Undergraduate Courses

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S-88.211 Signal Processing in Telecommunications I
S-88.212 Signal Processing in Telecommunications II

S-88.211 Signal Processing in Telecommunications I

Matched filter, Nyquist criterion, raised cosine filtering, general design of pulse shaping filters for transmitter and receiver. Linear equalizer, decision-feedback equalizers transmitter precoding. Zero-forcing and minimum mean square error equalizer. Adaptive equalizer implementation. Optimal maximum likelihood reception, Viterbi algorithm. Echo cancellation. Practical examples of applications to signal processing of mobile communications and digital subscriber lines.

Course homepage.

S-88.212 Signal Processing in Telecommunications II

Receiver functions continued (from S-88.211), particularly synchronization and channel estimation issues. This course can also be taken as a postgraduate course, provided that you give a presentation or do some extra work. The credits will be evaluated based on the actual work done. Please contact the lecturer for further information.

Course homepage.
