A/B Test

In an A/B Test two samples are compared. The test subject chooses one out of two samples played to him/her as the answer. The question can be for example: 'Which of the samples sounds better?'.

Here is a list of parameters needed by the test. This table lists only the parameters that have some special information about parameters or that override or adds new parameters to the common test parameters list.

Parameter Value Description R/O
class AB A class alias (AB) or a fully qualified java class name (guinea.logic.ABTest) of the class that handles the A/B test. Req.

Test item parameters

Test items for A/B test have two parameters A and B which are sample IDs of the samples which are compared.

Parameter Value Description R/O
A sample ID Sample ID of sample A. Req.
B sample ID Sample ID of sample B. Req.

Here is an example of an A/B test item:

   # which sample is the A sample
   # which sample is the B sample
The item's itemID is 'item1'.


As a result the subject's answer is recorded. It is either 'A' or 'B' (which was better, etc.).
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Last modified: Wed Jan 20 11:16:08 EET 1999