Version: 11-10-04
Christof Faller and Juha Merimaa
The set of functions included in this toolbox implements the model for source localization presented in:
C. Faller and J. Merimaa, "Source localization in complex listening situations: Selection of binaural cues based on interaural coherence", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 116, No. 5, November 2004.
We plan to regularly update the toolbox. If you have suggestions for improvement please contact one of the authors.
* = these two functions are originally from the Auditory Toolbox from Malcolm Slaney
Usage examples
The example program example1.m runs the cue selection at critical bands with a specific center frequency. The results can be shown in different ways:
[1] C. Faller and J. Merimaa, "Source localization in complex listening situations: Selection of binaural cues based on interaural coherence", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 116, No. 5, November 2004.
The following functions are part of the Cue Selection Toolbox. For more detailed information type help xxx in Matlab, where xxx is the function name.
function ild_itd_ic:
Applies model of auditory periphery and computes ITD, ILD, and IC cues for one critical band pair (left and right ears).
function biasdev_c0:
Computes ITD or ILD bias and standard deviation for one specific cue selection threshold c0.
function biasdev_c0_N:
Computes ITD or ILD bias and standard deviation for a range of cue selection thresholds c0.
function c0_pwr:
Iteratively computes the cue selection threshold c0 such that the selected cues represent a desired fraction of the total signal power.
function c0_dev:
Iteratively computes the cue selection threshold c0 such that the selected cues have a desired ITD or ILD standard deviation.
function pdf_c0:
Computes the probability density function (PDF) of cues obtained with the cue selection with a specific c0.
function plot_pdf:
Plot ITD and ILD probability density functions.
function plot_time_select:
Plot the results of the cue selection in the time-domain.
function pwr_c0:
Computes the fraction of power that respresents the selected cues for a specific cue selection threshold c0.
Modified: Nov. 10, 2004