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These pages are partially incomplete.
Reseachers to be added:
Stefan Werner, B2
Vassil Dimitrov, C3
Researchers to be modified:
Hassan El-Sallabi, A1
Wei Zhang, A1
Jahangir Sarker, C1
Jarno Tanskanen, C3
Please e-mail comments and corrections to
Measurement system development; Kimmo Kalliola
Directional 2D measurements at base station; Kimmo Kalliola
Directional 3D measurements at mobile station; Kimmo Kalliola
High-resolution measurement at base station; Kimmo Kalliola
Modeling and characterization of radio wave propagation in microcellular environment; El-Sallabi Hassan
Channel measurements and modeling; Wei Zhang
Antenna arrays and diversity; Keijo Nikoskinen
Mutual coupling in antenna arrays; Ilkka Salonen
Parameter extraction; Javier Sanz
Adaptive array strucuters and their evaluation; Pasi Suvikunnas
Antenna elements; Veli Voipio
MAST 1996 - 1997
Modeling of nonideal system components; Mauri HonkanenRASI 1994 - 1995
Microcellular propagation modelling with ray tracing (as a part of microcellular WCDMA system simulator development); Mauri Honkanen
Equalization of sparse channels; Jari Mattila
Multistage soft interference cancellation for CDMA systems; Jari Mattila
Implementation of fast algortihms for multiple-antenna CDMA systems; Ramin Baghaie
Signal Processing for multiple-antenna WCDMA systems; Petri Karttunen
Multiuser receivers and channel coding; Kimmo Kettunen
System Integration of Smart Antennas into Wireless Network; Adrian Boukalov
GPRS-GSM; Shaoji Ni
Jahangir Sarker
Capacity calculation for CDMA network planning; Kalle Ruttik
Power control; Riku Jäntti
Energy efficient power control; Riku Jäntti
Combined power control and transmission rate management; Riku Jäntti
Power control algorithms; Zekeriya Uykan
Power Control; Iuliana Virtej
Predictive power control & Prediction of received power; Jarno Tanskanen
Fixed-point polynomial predictors; Jarno Tanskanen
MAST 1996 - 1997
Predictive closed loop power control; Jarno Tanskanen
Neural predictors for received power prediction; Jarno Tanskanen
RASI 1994 - 1995
Received power prediction; Jarno Tanskanen