Tik-76.115 Individual Project: Guinea Pig
$Id: vol_interface.html,v 1.3 1996/04/21 18:53:30 kepa Exp $

Testee UI - Volume GUI Communication protocol

This document describes the communication protocols used between Test Logic process and GUI process to implement Volume GUI.

Protocol messages sent to GUI process

Here is the list of protocol messages sent to GUI process. The type of the parameter is in parenthesis. The command and parameters are separated by whitespace and each command line ends with a newline character ('\n').
ARM min(int) max(int) default(int) tick(int)

ARM command tells GUI to configure itself with given values. It also enables the user to move the volume slider and accept the volume level with the OK button. min is the min volume that can be given, max is the maximum volume that can be given, start is the volume that the slider starts from, tick tells what is the spacing between ticks under the slider (use 0 for no ticks).

CLOSE command tells GUI process to exit, closing communication socket and GUI window during the process.

Protocol messages sent by GUI process

Here is the list of protocol messages sent by GUI process. The type of the parameter is in parenthesis. The command and parameters are separated by whitespace and each command line ends with a newline character ('\n').
EVENT timestamp(float) SLIDERVAL sliderval(int)
ANSWER timestamp(float) SLIDEROK sliderval(int)

The GUI process will send any number of EVENT SLIDERVAL messages followed by a single ANSWER SLIDEROK message when the user pushes the OK button.

EVENT SLIDERVAL message means testee moved the volume slider. The current value of the volume slider is returned in the sliderval parameter.

ANSWER SLIDEROK message means testee pushed the OK button. The final value of the volume slider is returned in the sliderval parameter.

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