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Class guinea.util.Logger


public class Logger
extends Object
A class that is used to save various messages of the GP system. Different levels of 'severety' of the events are provided. A different logging level is provided separately for log file in console.

Variable Index

· consoleLogLevel
· defaultVerbosity
Default verbosity level.
· defFacilityName
· levelStrings
Logging levels as strings.
· logFileName
· logFormat
· logPattern
Text formatting pattern for logging to a file.
· logScreenFormat
· logScreenPattern
Text formatting pattern for logging to console.
· logWriter

Constructor Index

· Logger()

Method Index

· brief(String)
· closeLog()
Close log file.
· debug(String)
· finalize()
Finalize logger object.
· flog(String, int, Exception)
Log an exception to log.
· flog(String, int, String)
Log message to log.
· flush()
Flush logging file.
· getLevel()
· getLevel(String)
· isLogged(String, int)
· log(String, int, Exception)
Log message to log.
· log(String, int, String)
Log message to log.
· logError(Exception)
Log an exception to log.
· logError(String)
Log a message to log.
· logError(String, Exception)
Log an exception to log.
· logError(String, String)
Log a message to log.
· main(String[])
· normal(String)
· setConsoleLogLevel(int)
· setConsoleLogLevel(String)
· setLogFile(String)
Set file name of logging file and open it for writing.
· setLogLevel(int)
· setLogLevel(String)
· setLogLevel(String, int)
· setLogLevels(Properties)
· setVerbosity(int)
· setVerbosity(String)
· silent(String)
· stringToLevel(String)
· verbose(String)
· veryverbose(String)
· warning(String)


· levelStrings
 protected static final String levelStrings[]
Logging levels as strings.

 public static final int ERROR
 public static final int LOGLEVEL_ERROR
 public static final int SILENT
 public static final int LOGLEVEL_SILENT
 public static final int WARNING
 public static final int BRIEF
 public static final int LOGLEVEL_BRIEF
 public static final int NOTICE
 public static final int NORMAL
 public static final int LOGLEVEL_NORMAL
 public static final int VERBOSE
 public static final int LOGLEVEL_VERBOSE
 public static final int VERYVERBOSE
 public static final int LOGLEVEL_VERYVERBOSE
 public static final int DEBUG
 public static final int LOGLEVEL_DEBUG
· logPattern
 protected String logPattern
Text formatting pattern for logging to a file. Parameter 0 is the date, parameter 1 is the severity level as a number, and parameter 2 is the 'facility' that send this report. The text of the report is appended at the end of this header.

· logScreenPattern
 protected String logScreenPattern
Text formatting pattern for logging to console. This is same as the file log pattern but without the time and date. .

· logFormat
 protected MessageFormat logFormat
· logScreenFormat
 protected MessageFormat logScreenFormat
· defaultVerbosity
 protected int defaultVerbosity
Default verbosity level. The default is NORMAL.

· defFacilityName
 protected String defFacilityName
· logFileName
 protected String logFileName
· logWriter
 protected transient PrintWriter logWriter
· consoleLogLevel
 protected int consoleLogLevel


· Logger
 public Logger()


· setVerbosity
 public void setVerbosity(int level)
· setLogLevel
 public void setLogLevel(int level)
· setVerbosity
 public void setVerbosity(String level)
· setLogLevel
 public void setLogLevel(String level)
· setConsoleLogLevel
 public void setConsoleLogLevel(String level)
· setConsoleLogLevel
 public void setConsoleLogLevel(int level)
· setLogLevels
 public void setLogLevels(Properties p)
· setLogLevel
 public void setLogLevel(String facility,
                         int level)
· stringToLevel
 protected int stringToLevel(String level)
· getLevel
 public int getLevel(String facility)
· getLevel
 public int getLevel()
· isLogged
 public boolean isLogged(String facility,
                         int level)
· debug
 public final boolean debug(String facility)
· verbose
 public final boolean verbose(String facility)
· veryverbose
 public final boolean veryverbose(String facility)
· brief
 public final boolean brief(String facility)
· normal
 public final boolean normal(String facility)
· silent
 public final boolean silent(String facility)
· warning
 public final boolean warning(String facility)
· log
 public boolean log(String facility,
                    int level,
                    String msg)
Log message to log.

facility - Who sent (which module, etc.) sent this message. If null, default facility is used.
level - Logging level of this message (severity).
msg - Message to save to log.
True if this message was saved to log, false if not.
· log
 public boolean log(String facility,
                    int level,
                    Exception ex)
Log message to log.

facility - Who sent (which module, etc.) sent this message. If null, default facility is used.
level - Logging level of this message (severity).
ex - An exception to print to the log.
True if this message was saved to log, false if not.
· flog
 public void flog(String facility,
                  int level,
                  String msg)
Log message to log. This is a fast version that doesn't check whether the message should be logged. This is usually used to force logging a message or the need for logging was just checked earlier in current block, for example. The log() methods use this method after they have determined that this message should be saved.

facility - Who sent (which module, etc.) sent this message. If null, default facility is used.
level - Logging level of this message (severity).
msg - Message to save to log.
· flog
 public void flog(String facility,
                  int level,
                  Exception ex)
Log an exception to log. This is a fast version that doesn't check whether the message should be logged. This is usually used to force logging a message or the need for logging was just checked earlier in current block, for example. The log() methods use this method after they have determined that this message should be saved.

facility - Who sent (which module, etc.) sent this message. If null, default facility is used.
level - Logging level of this message (severity).
ex - An exception to print to the log. The stack trace of the exception is printed.
· logError
 public void logError(String facility,
                      Exception ex)
Log an exception to log. This version does not check whether the message should be logged (errors generally should be saved anyway).

facility - Who sent (which module, etc.) sent this message. If null, default facility is used.
ex - An exception to print to the log. The stack trace of the exception is printed.
· logError
 public void logError(String facility,
                      String msg)
Log a message to log. This version does not check whether the message should be logged (errors generally should be saved anyway).

facility - Who sent (which module, etc.) sent this message. If null, default facility is used.
msg - Message to save to log.
· logError
 public void logError(String msg)
Log a message to log. This version does not check whether the message should be logged (errors generally should be saved anyway). Default facility is used as the facility.

msg - Message to save to log.
· logError
 public void logError(Exception ex)
Log an exception to log. This version does not check whether the message should be logged (errors generally should be saved anyway). Default facility is used as the facility.

ex - An exception to print to the log. The stack trace of the exception is printed.
· setLogFile
 public synchronized void setLogFile(String name) throws IOException
Set file name of logging file and open it for writing.

name - File name of logging file.
Throws: IOException
If an error happened opening log file.
· closeLog
 public synchronized void closeLog()
Close log file. A message about file being closed is saved to file and the file is flushed and closed.

· flush
 public synchronized void flush()
Flush logging file.

· finalize
 protected void finalize() throws Throwable
Finalize logger object. This closes the log if it is still open.

Throws: Throwable
If an exception is thrown for some reason. Generally, this should not happen.
finalize in class Object
See Also:
· main
 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception

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