdjustmentEvent(Adjustable source,
                        int id,
                        int type,
                        int value,
                        int tracktype)
Constructs a AdjustmentEvent object with the specified Adjustable source, type, value and tracking type.

source - the Adjustable object where the event originated
id - the event type
type - the adjustment type
value - the current value of the adjustment
tracktype - the tracking type of this event.


· getTrackType
 public int getTrackType()
Get the tracking type of this event.

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