Tik-76.115 Individual Project: Guinea Pig
$Id: logic_classes.html,v 1.2 1996/03/04 14:19:16 kepa Exp $

Testee UI - Test Logic process classes

This document describes the classes that implement Testee UI functionality used in Test Logic process.

General overview

Parts of Testee UI functionality run in three different processes. The Test Logic process contains stub routines to hide the details of interprocess communication from the Testee UI user. When Test Logic asks for a GUI, the GUI Server process starts another process. The started process is a GUI of the type requested by the Test Logic. The Test Logic will then open a communication channel to communicate with this GUI process. The GUI process implements the GUI testee sees on his/her screen. Here's the general process and communication framework. (Things described in this document are drawn in black):


Classes and interfaces

The Test Logic process contains gui_client class, which is responsible for handling socket communications, and routines common to all gui types. See python interfaces for information on how to use this class from the Test Logic programmers perspective.

The other classes used are the different guiname_gui classes. These classes implement the functionality unique to the GUI type in question. Mostly they call the gui_client class to handle sending and receiving messages for them.


In the example above the is an A/B Test GUI stub class instance ab_gui which has a gui_client object instance to handle most of the work for it.

Communication protocols used

Use the GUI server protocol documentation to find out about the communication protocol used between the Test Logic and GUI server processes.

Use the GUI protocol documentation to find out about the communication protocols used between the Test Logic and GUI server processes.

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