
The TenGrade is an example of using GradeBar as a ten-grade answering component. The scale goes from 0 to 10 with one decimal and shows the grade symbolicly also ("Very unclear", "Rather unclear", "Midway", "Rather clear", "Very Clear"). Here is an example of a ten-grade component.

[image of a TenGrade]

The FiveGrade component is derived from the GradeBar component. It simply defines the the scale from [0.0,10.0] with one decimal and the adjectives. Equivalent component can be done with a GradeBar only. Here is a list of parameters that are used for the five-grade bar:

Parameter Value Description R/O
class guinea.ui.TenGrade Java class name of ten-grade bar. Req.
question text The question shown to subject. Req.
questionfont font name The font used for question text. Opt.
showValue true or false Whether to show the current value to the subject. Default is true. Opt.

Example of defining a TenGrade component

Here is an example of how to implement the TenGrade bar shown above:
   # Example of a TenGrade question component
   q2.question=Clarity of sample A

Implementing a FiveGrade with a GradeBar

The FiveGrade can be also implemented with the GradeBar only. Here is a sample how to create an equivalent component that was shown above:
   # Example of emulating a TenGrade with a GradeBar
   q2.question=Clarity of sample A
   q2.choiceformat=0.0#Very unclear|2.0#Rather unclear|4.0#Midway|6.0#Rather clear|8.0#Very Clear

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Last modified: Thu Dec 9 19:13:24 EET 1999