June 9 - 11, 2004
How to Get to the NORSIG 2004 Venue
By taxi from the Helsinki Airport to the Congress and Seminar Centre Meripuisto in Espoo.
- Normal taxi (in Finnish)
from outside of the Airport, costs 40 euros to Meripuisto.
To order by phone, call 0100 0700.- Yellow Line Airport Taxi
There is a desk at the Airport where you should register. There can be also other persons at the same taxi, but it is cheaper than the normal taxi, only 30 euros to Meripuisto.
To order by phone, call 0600 555 555.
The Congress and Seminar Centre Meripuisto is located in Espoo, street address: Tyrskyvuori 4.
To get to the Congress and Seminar Centre Meripuisto car, or by bus from Helsinki, please click here.
There is a big construction site by the Helsinki Bus Terminal, so the bus platforms have been redistributed. The map of the relevant platform distribution is here.
Transportation Links NEW LINKS ADDED!
- Journey Planner of the Helsinki Region
Input the desired date and time, and use a map to define your starting point and destination, or input the address(es), and get a list of busses, etc., which to take.- Espoo Map Service
- Tourist Map of Helsinki and the Metropolitan Area
- Bus Time Tables, Travel Card, etc.
- Trains
This page is maintained by URL: Updated June 15, 2004.