Tik-76.115 Individual Project: Guinea Pig
$Id: index_usermanual.html,v 1.8 1996/04/22 18:44:54 hynde Exp $

Guinea Pig: User Manual

The Guinea Pig system is used to create a variety of different psychoacoustical listening tests. It also automates the running of those tests. Tester will also have some kind of monitoring ability over the test currently running.

The Guinea Pig system is built in Guinea Pig project. The aim of this manual is to give sufficient information on how to use the Guinea Pig system. For further information on the implementation and technical issues, see System Manual: Overview

User Manual Index

The following index is arranged so that the information concerning teh test creator, the tester and the testee, can find the information they need to accomplish their tasks.

· Guinea Pig · Document index ·