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Class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe


public class RemotePipe
extends Object
implements Runnable

Variable Index

· verbose

Constructor Index

· RemotePipe(ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream)
Create a new remote pipe.
· RemotePipe(Socket)
Create a new remote pipe.

Method Index

· close()
Close the remote pipe.
· doCommand(RemoteCommand)
Do a remote command.
· getNewSerial()
Allocate a new serial number for a command.
· isPipeOpen()
Test whether the pipe is open.
· printerr(int, String)
· processCommand(RemoteCommand)
· receiveCommandReply(int)
Get a remote command reply for a command with a given serial number.
· receiveMessage()
Get an object that has been sent to this pipe.
· receiveMessageWait()
Get an object that has been sent to this pipe.
· removeProcessorCommand(String)
· run()
· sendCommand(RemoteCommand)
Send a remote command.
· sendMessage(Object)
Send an object to the pipe.
· sendReply(RemoteCommandReply)
Send a remote command reply.
· setProcessorCommand(String, ProcessRemoteCommand)
· startServer()
Start remote pipe.
· waitEnd()
Wait for the remote pipe to be closed.


· verbose
 public static final int verbose


· RemotePipe
 public RemotePipe(Socket socket) throws IOException
Create a new remote pipe.

socket - the socket used to talk with remote end.
Throws: IOException
cannot create object output/input from the socket.
· RemotePipe
 public RemotePipe(ObjectInputStream revc,
                   ObjectOutputStream send)
Create a new remote pipe.

revc - An ObjectInputStream used to receive messages.
send - An ObjectOutputStream used to send messages.
Throws: IOException
cannot create object output/input from the socket.


· printerr
 public static final void printerr(int pri,
                                   String message)
· startServer
 public synchronized void startServer()
Start remote pipe. Creates a thread that reads messages from the pipe and dispatches commands to receivers.

· run
 public void run()
· close
 public synchronized void close() throws InterruptedException
Close the remote pipe.

Throws: InterruptedException
An exception may be thrown if waiting for the closing of the pipe was interrupted.
· waitEnd
 public synchronized void waitEnd() throws InterruptedException
Wait for the remote pipe to be closed.

Throws: InterruptedException
An exception may be thrown if waiting for the closing of the pipe was interrupted.
· isPipeOpen
 public synchronized boolean isPipeOpen()
Test whether the pipe is open.

true if pipe is open and active.
· sendMessage
 public void sendMessage(Object message)
Send an object to the pipe.

message - an object to send to remote end.
· receiveMessage
 public Object receiveMessage()
Get an object that has been sent to this pipe. If no messages have been received, returns null.

an object received by the pipe or null if no unprocessed messages have been received.
· receiveMessageWait
 public Object receiveMessageWait() throws InterruptedException
Get an object that has been sent to this pipe. This is same as receiveMessage() but waits until one message becomes available.

an object received by the pipe.
Throws: InterruptedException
if wait was interrupted.
· receiveCommandReply
 public RemoteCommandReply receiveCommandReply(int serial)
Get a remote command reply for a command with a given serial number.

serial - the serial number of the command that we are waiting the reply for.
a remote command reply for the command with the given serial number.
· getNewSerial
 public synchronized int getNewSerial()
Allocate a new serial number for a command.

a unique command serial number for use with this pipe.
· sendCommand
 public int sendCommand(RemoteCommand c)
Send a remote command.

c - the remote command to send.
the serial number of this command. If no serial number was set in the command, a new serial number is allocated and returned.
· sendReply
 public void sendReply(RemoteCommandReply c)
Send a remote command reply.

c - the remote command reply.
· doCommand
 public RemoteCommandReply doCommand(RemoteCommand c)
Do a remote command. Sends the command, waits for a reply for the command and returns it.

c - the command to send.
a reply to the command.
· setProcessorCommand
 public synchronized void setProcessorCommand(String target,
                                              ProcessRemoteCommand p)
· removeProcessorCommand
 public synchronized ProcessRemoteCommand removeProcessorCommand(String target)
· processCommand
 public void processCommand(RemoteCommand com)

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