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Class guinea.logic.GenericTest


public class GenericTest
extends Test
implements PropertyLoader

Variable Index

· autoPlaySample
The sample to play automatically when item starts.
· fadeLength
The length of crossfade in free parallel sample swithing.
· fadeType
The type of crossfade, default is 'linear'.
· played
· playName
· sampleComb
· sampleHash
· showSamplePlaying
Whether to show to the subject which sample is currently playing.

Constructor Index

· GenericTest()

Method Index

· endItemSamples()
Unload and remove sample objects that were needed with this item.
· endItemSamples_base()
· endItemSamples_free()
· endItemSamples_seq()
· getSampleSwitchingFadeLength()
Get the length of crossfade.
· getSampleSwitchingFadeType()
Get the cross-fade type.
· hasListenedSamples()
· initItem()
Initialize current item.
· initItemSamples()
Load and create sample objects for playing.
· initItemSamples_base()
· initItemSamples_free()
· initItemSamples_seq()
· propertyLoad(Properties, String)
· runItem()
Run the current item.
· runSequence()
Run the sample sequence.
· samplePlay(String)
· setSampleSwitchingFadeLength(double)
Set the length of the crossfade from one sample to another.
· setSampleSwitchingFadeType(String)
Set the cross-fade type.


· sampleComb
 protected transient ParallelSamples sampleComb
· sampleHash
 protected transient Hashtable sampleHash
· autoPlaySample
 protected String autoPlaySample
The sample to play automatically when item starts.

· played
 protected KeyCounter played
· playName
 protected String playName
· showSamplePlaying
 protected boolean showSamplePlaying
Whether to show to the subject which sample is currently playing.

· fadeLength
 protected double fadeLength
The length of crossfade in free parallel sample swithing.

· fadeType
 protected String fadeType
The type of crossfade, default is 'linear'.


· GenericTest
 public GenericTest()


· setSampleSwitchingFadeType
 public void setSampleSwitchingFadeType(String fadeType)
Set the cross-fade type.

fadeType - the type of fade.
See Also:
· getSampleSwitchingFadeType
 public String getSampleSwitchingFadeType()
Get the cross-fade type.

the type of the cross-fade.
See Also:
· setSampleSwitchingFadeLength
 public void setSampleSwitchingFadeLength(double fadeLength)
Set the length of the crossfade from one sample to another.

fadeLength - the length of fade in seconds.
See Also:
· getSampleSwitchingFadeLength
 public double getSampleSwitchingFadeLength()
Get the length of crossfade.

the length of crossfade in seconds.
See Also:
· initItem
 protected void initItem() throws Exception
Initialize current item. Loads samples, reset answers, init gui.

Throws: Exception
an exception is thrown if item initialization fails for some reason.
initItem in class Test
· runSequence
 protected void runSequence() throws InterruptedException
Run the sample sequence.

Throws: InterruptedException
an exception is thrown if sequence was interrupted for some reason .
runSequence in class Test
· runItem
 protected void runItem() throws InterruptedException
Run the current item. This method is run at the start of item after it has been initialized when using free sequence.

Throws: InterruptedException
an exception is thrown if sequence was interrupted for some reason .
runItem in class Test
· initItemSamples_base
 protected void initItemSamples_base() throws Exception
· initItemSamples
 protected void initItemSamples() throws Exception
Load and create sample objects for playing. Information about samples are read from the information about the current item.

Throws: Exception
initialization of samples may throw a exception if something went wrong.
initItemSamples in class Test
· initItemSamples_free
 protected void initItemSamples_free() throws Exception
· initItemSamples_seq
 protected void initItemSamples_seq() throws Exception
· endItemSamples_base
 protected void endItemSamples_base()
· endItemSamples
 protected void endItemSamples()
Unload and remove sample objects that were needed with this item.

endItemSamples in class Test
· endItemSamples_free
 protected void endItemSamples_free()
· endItemSamples_seq
 protected void endItemSamples_seq()
· hasListenedSamples
 protected boolean hasListenedSamples()
· samplePlay
 protected void samplePlay(String name)
· propertyLoad
 public void propertyLoad(Properties p,
                          String name) throws IllegalArgumentException
propertyLoad in class Test

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