Tik-76.115 Individual Project: Guinea Pig
$Id: architecture.html,v 2.1 1996/04/22 14:17:33 hynde Exp $

Test Logic - Architecture

The Test Logic is implemented in Python using an object oriented approach to hide as much of the raw communication events behind objects as possible. After the initialization phase Test Logic is an event driven system driven by the packets it receives through its communication channels. It also contains the code to do decisions that are needed when the test is in progress. For example, in the audiometry test it will be responsible for the selection of the playing parameters for the sample to be played next based on the testee responses.

Most of the test logic is implemented in two python modules. Module gpTestLogic defines the test subject information and the test object which controls the whole test procedure. Module gpTestItems defines the test item classes. In addition, there is the gpTestAnalysis module which is closely related to gpTest objects and is used in result prosessing.

In addition the following modules are used: gpSoundPlayer module for controlling the SoundPlayer, Testee UI modules, config_parser and file_parser for reading files, and various standard puthon modules.

1 · Classes and objects

1.1 · Test subject information

The objects of class gpTestSubject contain information about the test subject (elsewhere referred as testee). The object contains the information specified in the personal_info. It also contains information about the results file, such as the filename and the file object of the logfile when it is open.

1.2 · The Test object

When the logic module starts, a new instance of the gpTest class is created. This test object contains the information needed to perform the test. The parameters of the test are read from the test.config file. The information contained in the test object such tidbits as: samples, configuration information, the sound player object, GUIserver and the test items.

The test is performed by calling the appropiate methods of the test object.

1.3 · The Test item objects

The class gpTestItem is the base class for the different test item types. Generally each test type (such as A/B, A/B/C, etc.) will have a derived class that handles one item of that test type. In the A/B test one item is such that it plays a pair of samples and then waits for the subject's answer.

Information contained in the base class includes things such as: ID of the test item, samples used in that item, the answer the subject gave, etc.

2 · Operation

When the test program is started it first creates a new test object (class gpTest). Then the test object's methods are used to load the test configuration information. Then the samples are loaded (after connecting to the player program), test items are created from the information in the items list and the connection to the GUI server is established.

When all necessary information is loaded the test may begin. First the most comfortable listening level is set by the subject (or a predefined value is used if the subject is not allowed to set the level). Next the test item sequence is run one item at a time and finally the results are logged in the results file.

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