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Class guinea.ui.BaseGrader


public abstract class BaseGrader
extends Container
implements AdjustmentListener, QuestionInterface, ControlInterface, PropertyLoader
BaseGrader is a base class for UI components that implement a continuous scale with an adjustable component (slider, scrollbar, etc.). A sub-class defines which component exactly is used to implement adjustement.

The minimum and maximum values of the grade can be specified as well as number of decimal places and possible "anchors".

See Also:
LineScale, GradeBar

Variable Index

· answered
Is question answered.
· bar
The adjustable component.
· barComp
The adjustable AWT Component object.
· cfp
A ChoiceFormat pattern for displaying adjectives.
· controlCommand
The control command name that is sent in the control event if this component is acting as a controller.
· dec
A multiplier used internally to scale floating point grades to integers that the adjustable component uses.
· decimals
Number of decimals in the grade.
· defaultAnswer
The default answer.
Default answer is the midpoint of minimum and maximum.
Default answer is a random point between the minimum and maximum.
Default answer is set explicitly.
· defaultAnswerRandomMax
Maximum of grade's random initial value.
· defaultAnswerRandomMin
Minimum of grade's random initial value.
· defaultAnswerType
The type of the default answer.
· dfp
Formatting pattern for formatting numeric grade display.
· isControl
Is this component used as a control component.
· isQuestion
Is this component used as a question component.
· lab
The label that is used to display the current grade and/or the adjective.
· maxVal
Maximum value of the grade.
· mf
Message formatting object for generating the grade/adjective display.
· mfp
The message formatting pattern of the 'mf' variable.
· minVal
Minimum value of the grade.
· qid
Question ID of this component.
· showLabels
Show labels (grade and/or adjective)? Default is true.
· showValue
Whether to show the numeric grade to the subject.
· text
Text of the question.
· tl
Label used to display the question text.
· value
Current value of the grade.

Constructor Index

· BaseGrader()
Create a new grade bar with default grade parameters and no question.
· BaseGrader(double, double, int)
Create a new grade bar with given parameters.
· BaseGrader(double, double, int, String)
Create a new grade bar with given parameters.
· BaseGrader(String)
Create a new grade bar with default grade parameters.

Method Index

· addAnswerListener(AnswerListener)
Add a listener that is interested to receive answer events.
· addControlListener(ControlListener)
Add a control listener to receive events from this control component.
· adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent)
Handle adjustment events from the adjustable component.
· d2i(double)
· formatMessage(double)
Format the current grade to string for displaying grade/adjective below the scrollbar.
· formatMessage(Object)
Format the current grade to string for displaying grade/adjective below the scrollbar.
· getAdjustable()
· getAdjustable(Component)
· getAdjustableComponent()
· getAnswer()
Get answer for question.
· getAnswer_internal()
Return the answer object for this component.
· getControlValue()
Get the value of this controller.
· getDecimals()
Get number of decimals in the scale.
· getGradeMessageFormat()
Get the message formatting object that is used to create the grade/adjective display below the scrollbar.
· getMaximum()
Get the maximum value of grade.
· getMinimum()
Get the minimum value of grade.
· getPreferredSize()
Returns the preferred size of this container.
· getQuestion()
Get the text of the question.
· getQuestionFont()
Get font of the question text.
· getQuestionID()
Get the ID of the question.
· i2d(int)
· init()
· initAdjustable(Adjustable)
· isAnswered()
See if an aswer has been given.
· isControlEnabled()
Test whether control is enabled or disabled.
· isQuestionEnabled()
Test whether question is enabled or disabled.
· paint(Graphics)
Paint component.
· pos2value(int)
Convert an adjustable's value to a grade.
· propertyLoad(Properties, String)
· removeAnswerListener(AnswerListener)
Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives control motion events from this component.
· removeControlListener(ControlListener)
Remove a control listener so that control events are no longer sent to that listener.
· reset()
Reset question to default answer and/or to unanswered state.
· setAdjustableValues()
Update values for the adjustable component.
· setAdjustableValues(int)
Update values for the adjustable component.
· setAnswer(Object)
Set answer of question.
· setChoiceFormat(String)
Set the choice format for showing an adjective corresponding to a grade using a pattern.
· setControlEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable control component.
· setControlValue(Object)
Set the value of this controller.
· setDecimals(int)
Set number of decimals to show and return in answer.
· setEnabled(boolean)
Fix an error in java's setEnabled for Containers
· setGradeFormat(String)
Set the number formatting pattern for formatting the numeric grade if custom grade message format is used.
· setGradeMessageFormat(Format)
Set custom message formatting pattern used for formatting the grade/adjective label.
· setGradeMessageFormat(String)
Set custom message formatting pattern used for formatting the grade/adjective label.
· setMaximum(double)
Set maximum value of grade.
· setMinimum(double)
Set minimum value of grade.
· setMinMax(double, double)
Set minimum and maximum of the scale.
· setPreferredHeight(int)
· setPreferredWidth(int)
· setQuestion(String)
Set the text of the question.
· setQuestionEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable question component.
· setQuestionFont(Font)
Set font of the question text.
· setQuestionID(String)
Set the ID of this question.
· value2pos(double)
Convert a grade to an adjustable's value.


· bar
 protected Adjustable bar
The adjustable component.

See Also:
· barComp
 protected Component barComp
The adjustable AWT Component object. This component is used to display the adjustable component. Usually they are the same object, but it may be different.

See Also:
· value
 protected transient int value
Current value of the grade. This is the value that is used as the position in the adjustable component. This has to be converted to the actual answer object before sending it out.

· minVal
 protected double minVal
Minimum value of the grade. Default is 0.0.

· maxVal
 protected double maxVal
Maximum value of the grade. Default is 5.0.

· decimals
 protected int decimals
Number of decimals in the grade. If zero, integer values are returned, otherwise, doubles are returned. Default is one decimal.

· dec
 protected int dec
A multiplier used internally to scale floating point grades to integers that the adjustable component uses. This is calculated as 10^decimals.

See Also:
· lab
 protected Label lab
The label that is used to display the current grade and/or the adjective.

· text
 protected String text
Text of the question.

· tl
 protected Label tl
Label used to display the question text.

See Also:
· answered
 protected transient boolean answered
Is question answered.

· qid
 protected String qid
Question ID of this component.

· showValue
 protected boolean showValue
Whether to show the numeric grade to the subject. Default is true.

· showLabels
 protected boolean showLabels
Show labels (grade and/or adjective)? Default is true.

· isQuestion
 protected boolean isQuestion
Is this component used as a question component. Default is true.

See Also:
· isControl
 protected boolean isControl
Is this component used as a control component. Default is false.

See Also:
· controlCommand
 protected String controlCommand
The control command name that is sent in the control event if this component is acting as a controller.

See Also:
· mf
 protected Format mf
Message formatting object for generating the grade/adjective display.

· mfp
 protected String mfp
The message formatting pattern of the 'mf' variable.

· cfp
 protected String cfp
A ChoiceFormat pattern for displaying adjectives.

· dfp
 protected String dfp
Formatting pattern for formatting numeric grade display.

 public static final int DEFAULTANSWER_MIDDLE
Default answer is the midpoint of minimum and maximum.

 public static final int DEFAULTANSWER_RANDOM
Default answer is a random point between the minimum and maximum.

 public static final int DEFAULTANSWER_SET
Default answer is set explicitly.

· defaultAnswerType
 protected int defaultAnswerType
The type of the default answer. The default is DEFAULTANSWER_MIDDLE.

See Also:
· defaultAnswer
 protected double defaultAnswer
The default answer. This is used if default answer type is DEFAULTANSWER_SET.

See Also:
· defaultAnswerRandomMax
 protected double defaultAnswerRandomMax
Maximum of grade's random initial value.

· defaultAnswerRandomMin
 protected double defaultAnswerRandomMin
Minimum of grade's random initial value.


· BaseGrader
 public BaseGrader()
Create a new grade bar with default grade parameters and no question.

· BaseGrader
 public BaseGrader(String qtext)
Create a new grade bar with default grade parameters.

qtext - Text of question.
· BaseGrader
 public BaseGrader(double minVal,
                   double maxVal,
                   int decimals)
Create a new grade bar with given parameters.

minVal - minimum value of grade.
maxVal - maximum value of grade.
decimals - number of decimals.
· BaseGrader
 public BaseGrader(double minVal,
                   double maxVal,
                   int decimals,
                   String qtext)
Create a new grade bar with given parameters.

minVal - minimum value of grade.
maxVal - maximum value of grade.
decimals - number of decimals.
qtext - text of question.


· init
 protected void init()
· getAdjustableComponent
 public abstract Component getAdjustableComponent()
· getAdjustable
 public Adjustable getAdjustable(Component c)
· getAdjustable
 public Adjustable getAdjustable()
· initAdjustable
 public void initAdjustable(Adjustable adj)
· setMinimum
 public void setMinimum(double minVal)
Set minimum value of grade.

minVal - minimum value of grade.
· getMinimum
 public double getMinimum()
Get the minimum value of grade.

minimum value of grade.
· setMaximum
 public void setMaximum(double maxVal)
Set maximum value of grade.

maxVal - maximum value of grade.
· getMaximum
 public double getMaximum()
Get the maximum value of grade.

maximum value of grade.
· setMinMax
 protected void setMinMax(double minVal,
                          double maxVal)
Set minimum and maximum of the scale.

minVal - Minimum value of scale.
maxVal - Maximum value of scale.
· setAdjustableValues
 protected void setAdjustableValues()
Update values for the adjustable component. This sets the current value, minimum and maximum of the scale, and unit and block increments for the adjustable. The current value is taken from the value parameter.

· setAdjustableValues
 protected void setAdjustableValues(int value)
Update values for the adjustable component. This sets the current value, minimum and maximum of the scale, and unit and block increments for the adjustable.

value - The current position value (position) for the adjustable component.
· setDecimals
 public synchronized void setDecimals(int decimals)
Set number of decimals to show and return in answer.

decimals - number of decimals or 0 if no decimals wanted.
· getDecimals
 public int getDecimals()
Get number of decimals in the scale.

The number of decimals used in scale.
· getGradeMessageFormat
 public Format getGradeMessageFormat()
Get the message formatting object that is used to create the grade/adjective display below the scrollbar. The formatter expects the numeric grade given as the first argument given to the formatter ({0} in the pattern).

A message formatting object.
See Also:
mf, mfp, dfp, cfp
· setGradeMessageFormat
 public void setGradeMessageFormat(Format format)
Set custom message formatting pattern used for formatting the grade/adjective label.

format - A formatting pattern. The grade is passed as the {0} argument to the formatter.
· setGradeMessageFormat
 public void setGradeMessageFormat(String format)
Set custom message formatting pattern used for formatting the grade/adjective label.

format - Message formatting pattern. The grade is passed as the {0} argument to the formatter.
See Also:
· setGradeFormat
 public void setGradeFormat(String format)
Set the number formatting pattern for formatting the numeric grade if custom grade message format is used.

format - A java.text.DecimalFormat pattern.
See Also:
DecimalFormat, setGradeMessageFormat
· setChoiceFormat
 public void setChoiceFormat(String pattern)
Set the choice format for showing an adjective corresponding to a grade using a pattern.

pattern - Formatting pattern used to display adjectives.
See Also:
ChoiceFormat, applyPattern
· formatMessage
 protected String formatMessage(Object value)
Format the current grade to string for displaying grade/adjective below the scrollbar.

value - The value to format.
· formatMessage
 protected String formatMessage(double value)
Format the current grade to string for displaying grade/adjective below the scrollbar.

value - The value to format.
· i2d
 protected double i2d(int i)
· d2i
 protected int d2i(double d)
· pos2value
 protected double pos2value(int pos)
Convert an adjustable's value to a grade.

pos - A value received from the adjustable component.
Value converted to a grade.
· value2pos
 protected int value2pos(double value)
Convert a grade to an adjustable's value.

value - A grade to convert to adjustable's value.
The grade converted to a value that can be given to the adjustable component.
· paint
 public void paint(Graphics g)
Paint component. Currently just calls super's paint() method.

paint in class Container
· adjustmentValueChanged
 public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e)
Handle adjustment events from the adjustable component.

e - An adjustment event.
· setQuestionEnabled
 public void setQuestionEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enable or disable question component.

enabled - Use true to enable, false to disable the question.
· isQuestionEnabled
 public boolean isQuestionEnabled()
Test whether question is enabled or disabled.

true if question is enabled, false if not.
· getAnswer
 public Object getAnswer()
Get answer for question. This method calls the getAnswer_internal() method to get the actual object to return.

the answer object (usually as java.lang.Number) or null if question hasn't been answered.
· getAnswer_internal
 protected Object getAnswer_internal()
Return the answer object for this component. In the case of BaseGrader, the answers are numbers but other types could also be used. If number of decimals is 0, returns a java.lang.Integer, otherwise returns a java.lang.Double.

An Java Object.
· setAnswer
 public void setAnswer(Object answer)
Set answer of question.

answer - the answer as a java.lang.Number. null clears answer (question becomes unanswered. Same as reset().
· reset
 public void reset()
Reset question to default answer and/or to unanswered state.

· isAnswered
 public boolean isAnswered()
See if an aswer has been given.

true if user has given an answer.
· setQuestion
 public void setQuestion(String question)
Set the text of the question.

question - text of the question.
· getQuestion
 public String getQuestion()
Get the text of the question.

text of the question.
· setQuestionID
 public void setQuestionID(String id)
Set the ID of this question.

id - ID label of question.
· getQuestionID
 public String getQuestionID()
Get the ID of the question.

ID label of the question.
· setQuestionFont
 public void setQuestionFont(Font f)
Set font of the question text.

f - An AWT font object.
· getQuestionFont
 public Font getQuestionFont()
Get font of the question text.

An AWT font object.
· addAnswerListener
 public synchronized void addAnswerListener(AnswerListener listener)
Add a listener that is interested to receive answer events.

listener - A listener.
· removeAnswerListener
 public synchronized void removeAnswerListener(AnswerListener listener)
Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives control motion events from this component.

listener - A control listener.
· setControlEnabled
 public void setControlEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enable or disable control component.

enabled - Use true to enable, false to disable the controller.
· isControlEnabled
 public boolean isControlEnabled()
Test whether control is enabled or disabled.

true if controller is enabled, false if not.
· setControlValue
 public void setControlValue(Object value)
Set the value of this controller. Can be used to set initial value of controlled variable.

value - the value to set.
· getControlValue
 public Object getControlValue()
Get the value of this controller. Can be used to get initial value of controlled variable.

value - The value to get.
· addControlListener
 public void addControlListener(ControlListener listener)
Add a control listener to receive events from this control component.

listener - a listener
· removeControlListener
 public void removeControlListener(ControlListener listener)
Remove a control listener so that control events are no longer sent to that listener.

listener - a listener
· setEnabled
 public void setEnabled(boolean enable)
Fix an error in java's setEnabled for Containers

enable - enable or disable component.
setEnabled in class Component
· getPreferredSize
 public Dimension getPreferredSize()
Returns the preferred size of this container.

getPreferredSize in class Container
· setPreferredWidth
 protected void setPreferredWidth(int width)
· setPreferredHeight
 protected void setPreferredHeight(int height)
· propertyLoad
 public void propertyLoad(Properties p,
                          String name) throws IllegalArgumentException

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