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Class guinea.logic.SessionLog


public class SessionLog
extends Object
implements Serializable
SessionLog objects contains information about the session. The session ID, test starting and ending time, the MCL level for this session and the results given by the user.

Variable Index

· itemsFilename
The file name of the items file.
· playerID
Session's default player ID.
· playlistFilename
The file name of the playlist file.
· samplesFilename
The file name of the sample-list file.
· testConfigFilename
The file name of the test configuration file.
· testDirectory
The test directory's pathname.
· uiFilename
The file name of the ui configuration file.

Constructor Index

· SessionLog()

Method Index

· addResult(Item)
Add a result item to the session's results list.
· addResults(Enumeration)
Add the results from an enumeration to this session's result list.
· addResults(Vector)
Add the results from a vector to this session's result list.
· clearResults()
Remove all results from session's result list.
· getDefaultPlayerID()
· getEndTime()
Get the ending time of session.
· getItemsFilename()
· getMCLLevel()
Get the session's MCL level.
· getPlaylistFilename()
· getResults()
Get the results of the session as an Enumeration.
· getResultsVector()
Get the results of the session as a Vector.
· getSamplesFilename()
· getSessionID()
Get session identifier of this session.
· getStartTime()
Get the starting time of session.
· getTestConfigFilename()
Get the test's config file name.
· getTestDirectory()
Get the test directory's path name.
· getTestError()
Get the Exception that caused the test to fail.
· getUIFilename()
· paramString()
· setDefaultPlayerID(String)
· setEndTime(long)
Set the Ending time of session.
· setItemsFilename(String)
· setMCLLevel(Volume)
Set the session's MCL level.
· setPlaylistFilename(String)
· setResults(Vector)
Set the results vector for this session.
· setSamplesFilename(String)
· setSessionID(String)
Set session identifier of this session.
· setStartTime(long)
Set the starting time of session.
· setTestConfigFilename(String)
Set the test's config file name.
· setTestDirectory(String)
Set the test directory's path name.
· setTestError(Exception)
Log the Exception that caused the test to fail.
· setUIFilename(String)
· toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.


· testDirectory
 protected String testDirectory
The test directory's pathname.

· testConfigFilename
 protected String testConfigFilename
The file name of the test configuration file.

· samplesFilename
 protected String samplesFilename
The file name of the sample-list file.

· playlistFilename
 protected String playlistFilename
The file name of the playlist file.

· uiFilename
 protected String uiFilename
The file name of the ui configuration file.

· itemsFilename
 protected String itemsFilename
The file name of the items file.

· playerID
 protected String playerID
Session's default player ID.


· SessionLog
 public SessionLog()


· getSessionID
 public String getSessionID()
Get session identifier of this session.

the session ID.
· setSessionID
 public void setSessionID(String id)
Set session identifier of this session.

id - the session ID.
· getMCLLevel
 public Volume getMCLLevel()
Get the session's MCL level.

the session's MCL level.
· setMCLLevel
 public void setMCLLevel(Volume level)
Set the session's MCL level.

level - the session's MCL level.
· setStartTime
 public void setStartTime(long time)
Set the starting time of session.

time - the starting time.
See Also:
currentTimeMillis, Date
· setEndTime
 public void setEndTime(long time)
Set the Ending time of session.

time the starting time.
See Also:
currentTimeMillis, Date
· getStartTime
 public long getStartTime()
Get the starting time of session.

the starting time.
See Also:
currentTimeMillis, Date
· getEndTime
 public long getEndTime()
Get the ending time of session.

the ending time.
See Also:
currentTimeMillis, Date
· getResultsVector
 public Vector getResultsVector()
Get the results of the session as a Vector. The elements are Items.

a Vector of results.
See Also:
· getResults
 public Enumeration getResults()
Get the results of the session as an Enumeration. The elements are Items.

an Enumeration of results.
See Also:
· clearResults
 public synchronized void clearResults()
Remove all results from session's result list.

· setResults
 public synchronized void setResults(Vector results)
Set the results vector for this session.

results - the new results object that replaces the session's current results vector.
· addResult
 public synchronized void addResult(Item result)
Add a result item to the session's results list.

result - a result to add.
· addResults
 public void addResults(Vector res)
Add the results from a vector to this session's result list.

res - the results to be added.
· addResults
 public synchronized void addResults(Enumeration e)
Add the results from an enumeration to this session's result list.

e - the results to be added.
· getTestError
 public Exception getTestError()
Get the Exception that caused the test to fail.

an exception.
· setTestError
 public void setTestError(Exception ex)
Log the Exception that caused the test to fail.

ex - an exception.
· setTestDirectory
 public void setTestDirectory(String path)
Set the test directory's path name.

path - A path name.
· getTestDirectory
 public String getTestDirectory()
Get the test directory's path name.

The path name of the test directory.
· setTestConfigFilename
 public void setTestConfigFilename(String path)
Set the test's config file name.

path - A file name.
· getTestConfigFilename
 public String getTestConfigFilename()
Get the test's config file name.

A file name.
· setSamplesFilename
 public void setSamplesFilename(String path)
· getSamplesFilename
 public String getSamplesFilename()
· setPlaylistFilename
 public void setPlaylistFilename(String path)
· getPlaylistFilename
 public String getPlaylistFilename()
· setUIFilename
 public void setUIFilename(String path)
· getUIFilename
 public String getUIFilename()
· setItemsFilename
 public void setItemsFilename(String path)
· getItemsFilename
 public String getItemsFilename()
· setDefaultPlayerID
 public void setDefaultPlayerID(String id)
· getDefaultPlayerID
 public String getDefaultPlayerID()
· paramString
 protected String paramString()
· toString
 public String toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.

toString in class Object

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