Publications of M.Sc. Martin Makundi

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Books and Book Chapters
International Journal Papers
International Conference Papers

Books and Book Chapters



  1. M. Makundi, Efficient Implementation of Variable Thiran Allpass Fractional Delay Filters for Synchronization in Communications, M.Sc. Thesis 2001.

International Journal Papers

  1. M. Makundi, T.I. Laakso, and V. Välimäki, "Efficient tunable IIR and allpass filter structures," Electronics Letters, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 344-345, 15 March 2001.
  2. Xiaojing Zhang, M. Makundi, and T. I. Laakso, "Closed-Form Design of Digital Fractional-Delay Filters with Constant Magnitude and Tunable Delay," submitted to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II.

International Conference Papers

  1. M. Makundi, A. Hjørungnes, and T. I. Laakso, "An Interpolation-Based High-Precision Frequency Acquisition Method for OFDM Systems," in Proceedings of The IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference November 2005.
  2. Z. Xiaojing, T. I. Laakso, and M. Makundi, "Variable Fractional-Delay Filter Design with Delay-Independent Magnitude," in The 13th European Signal Processing Conference Antalya, Turkey, September 2005.
  3. M. Makundi, A. Hjørungnes, and T. I. Laakso, "An Interpolation-Based Frequency-Synchronization Scheme for OFDM Systems," in The VI IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications New York, USA, June 2005.
  4. M. Makundi, T.I. Laakso, and A. Hjørungnes, "Iterative Symbol Synchronization Using Variable IIR and FIR Fractional-Delay Filters with Arbitrary Oversampling Ratios," in Proceedings of The 1st International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, pp. 105-109, Mauritius, September 2004.
  5. M. Makundi, T.I. Laakso, and A. Hjørungnes, "Generalized Symbol Synchronization Using Variable IIR and FIR Fractional-Delay Filters with Arbitrary Oversampling Ratios," in ICASSP 2004 IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing, vol. 2, pp. II-405-8, Montreal, Canada, May 2004.
  6. M. Makundi and T.I. Laakso, "Efficient symbol synchronization techniques using variable FIR or IIR interpolation filters," in ISCAS 2003 The 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, vol. 3, pp. 570-573, 25-28 May, 2003.
  7. M. Makundi, T.I. Laakso, and Yaohui Liu, "Asynchronous implementation of transient suppression in tunable IIR filters," DSP 2002 The 14th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, vol. 2, pp. 815-818, 1.-3.7.2002.
  8. M. Makundi, V. Välimäki, and T.I. Laakso, "Closed-form design of tunable fractional-delay allpass filter structures," ISCAS 2001 The 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, vol. 4, pp. 434-437, 2001.


  1. M. Makundi, A. Hjørungnes, and T. I. Laakso, "Interpolation-Based Carrier Frequency Offset Synchronization in OFDM Systems," in SMARAD Research Seminar, 8.4.2005.
  2. M. Makundi and A. Sihvola, "Frequency dependence of the permittivity of water-alcohol mixtures," Sähkömagnetiikka, 9. national seminar, 26.8.1999.
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