Tik-76.115 Individual Project: Guinea Pig
$Id: documentation.html,v 1.1 1996/04/22 19:59:04 hynde Exp $

About the Documentation

Before you read the documentation, first see some comments we have written about it:

When the end was near and there was still too much work to do, we had to set priorities to the unfinished parts. With documentation, it was decided that providing reasonably good user manuals have priority over the detailed documentation of the inner workings of the system (which the course seems to demand, although we are not sure as the instructions are quite hazy on the subject). Also, we consider the source code to be its own documentation, particularly with python code which is quite easy to read. The code also contains lots of comments explaining the workings of the system. However, within the time constraints, as much information as possible has been written to aid the extension of the system where it is most likely, namely the Test Logic and GUIs.

Emphasis on user manuals

In the documentation the emphasis is on the parts that the user (the tester) mostly comes in contact with, namely the User Manuals. In the User Manuals the user can find the instructions needed to use the various modules of the system and information about the system's files and directory structures.

Organization of the manual

As described above, the User Manual contains the information needed to use the system.

The System Manual Main Index is the list of all documentation. The list is organized so that when going down the list the information becomes more and more low level and the less the user has to know about it. The lists under the section titles are not always complete, usually only main points are listed. The section titles take you to a more detailed index about the selected topic.

Information about system internals and extending the system

The inner life of all the modules has been documented in varying amount of detail. More information is provided in Test Logic's documentation. Also the Sound Player section has instructions on porting the player to different audio device. See Testee UI documentation for help with GUIs.

In HTML, where available

The documentation has been written directly in HTML (HyperText Markup Language) 2.0 with some HTML 3.0 and Netscape features (actually it is designed for Netscape 2.0 or greater). However, care has been taken to make sure that the documents and pages are readable on most browsers. Most of the documents have been tested with Netscape 2.0/3.0b, Lynx and sometimes with Arena and the docs should look fine on any of those. NCSA Mosaic's table handling is pretty much broken on the versions we have seen so avoid using it. if you can turn tables off, it should look pretty OK.
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