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Class guinea.logic.TestHelp


public class TestHelp
extends Object
A help class for working with tests. This class provides methods for loading and initializing a test object.

Constructor Index

· TestHelp()

Method Index

· getTestAliases()
Get the properties that contains aliases for class names used in test's components.
· loadPropertyItems(Properties, Dictionary, String, Dictionary)
· loadPropertyItems(String, Dictionary, String, Dictionary)
· loadTest(String)
Load a test from a config file.
· loadTest(String, String)
Load a test from a config file.


· TestHelp
 public TestHelp()


· loadTest
 public static Test loadTest(String configFilename) throws Exception
Load a test from a config file.

configFilename - File name of the test's config file.
The loaded test object.
Throws: Exception
An exception is thrown if loading the test fails.
· loadTest
 public static Test loadTest(String configFilename,
                             String name) throws Exception
Load a test from a config file.

configFilename - File name of the test's config file.
name - A name for the test object. Not really used currently.
The loaded test object.
Throws: Exception
An exception is thrown if loading the test fails.
· getTestAliases
 public static Properties getTestAliases()
Get the properties that contains aliases for class names used in test's components.

A properties object.
· loadPropertyItems
 public static BindingVector loadPropertyItems(String filename,
                                               Dictionary templates,
                                               String defClassName,
                                               Dictionary classAliases) throws Exception
· loadPropertyItems
 public static BindingVector loadPropertyItems(Properties itemsProps,
                                               Dictionary templates,
                                               String defClassName,
                                               Dictionary classAliases) throws Exception

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