Tik-76.115 Individual Project: Guinea Pig
$Id: protocols.html,v 1.6 1996/04/22 07:31:33 kepa Exp $
Testee UI - Communication protocols
This document describes the communication protocols used inside
Testee UI
General overview
The Testee UI has parts in three different processes. This document
describes the communication between two of those processes: the GUI process
and the Test Logic process. Here's the communication framework.
(Things described in this document are drawn in black):
Communication method used
The GUI process communicates with the Test Logic process with a communications
socket called GUINEAPIG_TESTEE_GUI_SOCKET. When the GUI Server process starts
up the GUI process, it tells with command line parameters to GUI process
which socket to use. This information is then used by the Test Logic process
to open a connection to the socket in question.
The protocol used between Test Logic process and GUI process is a simple
text based protocol. The protocol is line based and protocol messages are
separeted from each other by the newline ('\n') character. The basic
protocol message consist of a command with some number of parameters.
Whitespace characters are used between command and arguments. Here is an example:
Here the protocol command is PLAYING, there is a space between the first
parameter and the command, and the first parameter is A. The GUI process
can also send responses to the Test Logic process using the same protocol. Here's
an example of a user giving grades to samples in A/B Scale Test:
SCALES 825929884.412597 2 4\n
This simple text based protocol was chosen because it is easy to debug
interactively using text-based tools. It is also pretty simple to
Communication protocol index
Testee UI Architecture
Testee UI Index
Document index
Guinea Pig