All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


a. Variable in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventMulticaster
ABItem(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.ABItem
Create a new Item.
abortTest(ControlEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIAdapter
User has pressed the 'Abort' button to abort the test.
abortTest(ControlEvent). Method in interface guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIListener
User has pressed the 'Abort' button to abort the test.
abortTest(ControlEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.event.UIEventMulticaster
ABRefItem(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.ABRefItem
Create a new Item.
ABRefTest(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.ABRefTest
ABscaleFTest(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.ABscaleFTest
ABSubjectUI(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Construct a new subject UI window.
ABSubjectUI(Properties). Constructor for class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Construct a new subject UI window.
ABSubjectUI(String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Construct a new subject UI window.
ABTest(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.ABTest
acceptsConnections(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.PlayPanel
Handle events for this object.
add(AnswerListener, AnswerListener). Static method in class guinea.ui.event.UIEventMulticaster
Adds component-listener-a with component-listener-b and returns the resulting multicast listener.
add(ControlListener, ControlListener). Static method in class guinea.ui.event.UIEventMulticaster
add(Object). Method in class guinea.awt.ComponentGroup
add(Object). Method in class guinea.util.Queue
Add an object to the end of the queue.
add(Object, boolean). Method in class guinea.awt.EnableGroup
add(Object, ComponentGroupEntry). Method in class guinea.awt.ComponentGroup
add(PlayerDiagnosticsListener, PlayerDiagnosticsListener). Static method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventMulticaster
add(PlayerListener, PlayerListener). Static method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventMulticaster
add(SubjectUIListener, SubjectUIListener). Static method in class guinea.ui.event.UIEventMulticaster
addAdjustmentListener(AdjustmentListener). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
addAnswerListener(AnswerListener). Method in class guinea.ui.CheckboxChoice
Add a listener that is interested to receive answer events.
addAnswerListener(AnswerListener). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Add a listener that is interested to receive answer events.
addAnswerListener(AnswerListener). Method in interface guinea.ui.QuestionInterface
Add a listener that is interested to receive answer events.
addAnswerListener(AnswerListener). Method in class guinea.ui.RankQuestion
Add a listener that is interested to receive answer events.
addControlListener(ControlListener). Method in class guinea.ui.ControlButton
Adds the specified control listener to receive control events from this component.
addControlListener(ControlListener). Method in interface guinea.ui.ControlInterface
Add a control listener to receive events from this control component.
addControlListener(ControlListener). Method in class guinea.ui.DoneButton
Adds the specified control listener to receive control events from this component.
addControlListener(ControlListener). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Add a control listener to receive events from this control component.
addControlListener(ControlListener). Method in class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog
Adds the specified control listener to receive control events from this component.
addControlListener(ControlListener). Method in class guinea.ui.PlayPanel
Adds the specified control listener to receive control events from this component.
addElement(String, Object). Method in class guinea.util.BindingVector
addInternal(EventListener, EventListener). Static method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventMulticaster
Returns the resulting multicast listener from adding listener-a and listener-b together.
addInternal(EventListener, EventListener). Static method in class guinea.ui.event.UIEventMulticaster
Returns the resulting multicast listener from adding listener-a and listener-b together.
addItem(String, Item). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
addListener(). Method in class guinea.util.EventQueue
Called as the first thing in all sub-classes' add*Listener methods.
addOptions(int). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Turn on some sample options.
addPlayerDiagnosticsListener(PlayerDiagnosticsListener). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Add a player diagnostics listener.
addPlayerDiagnosticsListener(PlayerDiagnosticsListener). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Adds the specified player listener to receive events from this player.
addPlayerListener(PlayerListener). Method in interface guinea.player.Player
Adds the specified player listener to receive events from this player.
addPlayerListener(PlayerListener). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Add a player listener.
addPlayerListener(PlayerListener). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Adds the specified player listener to receive events from this player.
addResult(Item). Method in class guinea.logic.SessionLog
Add a result item to the session's results list.
addResults(Enumeration). Method in class guinea.logic.SessionLog
Add the results from an enumeration to this session's result list.
addResults(Vector). Method in class guinea.logic.SessionLog
Add the results from a vector to this session's result list.
addSampleListener(SampleListener). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Adds the specified sample listener to receive sample event from this sample.
addSamplePositionListener(SamplePositionListener). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Adds the specified sample position listener to receive position events from this sample.
addSamplePositionListener(SamplePositionListener). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Adds the specified sample position listener to receive position events from this sample.
addSamplePositionListener(SamplePositionListener). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Adds the specified sample position listener to receive position events from this sample.
addSequenceItem(int, String). Method in class guinea.logic.Sequence
addSequenceItem(SequenceItem). Method in class guinea.logic.Sequence
addSequenceItem(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Sequence
addSubject(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Add a test subject to the test.
addSubject(String, SubjectUI). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Add a test subject to the test with a specific subject UI block.
addSubjectUIListener(SubjectUIListener). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Adds the specified control listener to receive control events from this component.
addSubjectUIListener(SubjectUIListener). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Add a SubjectUI listener to receive events from this UI.
addSubjectUIListener(SubjectUIListener). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Add a SubjectUI listener to receive events from this UI.
AdjustmentControlEvent(Object, int, Number). Constructor for class guinea.ui.event.AdjustmentControlEvent
Constructs a AdjustmentControlEvent object with the specified source, type and value.
AdjustmentControlEvent(Object, int, String, Number). Constructor for class guinea.ui.event.AdjustmentControlEvent
Constructs a AdjustmentControlEvent object with the specified source, type, value and command.
adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
AName. Variable in class guinea.logic.ABItem
Sample ID of the test sample A.
AName. Variable in class guinea.logic.ARefItem
Sample ID of the test sample A.
AName. Variable in class guinea.logic.GenericItem
Sample ID of the test sample A.
AName. Variable in class guinea.logic.SSItem
Sample ID of the test sample A.
answer. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCTrial
The answer to this trial, true if subject heard the difference or whatever.
AnswerEvent(Object, String, Object). Constructor for class guinea.ui.event.AnswerEvent
Construct a new answer event.
answerGiven(AnswerEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
answerGiven(AnswerEvent). Method in interface guinea.ui.event.AnswerListener
Called when an answer is received.
answerGiven(AnswerEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog
answerGiven(AnswerEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIAdapter
Called when an answer is received.
answerGiven(AnswerEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.event.UIEventMulticaster
Handles the componentResized event by invoking the componentResized methods on listener-a and listener-b.
answerName. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
The question ID used to log the answer.
applyPattern(String). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderFormat
Set the formatting pattern.
applyPattern(String). Method in class guinea.player.VolumeFormat
Set the formatting pattern to use for formatting numeric value.
areAllRanksGiven(). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
Tell whether all labels have been ranked.
ARefItem(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.ARefItem
Create a new Item.
args. Variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandGeneric
argument. Variable in class guinea.ui.event.ControlEvent
A argument for the command.
AUDIO. Static variable in class guinea.player.event.FrameDropEvent
Audio framedrop type.
AudioPlayerInfo(). Constructor for class guinea.player.AudioPlayerInfo
autoPlaySample. Variable in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
The sample to play automatically when item starts.


b. Variable in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventMulticaster
Binding(Object). Constructor for class guinea.util.Binding
Construct a new binding with a given value.
Binding(String). Constructor for class guinea.util.Binding
Construct a new binding with a given name.
Binding(String, Object). Constructor for class guinea.util.Binding
Construct a new binding with a given name and value.
bindingAt(int). Method in class guinea.util.BindingVector
BindingVector(). Constructor for class guinea.util.BindingVector
BName. Variable in class guinea.logic.ABItem
Sample ID of the test sample B.
BName. Variable in class guinea.logic.BRefItem
Sample ID of the test sample B.
BName. Variable in class guinea.logic.GenericItem
Sample ID of the test sample B.
BRefItem(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.BRefItem
Create a new Item.
buttonPressed. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
Did the subject press a button (indicates heard a difference, etc.) within given time between TAFC trials.


calcLevel(). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Calculate the volume level for the current step.
ChannelMapping(int, int). Constructor for class guinea.player.ChannelMapping
Contruct a new channel mapping with the strength of connection of 1.
ChannelMapping(int, int, double). Constructor for class guinea.player.ChannelMapping
Contruct a new channel mapping.
channels. Variable in class guinea.player.AudioPlayerInfo
The number of channels.
CheckboxChoice(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.CheckboxChoice
Construct a new CheckboxChoice with no choices.
CheckboxChoice(Object[]). Constructor for class guinea.ui.CheckboxChoice
Construct a new CheckboxChoice with given answers.
CheckboxChoice(Object[], String[]). Constructor for class guinea.ui.CheckboxChoice
Construct a new CheckboxChoice with given answers and corresponding labels.
clearAllAnswers(). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Remove all answers from the answers list.
clearAnswer(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Remove an answer from the answers list.
clearLabels(). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
Clear all labels.
clearMonitored(). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
clearMonitored(). Method in interface guinea.ui.SampleMonitorInterface
Stop monitoring the sample.
clearRanks(). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
Clear ranks for all labels.
clearResults(). Method in class guinea.logic.SessionLog
Remove all results from session's result list.
clone(). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Clone the item object.
clone(). Method in class guinea.logic.NewGenericItem
Clone the item object.
clone(). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
Clone the object.
close(). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Close the UI window.
close(). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Close the sample.
close(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
Close the remote pipe.
close(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Close the UI window.
close(). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Close the sample.
close(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Close sample.
close(). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Close the UI window.
COM_ADDLISTENER. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_CLOSE. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_DISPOSE. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_EVENT. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_GETC. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_GETCNAMES. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_GETCVALUE. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_GETMNAMES. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_GETQ. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_GETQNAMES. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_ISENABLED. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_MAX_COMMAND_ID. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
Maximum command id number used by this class.
COM_MCLL_LEVEL. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_MCLL_LIMITS. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_MCLL_TEXT. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_MCLL_TITLE. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_MCLL_VISIBLE. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_OPEN. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_REMLISTENER. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_RESET. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_SETCENABLED. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_SETCVALUE. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_SETDENABLED. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_SETENABLED. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_SETMVALUE. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_SETQANSWER. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_SETQENABLED. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_WARN_ISVISIBLE. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_WARN_RESET. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_WARN_SETTIMES1. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_WARN_SETTIMES2. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_WARN_START. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
COM_WARN_VISIBLE. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
command. Variable in class guinea.ui.event.ControlEvent
The command of this control event.
command. Variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommand
The command number.
CommandTokenizer(String). Constructor for class guinea.util.CommandTokenizer
Construct a new command tokenizer from a string.
compareTo(Object). Method in class guinea.player.Volume
componentEntries(). Method in class guinea.awt.ComponentGroup
ComponentGroup(). Constructor for class guinea.awt.ComponentGroup
components(). Method in class guinea.awt.ComponentGroup
concatArrays(Object[], Object[]). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
concatArrays(String[], String[]). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
CONNECT_DONE. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
Connection was OK and is accepted.
CONNECT_OK. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
Connection was OK and is accepted, server waits for more connections.
connectFailed(Socket, Exception). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
Remote connection failed.
connectGetUI(Socket, SubjectUI). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
Return the subject UI that is sent to the remote client.
connectGotUI(SubjectUI, RemotePipe, Socket). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
A new remote subject UI is ready.
continueRun(). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Still continue with the item? Usually this will return false when the maximum number of runs has been exceeded.
ControlButton(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.ControlButton
Construct a new control button.
ControlButton(String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.ControlButton
Construct a new control button with a button text as the parameter.
controlCommand. Variable in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
ControlEvent(Object, String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.event.ControlEvent
Constructs an CommandEvent object with the specified source object.
ControlEvent(Object, String, String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.event.ControlEvent
Constructs an CommandEvent object with the specified source object.
ControlEvent(Object, String, String, Object). Constructor for class guinea.ui.event.ControlEvent
Constructs an CommandEvent object with the specified source object.
controlPerformed(ControlEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
controlPerformed(ControlEvent). Method in interface guinea.ui.event.ControlListener
Invoked when an action occurs.
controlPerformed(ControlEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIAdapter
Invoked when an action occurs.
controlPerformed(ControlEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.event.UIEventMulticaster
copyPropertiesFrom(Properties, boolean). Method in class guinea.util.ExtProperties
correctionVolume. Variable in class guinea.player.SoundSample
The volume correction level.
createButton(String, String, ActionListener). Static method in class guinea.awt.UIUtils
createButton(String, String, ActionListener, Font). Static method in class guinea.awt.UIUtils
createButton(String, String, Font, ActionListener). Static method in class guinea.awt.UIUtils
createCheckboxMenuItem(String, String, ActionListener, boolean). Static method in class guinea.awt.UIUtils
createCheckboxMenuItem(String, String, ActionListener, boolean, Font). Static method in class guinea.awt.UIUtils
createLabel(String). Static method in class guinea.awt.UIUtils
Create a label.
createLabel(String, Font). Static method in class guinea.awt.UIUtils
Create a label.
createMenu(String). Static method in class guinea.awt.UIUtils
createMenu(String, Font). Static method in class guinea.awt.UIUtils
createMenuItem(String, String, ActionListener). Static method in class guinea.awt.UIUtils
createMenuItem(String, String, ActionListener, Font). Static method in class guinea.awt.UIUtils
createMenuItemTF(String, GPTextField). Static method in class guinea.awt.UIUtils
createMenuItemTF(String, String, GPTextField). Static method in class guinea.awt.UIUtils
createMenuItemTF(String, String, GPTextField, Font). Static method in class guinea.awt.UIUtils
createRemoteObjectClient(RemotePipe, String). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
createRemoteObjectClient(RemotePipe, String). Method in interface guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectInterface
createRemoteObjectServer(RemotePipe, String). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
createRemoteObjectServer(RemotePipe, String). Method in interface guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectInterface
createTextField(String, int, String, ActionListener). Static method in class guinea.awt.UIUtils
Create a textfield.
createTextField(String, int, String, ActionListener, Font). Static method in class guinea.awt.UIUtils
Create a textfield.
createTextField(String, String, ActionListener). Static method in class guinea.awt.UIUtils
Create a textfield.
createTextField(String, String, ActionListener, Font). Static method in class guinea.awt.UIUtils
Create a textfield.
createVirtualPlayer(AudioPlayerInfo). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Allocate a virtual player with the master player.
createVirtualPlayer(int). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Allocate a virtual player with the master player.
currentItem. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
currentItemIndex. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
currentStamp. Variable in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
currentVolume. Variable in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
The current level.


dB2linear(double). Static method in class guinea.player.Volume
Convert a decibel value to linear scale.
dBVolume(). Method in class guinea.player.Volume
Get the volume level in decibel scale.
dBVolume(). Method in class guinea.player.VolumeDecibel
Get the volume level in decibel scale.
dBVolume(). Method in class guinea.player.VolumeLinear
Get the volume level in decibel scale.
debug. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectRegistery
defaultPlayer. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Default soundplayer used when no other is specified.
defaultPlayerClassName. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
defaultPort. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
The default port number to use for server socket.
defaultSubjectUI. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The default subject UI block used for testing.
defaultUI. Variable in class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
Default subject UI to send to client.
defaultUIClassName. Static variable in class guinea.ui.SubjectUIHelp
The default class name for subject UI window.
dest. Variable in class guinea.player.ChannelMapping
The destination channel number.
DEVICE_ADAT_OUT. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Audio device name for "ADAT Out", the digital 8-chan.
DEVICE_AES_OUT. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Audio device name for "AES Out", the digital stereo port.
DEVICE_ANALOG_OUT. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Audio device name for "Analog Out", the analog stereo port.
DEVICE_ANALOG_OUT2. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Audio device name for "Analog Out 2", the analog stereo port.
DEVICE_DEFAULT. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Audio device name for default output.
deviceName. Variable in class guinea.player.AudioPlayerInfo
The name of the device to use or null to use any available device.
diagnosticsListeners. Variable in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Listeners that are interested in player diagnostics events.
disableWhenDone. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Disable subject UI when subject is done with item or timeout has expired.
dispatcher. Variable in class guinea.util.EventQueue
The event dispatcher thread.
dispose(). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Dispose of the window.
dispose(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
dispose(). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Dispose of the UI when it is no more used.
doCommand(RemoteCommand). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
Do a remote command.
DONE. Static variable in class guinea.ui.event.DoneEvent
The command of the event when this event was caused by the subject pressing the 'done'-button.
DoneButton(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.DoneButton
Construct a new done-button.
DoneButton(String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.DoneButton
Construct a new done-button with given text.
doneCond. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Used to wait until all subject are done.
DoneEvent(Object, String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.event.DoneEvent
Constructs a DoneEvent object with the specified source object.
DoneEvent(Object, String, String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.event.DoneEvent
Constructs a DoneEvent object with the specified source object.
DoneEvent(Object, String, String, Object). Constructor for class guinea.ui.event.DoneEvent
Constructs a DoneEvent object with the specified source object.
doneItem(ControlEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIAdapter
User has pressed the 'Done' to complete the item.
doneItem(ControlEvent). Method in interface guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIListener
User has pressed the 'Done' to complete the item.
doneItem(ControlEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.event.UIEventMulticaster
doRemoteCommand(int, Object[], RemoteCommand). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectHelper
doRemoteCommand(int, Object[], RemoteCommand). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectRegistery
Process a received command.
doRemoteCommand(int, Object[], RemoteCommand). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
doRemoteCommand(int, Object[], RemoteCommand). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer


elements(). Method in class guinea.util.Queue
Get an enumeration of objects in the queue.
elements(). Method in class guinea.logic.Sequence
elementsReverse(). Method in class guinea.util.Queue
Get an enumeration of objects in the queue in reverse order.
enableDoneWhenAnswers. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Enable DONE-button only after answers to all questions has been given.
EnableGroup(). Constructor for class guinea.awt.EnableGroup
enableQuestionsAfterPlaying. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Answering to questions is allowed only after all samples have been listened to.
endItem(). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
Add the result of the TAFC procedure to the subject.
endItem(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Finish current item.
endItemSamples(). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
Unload and remove sample objects that were needed with this item.
endItemSamples(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Unload and remove sample objects that were needed with this item.
endItemSamples_base(). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
endItemSamples_free(). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
endItemSamples_seq(). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
endItemUI(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
endPlayer(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
endTest(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
ensureNoOverflows. Variable in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
Ensure that no overflows will happen when multiple samples are mixed together.
EnumerationFilter(Enumeration, FilterTest). Constructor for class guinea.util.EnumerationFilter
Construct a new filtered enumeration.
EnumerationMapper(Enumeration, Mapper). Constructor for class guinea.util.EnumerationMapper
Construct a new mapped enumeration.
equals(Object). Method in class guinea.util.Binding
Compares two Objects for equality.
ERRORMONITOR_STDERR_ALWAYS. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Always log errors to standard error stream.
ERRORMONITOR_STDERR_NOLISTENER. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Log errors to standard error stream only if there is no player listener.
ERRORMONITOR_STDERR_NONE. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Do not log errors to standard error stream.
errorMonitorMode. Variable in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Where to log error messages from the player program.
eventQueue. Variable in class guinea.util.EventQueue
The queue used to send and receive events.
EventQueue(). Constructor for class guinea.util.EventQueue
Construct a new event queue with no name.
EventQueue(EventQueue). Constructor for class guinea.util.EventQueue
Construct a new event queue by sharing the event queue and thread of another event queue.
EventQueue(String). Constructor for class guinea.util.EventQueue
Construct a new event queue with given name for the dispatcher thread.
exitOnClose. Variable in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
EXP_FADE. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Exponential fade (dB linear).
ExtProperties(). Constructor for class guinea.util.ExtProperties
Creates an empty property list with no default values.
ExtProperties(Properties). Constructor for class guinea.util.ExtProperties
Creates an empty property list with the specified defaults.


fade(String, double, double). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Do a fade.
fade(String, double, Volume). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Do a fade.
FADE_EXP. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Exponential fade (dB linear).
FADE_LINEAR. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Linear fade.
fadeLength. Variable in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
The length of crossfade in free parallel sample swithing.
fadeType. Variable in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
The type of crossfade, default is 'linear'.
FEMALE. Static variable in class guinea.logic.SubjectInfo
The subject's sex is female.
FilereaderEnumeration(BufferedReader). Constructor for class guinea.util.FilereaderEnumeration
FILETYPE_PROPERTIES. Static variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Save data using textual property files.
FILETYPE_SERIALIZED. Static variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Save data using java's serialization system.
filterTest(Object). Method in interface guinea.util.FilterTest
Tests whether an object passes this test.
finalize(). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize(). Method in class guinea.ui.WarningIndicator
Finalize component.
finished. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Has the rule finished.
FIRST. Static variable in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
FiveGrade(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.FiveGrade
Construct a new five-grade components with no question set.
FiveGrade(String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.FiveGrade
Construct a new five-grade component with a given question.
format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderFormat
Formats an RankOrderAnswer object to produce a string.
format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition). Method in class guinea.player.VolumeFormat
Formats a Volume object to produce a string.
formatPosition(long). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Returns a string representation of given position in sample.
frame. Variable in class guinea.player.event.SampleEvent
Timestamp of event.
frame. Variable in class guinea.player.TimeStamp
The audio frame number.
FramedContainer(). Constructor for class guinea.awt.FramedContainer
FramedContainer(boolean). Constructor for class guinea.awt.FramedContainer
FrameDropEvent(Object). Constructor for class guinea.player.event.FrameDropEvent
Construct a new framedrop event.
FrameDropEvent(Object, int, long, long). Constructor for class guinea.player.event.FrameDropEvent
Construct a new framedrop event.
frameRaised. Variable in class guinea.awt.GPContainer
Is frame raised (true) or not (false).
frames. Variable in class guinea.player.event.FrameDropEvent
Number of frames dropped.
FULL. Static variable in class guinea.player.Volume


GenericABCTest(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.GenericABCTest
GenericItem(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.GenericItem
Create a new Item.
GenericTest(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.GenericTest
getAdjustmentType(). Method in class guinea.ui.event.AdjustmentControlEvent
Returns the type of adjustment which caused the value changed event.
getAge(). Method in class guinea.logic.SubjectInfo
Get age of subject
getAnswer(). Method in class guinea.ui.event.AnswerEvent
Get answer of the answer event.
getAnswer(). Method in class guinea.ui.CheckboxChoice
Get answer for question.
getAnswer(). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Get answer for question.
getAnswer(). Method in interface guinea.ui.QuestionInterface
Get answer for question.
getAnswer(). Method in class guinea.ui.RankQuestion
Get answer for question.
getAnswer(). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Get the answer from this rule when the rule has ended.
getAnswer(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Get an answer given to this item.
getAnswer_internal(). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
getAnswer_internal(). Method in class guinea.ui.VolumeGradeBar
Convert the Number value the GradeBar normally uses to a Volume object in selected volume scale type.
getAnswers(). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Get all answers as a table.
getArgs(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandGeneric
getArgument(). Method in class guinea.ui.event.ControlEvent
Get the argument from this event.
getAudioDevice(). Method in interface guinea.player.AudioPlayer
Get the audio device name.
getAudioDevice(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Get the audio device name.
getBinding(int). Method in class guinea.util.BindingVector
getBinding(Object). Method in class guinea.util.BindingVector
getBinding(String). Method in class guinea.util.BindingVector
getBindingAt(int). Method in class guinea.util.BindingVector
getBlockIncrement(). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
getBooleanProperty(String). Method in class guinea.logic.ItemProperties
getBufferLength(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
getChannels(). Method in interface guinea.player.AudioPlayer
Get number of channels.
getChannels(). Method in class guinea.player.AudioPlayerInfo
Get number of channels.
getChannels(). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Get number of channels in sample.
getChannels(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Get number of channels.
getChannels(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Get number of channels in sample.
getChoiceFormat(). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Get the choice format used for formatting the grade.
getCommand(). Method in class guinea.ui.event.ControlEvent
Get the control command from this event.
getCommand(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommand
Get the command id number of this command.
getComponentInfo(Object). Method in class guinea.awt.ComponentGroup
getControl(String). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
getControl(String). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
getControl(String). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Get a control UI component by name.
getControlNames(). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Gets a array of control component names.
getControlNames(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Gets a array of control component names.
getControlNames(). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Gets a array of control component names.
getControls(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Gets the dictionary containing the control components with the name as the key.
getControlValue(). Method in class guinea.ui.ControlButton
Get the control value of the controller.
getControlValue(). Method in interface guinea.ui.ControlInterface
Get the value of this controller.
getControlValue(). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Get the value of this controller.
getControlValue(). Method in class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog
Get the control value of the controller.
getControlValue(). Method in class guinea.ui.PlayPanel
Get the control value of the controller.
getControlValue(String). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Get the control value of the controller.
getControlValue(String). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
getControlValue(String). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Get the control value of the controller.
getCorrectionVolume(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Get the correction volume level of the sample.
getCorrectionVolume(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Get the correction volume level for this sample.
getCurrentTimeStamp(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Get the most recent timestamp from the player.
getDecimals(). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Get number of decimals.
getDefaultItemTemplate(). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericABCTest
Construct a default test item template for use with generic ABC test.
getDefaultItemTemplate(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Get or construct a default test item template for use with this test.
getDefaultPlayerClassName(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
getDefaults(). Method in class guinea.util.ExtProperties
getDefaultUIClassName(). Static method in class guinea.ui.SubjectUIHelp
Get the default class name for subject UI window.
getDevice(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Get the audio device name.
getDeviceName(). Method in class guinea.player.AudioPlayerInfo
Get the name of the device.
getDuration(). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Get the time it took to test this item.
getDuration(). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Get duration of sample in seconds.
getEditable(). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
getEndTime(). Method in class guinea.logic.SessionLog
Get the ending time of session.
getFadeLength(). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Get the length of crossfade.
getFadeType(). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Get fade type.
getFilename(). Method in interface guinea.player.FileSample
Get filename of sample.
getFilename(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Get file name of sample.
getFont(). Method in class guinea.ui.TestProgressMonitor
Gets the font of this component.
getFrame(). Method in class guinea.player.event.SampleEvent
Get timestamp of event.
getFrame(). Method in class guinea.player.TimeStamp
getFrameStamp(long). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Get a time stamp that corresponds to the given frame number.
getID(). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEvent
Get the ID of this message.
getID(). Method in class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIEvent
Get the ID number of this event type.
getIndex(). Method in class guinea.ui.TestProgressMonitorObject
Get index of current test.
getInitialLevel(). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Get the rule's initial volume level.
getInsets(). Method in class guinea.awt.GPContainer
Determines the insets of this container, which indicate the size of the container's border.
getItem(int). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Get test item.
getItem(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Get test item.
getItemBinding(int). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
getItemBinding(Item). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
getItemBinding(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
getItemClassName(). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericABCTest
Get the default class name of the test item used by this test.
getItemClassName(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Get the default class name of the test item used by this test.
getItemID(). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Get the item ID of this test item.
getItemIndex(Item). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Get the index of a test item.
getItemIndex(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Get the index of a test item.
getItemsFile(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
getItemsFilename(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
getItemTemplate(). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Get the template item this item is based on.
getItemTemplates(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Get a table (dictionary) of test item templates that are used in the test.
getItemTimeout(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Get the current value of item timeout
getItemWarningTimeout(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Get the current value of warning timeout
getLabel(int). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
getLabelIndex(String). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
getLabels(). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
Get the labels.
getLevel(). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Get current level from the rule.
getLooping(). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Get looping status of sample.
getMaximum(). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Get the maximum value of grade.
getMaximum(). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
getMaxRuns(). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Get the maximum number of runs for this rule.
getMCLLevel(). Method in class guinea.logic.SessionLog
Get the session's MCL level.
getMessage(). Method in class guinea.player.event.LogMessageEvent
Get the message.
getMinimum(). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Get the minimum value of grade.
getMinimum(). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
getMinimumSize(). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
Gets the mininimum size of this component.
getMonitor(String). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
getMonitored(). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
getMonitored(). Method in interface guinea.ui.SampleMonitorInterface
Get the monitored sample.
getMonitorNames(). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Gets a array of monitor component names.
getMonitorNames(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Gets a array of monitor component names.
getMonitorNames(). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Gets a array of monitor component names.
getName(). Method in class guinea.logic.ItemProperties
getName(). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Get name (or label) of sample.
getName(). Method in class guinea.logic.SubjectInfo
Get name of subject.
getName(). Method in class guinea.ui.event.UIEvent
Get the name of the variable or parameter.
getName(int). Method in class guinea.util.BindingVector
Get test item.
getName(Object). Method in class guinea.util.BindingVector
getName(String). Method in class guinea.logic.SubjectInfo
Set name of subject.
getNewSerial(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
Allocate a new serial number for a command.
getNumberProperty(String). Method in class guinea.logic.ItemProperties
getNumFrames(). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Get number of audio or video frames in this sample.
getNumItems(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Get the number of items in the test.
getNumLabels(). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
getNumSwitches(). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Get the number of times the subject switched between samples.
getNumTrials(). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Get the number of trials in the trial list.
getObject(ItemProperties, String). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
Create an object from information in procerties.
getObject2(Properties, String). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
getObject2(Properties, String, String). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
getObject2(Properties, String, String, Dictionary). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
Create an object from information in procerties.
getObject3(Properties, String, String, Dictionary). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
Create an object from information in procerties.
getObjectNames(Properties). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
Get the list of object names in property list.
getOptions(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Get sample options.
getOrientation(). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
getOutputVolume(). Method in interface guinea.player.AudioPlayer
Get the output volume level of the player.
getOutputVolume(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Get the output volume level of the player.
getParameter(String). Method in class guinea.logic.ABItem
Get a parameter by name.
getParameter(String). Method in class guinea.logic.ABRefItem
Get a parameter by name.
getParameter(String). Method in class guinea.logic.ARefItem
Get a parameter by name.
getParameter(String). Method in class guinea.logic.BRefItem
Get a parameter by name.
getParameter(String). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericItem
Get a parameter by name.
getParameter(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Get a parameter by name.
getParameter(String). Method in class guinea.logic.NewGenericItem
Get a parameter by name.
getParameter(String). Method in class guinea.logic.SSItem
Get a parameter by name.
getParameter(String). Method in class guinea.logic.SSMSItem
Get a parameter by name.
getParameterNames(). Method in class guinea.logic.ABItem
getParameterNames(). Method in class guinea.logic.ABRefItem
getParameterNames(). Method in class guinea.logic.ARefItem
getParameterNames(). Method in class guinea.logic.BRefItem
getParameterNames(). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericItem
getParameterNames(). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
getParameterNames(). Method in class guinea.logic.NewGenericItem
Get a list of parameter names of this item.
getParameterNames(). Method in class guinea.logic.SSItem
getParameterNames(). Method in class guinea.logic.SSMSItem
getParentPlayer(). Method in interface guinea.player.Player
Get the parent player of a virtual player.
getParentPlayer(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Get the parent player of a virtual player.
getPauseType(). Method in class guinea.logic.SequenceItem
Get the type of the pause.
getPlayer(). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEvent
The the player that originated this event.
getPlayer(). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Get the player this sample is using.
getPlayer(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
getPlayerDirectory(). Method in interface guinea.player.Player
Get the directory of the player.
getPlayerDirectory(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Get the directory of the player.
getPlayerID(). Method in interface guinea.player.Player
The player ID string of this player.
getPlayerID(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
The player ID string of this player.
getPlaying(). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Get the currently playing sample.
getPlayingIndex(). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Get the index of currently playing sample.
getPlaylistFile(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
getPlaylistFilename(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Get the name of the playlist file.
getPosition(). Method in class guinea.player.event.SamplePositionEvent
Get position in sample.
getPositionNotifyInterval(). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
getPositionNotifyInterval(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Get the position notify interval.
getPreferredSize(). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Returns the preferred size of this container.
getPreferredSize(). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Returns the preferred size of this container.
getPreferredSize(). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
Gets the preferred size of this component.
getPreferredSize(). Method in class guinea.ui.WarningIndicator
Gets the preferred size of this component.
getProgressStatusInfo(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Get the test progress status info to show to the subject.
getProperty(String). Method in class guinea.logic.ItemProperties
Searches for the property with the specified key in this property list.
getProperty(String, Properties). Method in class guinea.util.ExtProperties
getProperty(String, Properties, String). Method in class guinea.util.ExtProperties
getProperty(String, String). Method in class guinea.logic.ItemProperties
Searches for the property with the specified key in this property list.
getQuestion(). Method in class guinea.ui.CheckboxChoice
Get the text of the question.
getQuestion(). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Get the text of the question.
getQuestion(). Method in interface guinea.ui.QuestionInterface
Get the text of the question.
getQuestion(). Method in class guinea.ui.RankQuestion
Get the text of the question.
getQuestion(String). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
getQuestion(String). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
getQuestion(String). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Get a question UI component by name.
getQuestionFont(). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Get font of the question text.
getQuestionID(). Method in class guinea.ui.CheckboxChoice
Get the ID of the question.
getQuestionID(). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Get the ID of the question.
getQuestionID(). Method in interface guinea.ui.QuestionInterface
Get the ID of the question.
getQuestionID(). Method in class guinea.ui.RankQuestion
Get the ID of the question.
getQuestionNames(). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Gets a array of question component names.
getQuestionNames(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Gets a array of question component names.
getQuestionNames(). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Gets a array of question component names.
getQuestions(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Gets the dictionary containing the question components with the name as the key.
getRank(int). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
Get the rank of a label.
getRank(String). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
Get the rank of a label.
getRankIndex(int). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
getRankLabel(int). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
getRanks(). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
Get the ranks.
getRate(). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Get frame rate of this sample.
getRate(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Get sample rate of player.
getRemoteName(). Method in interface guinea.ui.remote.ProcessRemoteCommand
getRemoteName(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectHelper
getRemotePipe(). Method in interface guinea.ui.remote.ProcessRemoteCommand
getRemotePipe(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectHelper
getRemoteType(). Method in interface guinea.ui.remote.ProcessRemoteCommand
getRemoteType(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectRegistery
getRemoteType(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
getRemoteType(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
getResults(). Method in class guinea.logic.SessionLog
Get the results of the session as an Enumeration.
getResultsFile(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
getResultsFilename(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
getResultsVector(). Method in class guinea.logic.SessionLog
Get the results of the session as a Vector.
getRule(int). Static method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Get a TAFC rule object for given type.
getRule(int). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
Get a TAFC rule object.
getRunFirstIndex(int). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Get the index of the first trial that is a part of a given 'run'.
getRunLastIndex(int). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Get the index of the last trial that is a part of a given 'run'.
getSample(). Method in class guinea.player.event.SampleEvent
Get source as a SoundSample instead of Object.
getSample(). Method in class guinea.logic.SequenceItem
Get the name of the sample in this sequence item.
getSampleID(). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Get the sample ID used with the player.
getSampleID(). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Get the sample ID used with the player.
getSampleID(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Get the sample ID used in the player.
getSampleRate(). Method in interface guinea.player.AudioPlayer
Get sample rate of player.
getSampleRate(). Method in class guinea.player.AudioPlayerInfo
Get sample rate of player.
getSampleRate(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Get sample rate of player.
getSamples(). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
getSampleSequence(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Get the fixed sample sequence.
getSamplesFile(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
getSamplesFilename(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
getSampleSwitchingFadeLength(). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
Get the length of crossfade.
getSampleSwitchingFadeType(). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
Get the cross-fade type.
getSampleSwithing(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Get the sample switching type.
getScale(). Method in class guinea.player.VolumeFormat
Get the scale we are printing in.
getSequenceType(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Get the type of the sample sequence.
getSerial(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommand
Get the serial number of this command.
getSerial(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandReply
getSessionID(). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Get the session ID of this test item.
getSessionID(). Method in class guinea.logic.SessionLog
Get session identifier of this session.
getSessionID(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
getSex(). Method in class guinea.logic.SubjectInfo
Get sex of subject.
getSocketPort(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
Get the UI server socket's port number.
getStartMode(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Get the starting mode.
getStartTime(). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Get the starting time of the test of this item.
getStartTime(). Method in class guinea.logic.SessionLog
Get the starting time of session.
getStepSize(). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Get the rule's step size.
getStringProperty(String). Method in class guinea.logic.ItemProperties
getSubjectID(). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Get the subject ID of this test item.
getSubjectItem(String, int). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
getSubjectItem(String, String). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
getTarget(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommand
Get the name of the target object this message is for.
getTemplateCopy(). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Get a copy of this item used as a template.
getTemplateCopy(). Method in class guinea.logic.NewGenericItem
Get a copy of this item used as a template.
getTempMessageID(). Method in interface guinea.player.Player
Get a temporary ID string for loading samples etc.
getTempMessageID(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Get a temporary ID string for loading samples etc.
getTestAliases(). Static method in class guinea.logic.TestHelp
Get the properties that contains aliases for class names used in test's components.
getTestDirectory(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Get the test directory of this test.
getTestDirectoryName(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Get the test directory of this test.
getTestError(). Method in class guinea.logic.SessionLog
Get the Exception that caused the test to fail.
getTimeMicros(). Method in class guinea.player.TimeStamp
getTimeMillis(). Method in class guinea.player.TimeStamp
getTimeStampForFrame(long). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Get a time stamp that corresponds to the given frame number.
getTimeStampForTimeMicros(long). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Get a time stamp that corresponds to the given point of time.
getTimeStampForTimeMillis(long). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Get a time stamp that corresponds to the given point of time.
getTotal(). Method in class guinea.ui.TestProgressMonitorObject
Get total number of items in the test.
getTrial(int). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Get a trial info object from rule's trial history list.
getTrials(). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Get the vector of trials from the rule.
getType(). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Get type of sample.
getType(). Method in class guinea.player.event.SampleEvent
Get type of event.
getUI(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
Get the default subject UI that is sent to the remote client requesting a subject UI.
getUIClassAliases(). Static method in class guinea.ui.SubjectUIHelp
Get the properties that contains aliases for class names used in UI components.
getUIFile(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
getUIFilename(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
getUnitIncrement(). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
getUST(). Method in class guinea.player.TimeStamp
getValue(). Method in class guinea.ui.event.AdjustmentControlEvent
Get value of adjustment.
getValue(). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
getValue(). Method in class guinea.ui.event.ValueChangedEvent
Get value from event.
getValue(int). Method in class guinea.util.BindingVector
getValue(String). Method in class guinea.util.BindingVector
Get test item.
getValueDouble(). Method in class guinea.ui.event.AdjustmentControlEvent
Get value of adjustment as a double.
getValueInt(). Method in class guinea.ui.event.AdjustmentControlEvent
Get value of adjustment as an integer.
getVirtualPlayerID(). Method in interface guinea.player.Player
The player ID string of this player.
getVirtualPlayerID(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
The virtual player ID string of this player.
getVisibleAmount(). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
gotoItem(ControlEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIAdapter
User has pressed the 'Goto' button to go to a selected item.
gotoItem(ControlEvent). Method in interface guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIListener
User has pressed the 'Goto' button to go to a selected item.
gotoItem(ControlEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.event.UIEventMulticaster
GPContainer(). Constructor for class guinea.awt.GPContainer
Construct a new container that is not framed.
GPContainer(boolean). Constructor for class guinea.awt.GPContainer
Construct a new container.
GPContainer(boolean, boolean). Constructor for class guinea.awt.GPContainer
Construct a new container.
GPTextField(). Constructor for class guinea.awt.GPTextField
Constructs a new text field.
GPTextField(int). Constructor for class guinea.awt.GPTextField
Constructs a new empty TextField with the specified number of columns.
GPTextField(String). Constructor for class guinea.awt.GPTextField
Constructs a new text field initialized with the specified text.
GPTextField(String, int). Constructor for class guinea.awt.GPTextField
Constructs a new text field initialized with the specified text to be displayed, and wide enough to hold the specified number of characters.
GradeBar(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Create a new grade bar with default grade parameters and no question.
GradeBar(double, double, int). Constructor for class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Create a new grade bar with given parameters.
GradeBar(double, double, int, String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Create a new grade bar with given parameters.
GradeBar(String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Create a new grade bar with default grade parameters.
group. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
The current group.
GROUP_DOWN. Static variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
The group is 'DOWN'.
GROUP_SAME. Static variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
The group is 'SAME' (no change in direction).
GROUP_UP. Static variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
The group is 'UP'.


handleReply(RemoteCommand). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectHelper
hasAudio(). Method in interface guinea.player.Player
Does this player support audio?
hasAudio(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Does this player support audio?.
hasDiagnosticsListeners(). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Are there player diagnostics listeners registered?
hasListenedSamples(). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
hasListeners(). Method in class guinea.util.EventQueue
Is there any more event listeners.
hasListeners(). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Is there any more event listeners.
hasMoreElements(). Method in class guinea.util.EnumerationFilter
Tests if this enumeration contains more elements.
hasMoreElements(). Method in class guinea.util.EnumerationMapper
Tests if this enumeration contains more elements.
hasMoreElements(). Method in class guinea.util.FilereaderEnumeration
hasPlayerListeners(). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Are there player listeners registered?
hasVideo(). Method in interface guinea.player.Player
Does this player support video?
hasVideo(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Does this player support video?.
hiddenReference. Variable in class guinea.logic.ABRefTest
hiddenSampleParams. Variable in class guinea.logic.GenericABCTest
An array of parameter names that are used as hidden reference samples and so are not loaded.


id. Variable in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEvent
The ID of the event type.
id. Variable in class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIEvent
ID number for this event.
ID_ITEM_ABORT. Static variable in class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIEvent
ID number of 'abort' type event.
ID_ITEM_DONE. Static variable in class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIEvent
ID number of 'done' type event.
ID_ITEM_GOTO. Static variable in class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIEvent
ID number of 'goto' type event.
ID_ITEM_NEXT. Static variable in class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIEvent
ID number of 'next' type event.
ID_ITEM_PAUSE. Static variable in class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIEvent
ID number of 'pause' type event.
ID_ITEM_PREV. Static variable in class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIEvent
ID number of 'previous' type event.
ID_LAST. Static variable in class guinea.player.event.PlayerDiagnosticsEvent
The last ID number used bu this class.
ID_LAST. Static variable in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEvent
The last ID number used bu this class.
ID_PLAYER_FRAMEDROP. Static variable in class guinea.player.event.PlayerDiagnosticsEvent
The ID for the 'framedrop' event.
ID_PLAYER_LOGMESSAGE. Static variable in class guinea.player.event.PlayerDiagnosticsEvent
The ID for the 'player log/diagnostics message' event.
ID_PLAYER_STARTED. Static variable in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEvent
The ID for the 'player has started' event.
ID_PLAYER_STOPPED. Static variable in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEvent
The ID for the 'player has stopped' event.
index. Variable in class guinea.ui.TestProgressMonitorObject
The current item in the test.
indexOf(Binding). Method in class guinea.util.BindingVector
indexOf(Binding, int). Method in class guinea.util.BindingVector
indexOf(String). Method in class guinea.util.BindingVector
Get the index of a test item.
indexOfName(String). Method in class guinea.util.BindingVector
indexOfValue(Object). Method in class guinea.util.BindingVector
Get the index of a test item.
initialLevel. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
Initial level for signal B at the start of test item's test procedure.
initItem(). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
Initialize current item.
initItem(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Initialize current item.
initItemSamples(). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
Load and create sample objects for playing.
initItemSamples(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Load and create sample objects for playing.
initItemSamples_base(). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericABCTest
Initialize samples for this item.
initItemSamples_base(). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
initItemSamples_base(). Method in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
Sample initialization for this item.
initItemSamples_base(). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
Initialize samples for this item.
initItemSamples_free(). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
initItemSamples_seq(). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
initItemUI(). Method in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
initItemUI(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
initPlayer(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Initialize the sound player.
initTest(). Method in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
In addition to defaul test initialization, creates mappings for channel mappings for S2/3 and calculates maximum output level for avoiding overflows.
initTest(). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
Initialize the TAFC rule object for use in this test.
initTest(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
isAnswered(). Method in class guinea.ui.CheckboxChoice
See if an aswer has been given.
isAnswered(). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
See if an aswer has been given.
isAnswered(). Method in interface guinea.ui.QuestionInterface
See if an answer has been given.
isAnswered(). Method in class guinea.ui.RankQuestion
See if an answer has been given.
isControl. Variable in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
isControlEnabled(). Method in class guinea.ui.ControlButton
Test whether control is enabled or disabled.
isControlEnabled(). Method in interface guinea.ui.ControlInterface
Test whether control is enabled or disabled.
isControlEnabled(). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Test whether control is enabled or disabled.
isControlEnabled(). Method in class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog
Test whether control is enabled.
isControlEnabled(). Method in class guinea.ui.PlayPanel
Test whether control is enabled or disabled.
isControlEnabled(). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
isEmpty(). Method in class guinea.util.Queue
Is queue empty?
isEnabled(). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Determines whether this component is enabled.
isEnabled(). Method in interface guinea.ui.QuestionInterface
Test whether question is enabled for answering.
isEnabled(). Method in class guinea.ui.RankQuestion
Test whether question is enabled for answering.
isEnabled(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Returns whether all the UI components are enabled.
isEnabled(). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Returns whether all the UI components are enabled.
isFramed. Variable in class guinea.awt.GPContainer
Is the container framed?
isFramed(). Method in class guinea.awt.GPContainer
Is the container framed?
isFrameRaised(). Method in class guinea.awt.GPContainer
Is the container's frame raised.
isLoaded(). Method in interface guinea.player.FileSample
See if file is currently loaded.
isLoaded(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
isLoopable(). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Whether sample can be looped.
isLoopable(). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Whether sample can be looped.
isLoopable(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Whether sample can be looped.
isMonitorEnabled(). Method in interface guinea.ui.MonitorInterface
Test whether monitor is enabled or disabled.
isMonitorEnabled(). Method in class guinea.ui.PlayPanel
Test whether monitor is enabled or disabled.
isMonitorEnabled(). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
isMonitorEnabled(). Method in interface guinea.ui.SampleMonitorInterface
Test whether monitoring is enabled.
isMonitorEnabled(). Method in class guinea.ui.TestProgressMonitor
Test whether monitor is enabled or disabled.
isPipeOpen(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
Test whether the pipe is open.
isPlayerRunning(). Method in interface guinea.player.Player
Is the player running?
isPlayerRunning(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Is the player running?
isQuestion. Variable in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
isQuestionEnabled(). Method in class guinea.ui.CheckboxChoice
Test whether question is enabled or disabled.
isQuestionEnabled(). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Test whether question is enabled or disabled.
isQuestionEnabled(). Method in interface guinea.ui.QuestionInterface
Test whether question is enabled or disabled.
isQuestionEnabled(). Method in class guinea.ui.RankQuestion
Test whether question is enabled or disabled.
isRemoteClient(). Method in interface guinea.ui.remote.ProcessRemoteCommand
isRemoteClient(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectHelper
isRemoteServer(). Method in interface guinea.ui.remote.ProcessRemoteCommand
isRemoteServer(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectHelper
isServerRunning(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
Is the socket server running awaiting for connections.
isShared. Variable in class guinea.util.EventQueue
Is this queue shared to other queues.
isTemplate. Variable in class guinea.logic.Item
Is this item a item template.
isTemplate(). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Is this item an template? Templates are used as bases for other items.
isTimeoutVisible(). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
See if warning indicator is visible to the subject.
isTimeoutVisible(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
See if warning indicator is visible to the subject.
isTimeoutVisible(). Method in interface guinea.ui.WarningDisplayer
See if warning indicator is visible to the subject.
isVirtualPlayer(). Method in interface guinea.player.Player
Is the player a 'virtual' player.
isVirtualPlayer(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Is the player a 'virtual' player.
Item(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.Item
ItemProperties(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.ItemProperties
ItemProperties(String). Constructor for class guinea.logic.ItemProperties
ItemProperties(String, Properties). Constructor for class guinea.logic.ItemProperties
items. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
List of test items in this test.
itemsFile. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The the file that contains item properties.
itemsFilename. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The name of the file that contains item properties.
itemsProps. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The properties used to contruct the item objects.
itemStartTime. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.CheckboxChoice
itemTemplates. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
itemTimedOut(). Method in class guinea.ui.event.DoneEvent
Is this done-event caused by a timeout in grading an test item.
itemTimeout. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The timeout of item in milliseconds.
itemWarningTimeout. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
If the time to answer is limited, a warning is given before the time expires.


labels. Variable in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
The labels.
LAST. Static variable in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
length. Variable in class guinea.player.Sample
Length of sample in frames.
length(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Get length of sample.
level. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCTrial
The sound level of this trial.
levelControlName. Variable in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
The control name for the UI component that sets the level of S2/S3 samples.
levelControlsS2. Variable in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
Whether volume level controls volume level of signal S2.
levelControlsS3. Variable in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
Whether volume level controls volume level of signal S3.
linear2dB(double). Static method in class guinea.player.Volume
Convert a linear volume level to decibel scale.
LINEAR_FADE. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Linear fade.
linearVolume(). Method in class guinea.player.Volume
Get the volume level in linear scale.
linearVolume(). Method in class guinea.player.VolumeDecibel
Get the volume level in linear scale.
linearVolume(). Method in class guinea.player.VolumeLinear
Get the volume level in linear scale.
listenedSamples. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
During an item, set to true when all item samples (or sample sequence) has been played.
load(). Method in interface guinea.player.FileSample
Load sample file whose name has been set previously.
load(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Load a sound sample.
load(String). Method in interface guinea.player.FileSample
Load sample file.
load(String). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Load a sound sample.
loadItems(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Load test items from files to the test.
loadLines(String). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
Load lines from a file to a Vector.
loadPropertyItems(Properties, Dictionary, String, Dictionary). Static method in class guinea.logic.TestHelp
loadPropertyItems(String, Dictionary, String, Dictionary). Static method in class guinea.logic.TestHelp
loadSamples(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
loadTest(String). Static method in class guinea.logic.Test
loadTest(String). Static method in class guinea.logic.TestHelp
Load a test from a config file.
loadTest(String, String). Static method in class guinea.logic.Test
loadTest(String, String). Static method in class guinea.logic.TestHelp
Load a test from a config file.
loadUI(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
loadUI(Properties, String). Static method in class guinea.ui.SubjectUIHelp
loadUI(Properties, String). Static method in class guinea.logic.Test
loadUI(Properties, String, Dictionary). Static method in class guinea.ui.SubjectUIHelp
Create a new subject UI object from information in a properties structure.
loadUI(String). Static method in class guinea.ui.SubjectUIHelp
Create a new subject UI object from information in a subject UI config file containing UI properties.
loadUI(String). Static method in class guinea.logic.Test
loadUI(String, String). Static method in class guinea.ui.SubjectUIHelp
Create a new subject UI object from information in a subject UI config file containing UI properties.
loadUI(String, String). Static method in class guinea.logic.Test
loadUI(String, String, Dictionary). Static method in class guinea.ui.SubjectUIHelp
Create a new subject UI object from information in a subject UI config file containing UI properties.
loadUIProperties(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
LogMessageEvent(Object). Constructor for class guinea.player.event.LogMessageEvent
Construct a new logmessage event.
LogMessageEvent(Object, String). Constructor for class guinea.player.event.LogMessageEvent
Construct a new log message event.
logTrial. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
Whether to log the trials list of this item.
loop_frame. Variable in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Frame of last loop.
LOOPED. Static variable in class guinea.player.event.SampleEvent
Sample event type, sample looped.
looping. Variable in class guinea.player.Sample
Whether sample is looping or not (one shot play).


main(String[]). Static method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
main(String[]). Static method in class guinea.logic.Item
main(String[]). Static method in class guinea.logic.Sequence
main(String[]). Static method in class guinea.logic.SequenceItem
MALE. Static variable in class guinea.logic.SubjectInfo
The subject's sex is male.
mapChannel(ChannelMapping). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Set the mapping of samples channels.
mapChannel(ChannelMapping[]). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Set the mapping of samples channels.
mapChannel(int, int). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Set the mapping of samples channels.
mapObject(Object). Method in interface guinea.util.Mapper
Map an object to another
markResponse(boolean). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Set answer from subject for the current trial.
matchesPlayer(AudioPlayerInfo). Method in class guinea.player.AudioPlayerInfo
maxOutputLevel. Variable in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
The maximum output level allowed so that no overflows can occur.
maxRuns. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
The maximum number of runs for this TAFC test.
MCLL. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
MCLL level of test.
MCLLBar(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.MCLLBar
MCLLBar(int, int). Constructor for class guinea.ui.MCLLBar
MCLLBar(int, int, String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.MCLLBar
MCLLDialog(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog
MCLLDialog(String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog
MCLLmax. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Maximum MCLL that subject can set.
MCLLmin. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Minimum MCLL that subject can set.
message. Variable in class guinea.player.event.LogMessageEvent
The log or error message.
Misc(). Constructor for class guinea.util.Misc
monochannel. Variable in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
To which output channel samples S2/3 come out to.
monomapping. Variable in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
Channel mapping for playing samples S2/3.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent). Method in class guinea.awt.PopupMenuButton
Invoked when the mouse has been clicked on a component.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
mouseDragged(MouseEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
mouseEntered(MouseEvent). Method in class guinea.awt.PopupMenuButton
Invoked when the mouse enters a component.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
mouseExited(MouseEvent). Method in class guinea.awt.PopupMenuButton
Invoked when the mouse exits a component.
mouseExited(MouseEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
mouseMoved(MouseEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
mousePressed(MouseEvent). Method in class guinea.awt.PopupMenuButton
Pops up the popup menu.
mousePressed(MouseEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
mouseReleased(MouseEvent). Method in class guinea.awt.PopupMenuButton
Invoked when a mouse button has been released on a component.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter


name. Variable in class guinea.util.Binding
The binding's name.
name. Variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectHelper
name. Variable in class guinea.player.Sample
Name of this sample for use as a label.
name. Variable in class guinea.ui.event.UIEvent
Name of the changed variable of parameter.
names(). Method in class guinea.util.BindingVector
newComponentGroupEntry(Object). Method in class guinea.awt.ComponentGroup
newComponentGroupEntry(Object). Method in class guinea.awt.EnableGroup
newDoneEvent(Object, String). Static method in class guinea.ui.event.DoneEvent
Create a new DoneEvent caused by the subject pressing the done-button.
NewGenericItem(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.NewGenericItem
Construct a new generic test item.
newTimeoutEvent(Object, String). Static method in class guinea.ui.event.DoneEvent
Create a new DoneEvent caused by exceeding the time limit allowed for grading an item (timeout).
nextElement(). Method in class guinea.util.EnumerationFilter
Returns the next element of this enumeration.
nextElement(). Method in class guinea.util.EnumerationMapper
Returns the next element of this enumeration.
nextElement(). Method in class guinea.util.FilereaderEnumeration
nextGroup(boolean). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Does the decision whether to change direction or not.
nextGroup(boolean). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule1
Does the 'simple up-down procedure' decision whether to change direction.
nextItem(ControlEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIAdapter
User has pressed the 'Next' button to go to the next item.
nextItem(ControlEvent). Method in interface guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIListener
User has pressed the 'Next' button to go to the next item.
nextItem(ControlEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.event.UIEventMulticaster
nextToken(). Method in class guinea.util.CommandTokenizer
Get the next token from the command.
nFormat. Variable in class guinea.player.VolumeFormat
The decimal formatting object used to format the numeric volume level.
NOTIFY_LOOP. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Notify about sample loops.
NOTIFY_POSITION. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Notify about sample position.
NOTIFY_START. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Notify about sample starts.
NOTIFY_STOP. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Notify about sample ends and stops.
numGivenRanks(). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
Get number of labels that have been ranked.
numSwitches. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test


open(). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Open the UI window.
open(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Open the UI window.
open(). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Open the UI window making it visible.


paint(Graphics). Method in class guinea.awt.GPContainer
Paints the container.
paint(Graphics). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Paints the container.
paint(Graphics). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
This method is called to repaint this canvas.
paint(Graphics). Method in class guinea.ui.WarningIndicator
Draw the component.
ParallelSamples(Sample[]). Constructor for class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
ParallelSamples(SoundSample[]). Constructor for class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
paramnames. Variable in class guinea.logic.NewGenericItem
params. Variable in class guinea.logic.SSMSItem
paramvalues. Variable in class guinea.logic.NewGenericItem
parseObject(String, ParsePosition). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderFormat
Parsing RankOrders is not currently available.
parseObject(String, ParsePosition). Method in class guinea.player.VolumeFormat
This class doesn't yet do parsing volume strings.
pattern. Variable in class guinea.ui.RankOrderFormat
Formatting pattern used to format RankOrder answer.
pause. Variable in class guinea.logic.SequenceItem
The length of pause in either sample frames or seconds.
PAUSE_FRAMES. Static variable in class guinea.logic.SequenceItem
The pause is in sample frames.
PAUSE_SECONDS. Static variable in class guinea.logic.SequenceItem
The pause is in seconds.
pauseLength. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
Length of pause (in milliseconds) between TAFC trials.
pauseTest(ControlEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIAdapter
User has pressed the 'Pause' button to pause the test.
pauseTest(ControlEvent). Method in interface guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIListener
User has pressed the 'Pause' button to pause the test.
pauseTest(ControlEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.event.UIEventMulticaster
pauseType. Variable in class guinea.logic.SequenceItem
Type of pause length, either in sample frames or seconds.
percentVolume(). Method in class guinea.player.Volume
Get the volume level in percentage scale.
pipe. Variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectHelper
played. Variable in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
player. Variable in class guinea.player.Sample
The player this sample uses.
player. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The sound player.
PlayerDiagnosticsEvent(Object, int). Constructor for class guinea.player.event.PlayerDiagnosticsEvent
Construct a new player diagnostics event.
PlayerEvent(Object, int). Constructor for class guinea.player.event.PlayerEvent
Construct a new player event.
PlayerEventMulticaster(EventListener, EventListener). Constructor for class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventMulticaster
PlayerEventQueue(). Constructor for class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Construct a new player event queue with no name.
PlayerEventQueue(EventQueue). Constructor for class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Construct a new event queue by sharing the event queue and thread of another event queue.
PlayerEventQueue(String). Constructor for class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Construct a new player event queue with given name for the dispatcher thread.
PlayerException(). Constructor for class guinea.player.PlayerException
Constructs a PlayerException with no detail message.
PlayerException(String). Constructor for class guinea.player.PlayerException
Constructs a PlayerException with the specified detail message.
playerFrameDrop(FrameDropEvent). Method in interface guinea.player.event.PlayerDiagnosticsListener
Invoked when player has detected frame drops in audio or video.
playerFrameDrop(FrameDropEvent). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventMulticaster
playerFrameDrop(FrameDropEvent). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Send a framedrop event to all listeners.
playerListeners. Variable in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Listeners that are interested in player events.
playerListeners. Variable in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
playerLogMessage(LogMessageEvent). Method in interface guinea.player.event.PlayerDiagnosticsListener
Invoked when diagnostic or error messages are received from the player program.
playerLogMessage(LogMessageEvent). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventMulticaster
playerLogMessage(LogMessageEvent). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Send a player log message event to all listeners.
playerProps. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The properties that contain the parameters of the player.
playerStarted(PlayerEvent). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventMulticaster
playerStarted(PlayerEvent). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Send a player event to all player listeners.
playerStarted(PlayerEvent). Method in interface guinea.player.event.PlayerListener
The player has started.
playerStopped(PlayerEvent). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventMulticaster
playerStopped(PlayerEvent). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Send a player event to all player listeners.
playerStopped(PlayerEvent). Method in interface guinea.player.event.PlayerListener
The player has stopped.
playlist. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The playlist as a vector.
playlistFile. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The file that contains the play list.
playlistFilename. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The name of the file that contains the play list.
playName. Variable in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
PlayPanel(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.PlayPanel
Construct a new sample play control/monitor panel.
PlayPanel(Object[]). Constructor for class guinea.ui.PlayPanel
Construct a new sample play control/monitor panel.
PlayPanel(Object[], String[]). Constructor for class guinea.ui.PlayPanel
Construct a new sample play control/monitor panel.
PopupMenuButton(PopupMenu). Constructor for class guinea.awt.PopupMenuButton
PopupMenuButton(String, PopupMenu). Constructor for class guinea.awt.PopupMenuButton
POSCHANGE. Static variable in class guinea.player.event.SampleEvent
Sample event type, notification of current position in sample.
position. Variable in class guinea.player.event.SamplePositionEvent
Position in sample.
PositionListeners. Variable in class guinea.player.Sample
Sample position listeners.
postEvent(EventObject). Method in class guinea.util.EventQueue
Put an event to the event queue.
postEvent(EventObject, EventQueue). Method in class guinea.util.EventQueue
Put an event to the event queue.
prevAnswer. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
The previous answer from the subject.
prevItem(ControlEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIAdapter
User has pressed the 'Prev' button to go to the previous item.
prevItem(ControlEvent). Method in interface guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIListener
User has pressed the 'Prev' button to go to the previous item.
prevItem(ControlEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.event.UIEventMulticaster
printerr(int, String). Static method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
printerr(String). Static method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectRegistery
processActionEvent(ActionEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.DoneButton
Process action events of this button.
processCommand(RemoteCommand). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
processControlEvent(ControlEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.ControlButton
processControlEvent(ControlEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.DoneButton
processControlEvent(ControlEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.PlayPanel
Fire a control event to registered listeners.
processEvent(AWTEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.ControlButton
Process AWT event from the button.
processEvent(EventObject). Method in class guinea.util.EventQueue
Process the event and send it to all listeners.
processEvent(EventObject). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Process the event and send it to all listeners.
processFrameDropEvent(FrameDropEvent). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Process the frame-drop event and send it to all player diagnostics listeners.
processLogMessageEvent(LogMessageEvent). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Process the log message event and send it to all player diagnostics listeners.
processPlayerEvent(PlayerEvent). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Process the player event and send it to all player listeners.
processPlayerMessage(String, String, CommandTokenizer). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
This method is invoked when a message is received for this listener.
processPlayerMessage(String, String, CommandTokenizer). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Process messages from the player for this sample.
processRemoteCommand(RemoteCommand, RemotePipe). Method in interface guinea.ui.remote.ProcessRemoteCommand
processRemoteCommand(RemoteCommand, RemotePipe). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectHelper
processSampleEvent(SampleEvent). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Send sample event to interested listeners.
processSamplePositionEvent(SamplePositionEvent). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Send sample position event to interested listeners.
processSubjectUIEvent(SubjectUIEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
progressCheck(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
progressCheck(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
progressStatusMonitorID. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The monitor object ID of the test progress monitor object.
properties2bvector(Properties). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
Create objects from information in a Properties-object.
properties2bvector(Properties, String). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
Create objects from information in a Properties-object.
properties2bvector(Properties, Vector). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
Create objects from information in a Properties-object.
properties2bvector(Properties, Vector, String). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
Create objects from information in a Properties-object.
propertyCustomize(Properties, String). Method in interface guinea.util.PropertyCustomizer
Customize object obtained from properties.
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.logic.ABItem
Load information from properties to this item.
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.logic.ABRefItem
Load information from properties to this item.
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.logic.ABRefTest
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.logic.ARefItem
Load information from properties to this item.
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.player.AudioPlayerInfo
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.logic.BRefItem
Load information from properties to this item.
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.ui.CheckboxChoice
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.ui.ControlButton
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericABCTest
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericItem
Load information from properties to this item.
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Load information from properties to this item.
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.logic.NewGenericItem
Load information from properties to this item.
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.ui.PlayPanel
Read object properties from the Properties list.
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in interface guinea.util.PropertyLoader
Customize object obtained from properties.
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderFormat
Load information from properties to this item.
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.ui.RankQuestion
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.logic.SSItem
Load information from properties to this item.
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.logic.SSMSItem
Load information from properties to this item.
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
Read parameters for this test from the properties.
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
Read parameters for this test from the properties.
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.player.VolumeFormat
Load information from properties to this item.
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.ui.VolumeGradeBar
propertyLoad(Properties, String). Method in class guinea.ui.WarningIndicator
propertyNames(). Method in class guinea.logic.ItemProperties
Return an enumeration of all the keys in the property list.
propertySave(ExtProperties). Method in class guinea.logic.ABItem
Saves item's information to properties.
propertySave(ExtProperties). Method in class guinea.logic.ABRefItem
Saves item's information to properties.
propertySave(ExtProperties). Method in class guinea.logic.ARefItem
Saves item's information to properties.
propertySave(ExtProperties). Method in class guinea.logic.BRefItem
Saves item's information to properties.
propertySave(ExtProperties). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericItem
Saves item's information to properties.
propertySave(ExtProperties). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Saves item's information to properties.
propertySave(ExtProperties). Method in class guinea.logic.NewGenericItem
Saves item's information to properties.
propertySave(ExtProperties). Method in interface guinea.util.PropertySaver
Save the object's values to a properties list.
propertySave(ExtProperties). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
propertySave(ExtProperties). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
propertySave(ExtProperties). Method in class guinea.logic.SSItem
Saves item's information to properties.
propertySave(ExtProperties). Method in class guinea.logic.SSMSItem
Saves item's information to properties.
put(Object, Object). Method in class guinea.logic.ItemProperties
Maps the specified key to the specified value in this hashtable.


Queue(). Constructor for class guinea.util.Queue
Construct a new empty queue.
Queue(Enumeration). Constructor for class guinea.util.Queue
Construct a new queue with the elements of an Enumeration as the contents.
Queue(Object[]). Constructor for class guinea.util.Queue
Construct a new queue with an array of objects as the contents.
Queue(Vector). Constructor for class guinea.util.Queue
Construct a new queue with a vector of objects as the contents.
quitThreadMarker. Static variable in class guinea.util.EventQueue
Dispatcher thread quit thread marker.


RankOrderAnswer(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
Construct a new object.
RankOrderAnswer(int). Constructor for class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
Construct a new rank order answer object.
RankOrderAnswer(String[]). Constructor for class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
Construct a new rank order answer object.
RankOrderAnswer(String[], int[]). Constructor for class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
Construct a new rank order answer object.
RankOrderFormat(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.RankOrderFormat
Construct a new RankOrder answer formatter with no pattern.
RankOrderFormat(String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.RankOrderFormat
Construct a new RankOrder answer formatter with a formatting pattern.
RankQuestion(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.RankQuestion
ranks. Variable in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
The ranks for corresponding labels.
rate. Variable in class guinea.player.Sample
Frame rate of this sample.
readProperties(String). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
Read properties from a file.
readProperties(String, Properties). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
Read properties from a file and loads the properties to the given Properties object.
receiveCommandReply(int). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
Get a remote command reply for a command with a given serial number.
receiveMessage(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
Get an object that has been sent to this pipe.
receiveMessageWait(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
Get an object that has been sent to this pipe.
RefName. Variable in class guinea.logic.ABRefItem
Sample ID of the test sample X.
RefName. Variable in class guinea.logic.ARefItem
Sample ID of the test sample Ref.
RefName. Variable in class guinea.logic.BRefItem
Sample ID of the test sample A.
registerPlayerObject(String, PlayerMessageListener). Method in interface guinea.player.Player
Register a new player object for receiving messages.
registerPlayerObject(String, PlayerMessageListener). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Register a new sample for receiving messages.
REMOTE_CLIENT. Static variable in interface guinea.ui.remote.ProcessRemoteCommand
This command processor object is a client end of a remote object.
REMOTE_CLIENT_SERVER. Static variable in interface guinea.ui.remote.ProcessRemoteCommand
This command processor object is both a client and server end of a remote object.
REMOTE_SERVER. Static variable in interface guinea.ui.remote.ProcessRemoteCommand
This command processor object is a server end of a remote object.
RemoteCommand(int). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommand
RemoteCommand(int, int, String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommand
RemoteCommand(int, int, String, boolean). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommand
RemoteCommandGeneric(int, int, String, boolean, Object[]). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandGeneric
RemoteCommandGeneric(int, int, String, Object[]). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandGeneric
RemoteCommandGeneric(int, Object[]). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandGeneric
RemoteCommandGeneric(int, String, Object[]). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandGeneric
RemoteCommandReply(int). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandReply
RemoteCommandReply(int, Exception). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandReply
RemoteCommandReply(int, int, Object). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandReply
RemoteCommandReply(int, Object). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandReply
RemoteCommandReply(RemoteCommand). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandReply
RemoteCommandReply(RemoteCommand, Exception). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandReply
RemoteCommandReply(RemoteCommand, int, Object). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandReply
RemoteCommandReply(RemoteCommand, Object). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandReply
RemoteObjectHelper(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectHelper
RemoteObjectRegistery(RemotePipe). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectRegistery
RemoteObjectRegistery(RemotePipe, String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectRegistery
RemotePipe(ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
Create a new remote pipe.
RemotePipe(Socket). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
Create a new remote pipe.
RemoteSubjectUIClient(SubjectUI, RemotePipe). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
RemoteSubjectUIClient(SubjectUI, RemotePipe, String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
RemoteSubjectUIServer(RemotePipe, String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
remove(). Method in class guinea.util.Queue
Remove the first object from the queue.
remove(AnswerListener, AnswerListener). Static method in class guinea.ui.event.UIEventMulticaster
Removes the old component-listener from component-listener-l and returns the resulting multicast listener.
remove(ControlListener, ControlListener). Static method in class guinea.ui.event.UIEventMulticaster
remove(EventListener). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventMulticaster
Removes a listener from this multicaster and returns the resulting multicast listener.
remove(Object). Method in class guinea.awt.ComponentGroup
remove(Object). Method in class guinea.util.Queue
Remove from the queue the first object that 'equals' the object given as a parameter.
remove(PlayerDiagnosticsListener, PlayerDiagnosticsListener). Static method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventMulticaster
remove(PlayerListener, PlayerListener). Static method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventMulticaster
remove(SubjectUIListener, SubjectUIListener). Static method in class guinea.ui.event.UIEventMulticaster
removeAdjustmentListener(AdjustmentListener). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
removeAnswerListener(AnswerListener). Method in class guinea.ui.CheckboxChoice
Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives value change events from this component.
removeAnswerListener(AnswerListener). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives control motion events from this component.
removeAnswerListener(AnswerListener). Method in interface guinea.ui.QuestionInterface
Remove a listener from listener list.
removeAnswerListener(AnswerListener). Method in class guinea.ui.RankQuestion
Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives answer events from this component.
removeControlListener(ControlListener). Method in class guinea.ui.ControlButton
Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives control motion events from this component.
removeControlListener(ControlListener). Method in interface guinea.ui.ControlInterface
Remove a control listener so that control events are no longer sent to that listener.
removeControlListener(ControlListener). Method in class guinea.ui.DoneButton
Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives control motion events from this component.
removeControlListener(ControlListener). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Remove a control listener so that control events are no longer sent to that listener.
removeControlListener(ControlListener). Method in class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog
Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives control motion events from this component.
removeControlListener(ControlListener). Method in class guinea.ui.PlayPanel
Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives control motion events from this component.
removeElement(String). Method in class guinea.util.BindingVector
removeElementValue(Object). Method in class guinea.util.BindingVector
removeInternal(EventListener, EventListener). Static method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventMulticaster
removeListener(). Method in class guinea.util.EventQueue
Called as the last thing in all sub-classes' remove*Listener methods.
removeOptions(int). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Turn off some sample options.
removePlayerDiagnosticsListener(PlayerDiagnosticsListener). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Remove a player diagnostics listener.
removePlayerDiagnosticsListener(PlayerDiagnosticsListener). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Removes the specified player listener so that it no longer receives events from this player.
removePlayerListener(PlayerListener). Method in interface guinea.player.Player
Removes the specified player listener so that it no longer receives events from this player.
removePlayerListener(PlayerListener). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEventQueue
Remove a player listener.
removePlayerListener(PlayerListener). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Removes the specified player listener so that it no longer receives events from this player.
removeProcessorCommand(String). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
removeSampleListener(SampleListener). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Removes the specified sample listener so it no longer receives sample events from this sample.
removeSamplePositionListener(SamplePositionListener). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Removes the specified sample position listener so it no longer receives position events from this sample.
removeSamplePositionListener(SamplePositionListener). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Removes the specified sample position listener so it no longer receives position events from this sample.
removeSamplePositionListener(SamplePositionListener). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Removes the specified sample position listener so it no longer receives position events from this sample.
removeSubjectUIListener(SubjectUIListener). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives control motion events from this component.
removeSubjectUIListener(SubjectUIListener). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Remove a SubjectUI listener from this UI.
removeSubjectUIListener(SubjectUIListener). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Remove a SubjectUI listener from this UI.
removeWait(). Method in class guinea.util.Queue
Remove the first object from the queue.
removeWait(Object). Method in class guinea.util.Queue
Remove from the queue the first object that 'equals' the object given as a parameter.
requireAllAnswers. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Requires that answer gives answers to all questions.
reset(). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Resets the UI to default state.
reset(). Method in class guinea.ui.CheckboxChoice
Reset question to default answer and/or to unanswered state.
reset(). Method in class guinea.ui.ControlButton
Reset control to default value.
reset(). Method in interface guinea.ui.ControlInterface
Reset control to default value.
reset(). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Reset question to default answer and/or to unanswered state.
reset(). Method in class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog
Reset control to default value.
reset(). Method in interface guinea.ui.MonitorInterface
Reset the monitor to default value.
reset(). Method in class guinea.ui.PlayPanel
Reset control to default value.
reset(). Method in interface guinea.ui.QuestionInterface
Reset question to default answer and/or to unanswered state.
reset(). Method in class guinea.ui.RankQuestion
Reset question to default answer and/or to unanswered state.
reset(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Resets the UI to default state.
reset(). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Resets the UI to default state.
reset(). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Reset the TAFC rule to initial values.
reset(). Method in class guinea.ui.TestProgressMonitor
Reset the monitor to default value.
reset(). Method in class guinea.ui.WarningIndicator
Reset the indicator to default state.
resetTimeout(). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Reset the indicator to default state.
resetTimeout(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Reset the indicator to default state.
resetTimeout(). Method in interface guinea.ui.WarningDisplayer
Reset the indicator to default (inactive) state.
rest(). Method in class guinea.util.CommandTokenizer
Get the rest of the command.
result. Variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandReply
The return from the command, if exception occured, this is the exception.
resultsFile. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The results file.
resultsFilename. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The file name of results file.
resultsFileType. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
File type of saving files.
resultsSaved. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Shows whether result file has already been written out.
rule. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
The TAFC rule object for this test.
ruleType. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
The rule type number.
run(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
run(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
The subject UI server thread.
run(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
run(). Method in class guinea.ui.WarningIndicator
runItem(). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
Run the current item.
runItem(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
runNumber. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCTrial
The run number.
runSequence(). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
Run the sample sequence.
runSequence(). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
Run the TAFC procedure for this item.
runSequence(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
runSequence2(). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
Play the sample sequence.
runTest(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test


S1Volume. Variable in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
Volume for the S1 sample.
S2Volume. Variable in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
Volume for the S2 sample.
S3Volume. Variable in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
Volume for the S3 sample.
sample. Variable in class guinea.logic.SequenceItem
The sample ID of a sample.
Sample(). Constructor for class guinea.player.Sample
sampleB. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
The sample for signal B.
sampleComb. Variable in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
SampleEvent(Object). Constructor for class guinea.player.event.SampleEvent
Create a new sample event.
SampleEvent(Object, int, long). Constructor for class guinea.player.event.SampleEvent
Create a new sample with specified type and timestamp.
SampleException(). Constructor for class guinea.player.SampleException
Constructs a SampleException with no detail message.
SampleException(String). Constructor for class guinea.player.SampleException
Constructs a SampleException with the specified detail message.
sampleHash. Variable in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
SampleListeners. Variable in class guinea.player.Sample
Sample listeners.
sampleLooped(SampleEvent). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Called when sample has looped.
sampleLooped(SampleEvent). Method in interface guinea.player.event.SampleListener
Called when sample has looped.
SampleMeter(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
SampleMeter(Sample). Constructor for class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
sampleParams. Variable in class guinea.logic.GenericABCTest
An array of parameter names that are used as samples.
samplePlay(String). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
samplePlay(String). Method in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
Play sample.
samplePositionChanged(SamplePositionEvent). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Called when sample position has changed.
samplePositionChanged(SamplePositionEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
samplePositionChanged(SamplePositionEvent). Method in interface guinea.player.event.SamplePositionListener
Called when sample position has changed.
SamplePositionEvent(Object). Constructor for class guinea.player.event.SamplePositionEvent
Create a new sample position event.
SamplePositionEvent(Object, long, long). Constructor for class guinea.player.event.SamplePositionEvent
Create a new position event with specified timestamp and position.
sampleRate. Variable in class guinea.player.AudioPlayerInfo
The sampling rate.
sampleRef. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
The reference sample the sample B is compared with.
samples. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
List of samples for this test.
sampleS1. Variable in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
Sample for signal S1.
sampleS2. Variable in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
Sample for signal S2.
sampleS3. Variable in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
Sample for signal S3.
sampleSequence. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The fixed sample sequence to play to subjects.
samplesFile. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The file that contains sample information.
samplesFilename. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The name of the file that contains sample information.
samplesProps. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The properties used to contruct the sample objects.
sampleStarted(SampleEvent). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Called when sample has started.
sampleStarted(SampleEvent). Method in interface guinea.player.event.SampleListener
Called when sample has started.
sampleStopped(SampleEvent). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Called when sample has stopped or was stopped.
sampleStopped(SampleEvent). Method in interface guinea.player.event.SampleListener
Called when sample has stopped or was stopped.
sampleSwitching. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
saveItemResults(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
saveObject(PropertySaver, ExtProperties). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
saveObject(PropertySaver, ExtProperties, String). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
saveTestResults(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
scale. Variable in class guinea.player.VolumeFormat
The volume scale to use for printing the volume level.
scale. Variable in class guinea.ui.VolumeGradeBar
The volume scale type to use.
SCALE_DECIBEL. Static variable in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
Volume scale type is decibel.
SCALE_LINEAR. Static variable in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
Volume scale type is linear.
scaleMax. Variable in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
Maximum volume for samples S2/3.
scaleType. Variable in class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
Type of the volume scale.
scaleVolume(int). Method in class guinea.player.Volume
Get the volume level in given scale.
seek(long). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Seek to a given sample frame.
sendCommand(RemoteCommand). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
Send a remote command.
sendMessage(Object). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
Send an object to the pipe.
sendMessage(String). Method in interface guinea.player.Player
Send a message to the player process.
sendMessage(String). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Send message to the player program.
sendRemoteObject(Object, String). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectRegistery
sendReply(RemoteCommandReply). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
Send a remote command reply.
Sequence(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.Sequence
Construct a new empty sequence.
SEQUENCE_FIXED. Static variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Sample sequence is fixed.
SEQUENCE_FORCED. Static variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Sample sequence is forced (same as fixed).
SEQUENCE_FREE. Static variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Subject can play samples freely.
SequenceItem(double, String). Constructor for class guinea.logic.SequenceItem
Construct a new SequenceItem with a pause and sample.
SequenceItem(int, String). Constructor for class guinea.logic.SequenceItem
Construct a new SequenceItem with a pause and a sample.
SequenceItem(String). Constructor for class guinea.logic.SequenceItem
Construct a new SequenceItem with a sample.
sequenceItemAt(int). Method in class guinea.logic.Sequence
sequenceType. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Type of sequence, free or forced.
serial. Variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommand
Serial number or id of this message.
serial. Variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandReply
Serial number or id of this reply that corresponds to the message.
serializeResults(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
serverThread. Variable in class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
Thread that waits for connections and sends remote UI
sessionID. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
ID of the current session.
sessionLog. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
SessionLog(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.SessionLog
setAge(int). Method in class guinea.logic.SubjectInfo
Set age of subject.
setAnswer(Object). Method in class guinea.ui.CheckboxChoice
Set answer of question.
setAnswer(Object). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Set answer of question.
setAnswer(Object). Method in interface guinea.ui.QuestionInterface
Set answer of question.
setAnswer(Object). Method in class guinea.ui.RankQuestion
Set answer of question.
setAnswer(Object). Method in class guinea.ui.VolumeGradeBar
Set answer of question.
setAnswer(String, Object). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Set an answer to this item.
setAnswers(Hashtable). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Copies answers to this item from a hash table.
setAudioDevice(String). Method in interface guinea.player.AudioPlayer
Set audio device to be used.
setAudioDevice(String). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Set audio device to be used.
setBackground(Color). Method in class guinea.awt.ComponentGroup
setBlockIncrement(int). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
setBufferLength(int). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
setChannels(int). Method in interface guinea.player.AudioPlayer
Set number of channels.
setChannels(int). Method in class guinea.player.AudioPlayerInfo
Set number of channels.
setChannels(int). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Set number of channels.
setChoiceFormat(ChoiceFormat). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Set the choice format for showing an adjective corresponding to a grade.
setChoiceFormat(double[], String[]). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Set the choice format for showing an adjective corresponding to a grade.
setChoiceFormat(String). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Set the choice format for showing an adjective corresponding to a grade using a pattern.
setChoices(Object[]). Method in class guinea.ui.CheckboxChoice
Set the choices for this answering component.
setChoices(Object[]). Method in class guinea.ui.PlayPanel
Set the choices the controller sends to the test.
setChoices(Object[], String[]). Method in class guinea.ui.CheckboxChoice
Set the answers and corresponding labels for this answering component.
setChoices(Object[], String[]). Method in class guinea.ui.PlayPanel
Set the answers the components sends to the test and labels for the buttons for corresponding answers.
setConfigFile(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
setControlEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.ControlButton
Enable or disable control component.
setControlEnabled(boolean). Method in interface guinea.ui.ControlInterface
Enable or disable control component.
setControlEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Enable or disable control component.
setControlEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog
Enable or disable control.
setControlEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.PlayPanel
Enable or disable control component.
setControlEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
setControlsEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Enable or disable all control components.
setControlsEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Enable or disable all control components.
setControlsEnabled(boolean). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Enable or disable all control components.
setControlValue(Object). Method in class guinea.ui.ControlButton
Set the value of this controller.
setControlValue(Object). Method in interface guinea.ui.ControlInterface
Set the value of this controller.
setControlValue(Object). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Set the value of this controller.
setControlValue(Object). Method in class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog
The the value that this controller controls.
setControlValue(Object). Method in class guinea.ui.PlayPanel
The the value that this controller controls.
setControlValue(String, Object). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Set the (initial) control value of the controller.
setControlValue(String, Object). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
setControlValue(String, Object). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Set the (initial) control value of the controller.
setCorrectionVolume(double). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Set the output volume level of player.
setCorrectionVolume(double). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Set correction volume of sample.
setCorrectionVolume(Volume). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Set correction volume of player.
setCorrectionVolume(Volume). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Set correction volume of sample.
setDebug(boolean). Method in class guinea.util.Queue
setDecimals(int). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Set number of decimals to show and return in answer.
setDefaults(Properties). Method in class guinea.util.ExtProperties
setDevice(String). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Set audio device to be used.
setDeviceName(String). Method in class guinea.player.AudioPlayerInfo
Set the name of the device.
setDoneEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Enable or disable the DONE-button that the subject uses to indicate that he/she has completed grading (or whatever) the current test item.
setDoneEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Enable or disable the DONE-button that the subject uses to indicate that he/she has completed grading (or whatever) the current test item.
setDoneEnabled(boolean). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Enable or disable the DONE-button that the subject uses to indicate that he/she has completed grading (or whatever) the current test item.
setDuration(long). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Set the time it took to test this item.
setEditable(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
setEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Enables or disables this component, depending on the value of the parameter b.
setEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.awt.ComponentGroup
setEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.awt.GPContainer
Fix an error in java's setEnabled for Containers
setEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Fix an error in java's setEnabled for Containers
setEnabled(boolean). Method in interface guinea.ui.QuestionInterface
Disable or enable the question.
setEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.RankQuestion
Disable or enable the question.
setEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Enable or disable all controls, questions and the DONE-button.
setEnabled(boolean). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Enable or disable all subject UI components.
setEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.WarningIndicator
Enable or disable indicator.
setEndTime(long). Method in class guinea.logic.SessionLog
Set the Ending time of session.
setFadeLength(double). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Set the length of the crossfade from one sample to another.
setFadeType(String). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Set fade type.
setFilename(String). Method in interface guinea.player.FileSample
Set filename of sample.
setFilename(String). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Set file name of sample.
setFont(Font). Method in class guinea.awt.ComponentGroup
setFont(Font). Method in class guinea.ui.TestProgressMonitor
Sets the font of this component.
setForeground(Color). Method in class guinea.awt.ComponentGroup
setFramed(boolean). Method in class guinea.awt.GPContainer
Set the container so that it has/has not have a frame.
setFrameRaised(boolean). Method in class guinea.awt.GPContainer
Set wheather the frame is raised of not.
setInitialLevel(Volume). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Set initial level for rule.
setItemID(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Set the item ID of this test item.
setItemsFilename(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
setItemTemplate(Item). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Set the template for this item.
setItemTimeout(double). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Set the item timeout.
setItemWarningTimeout(double). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Set the warning timeout.
setLabels(String[]). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
Set labels.
setLabels(String[]). Method in class guinea.ui.RankQuestion
setLooping(boolean). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Set looping status of sample.
setLooping(boolean). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Set looping status of sample.
setLooping(boolean). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Set looping status of sample.
setMaximum(double). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Set maximum value of grade.
setMaximum(int). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
setMaxRuns(int). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Set maximum number of runs for this rule.
setMCLL(Volume). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Set the MCL Level on the MCLL dialog.
setMCLL(Volume). Method in interface guinea.ui.MCLLControl
Set the MCL level on the MCLL dialog.
setMCLL(Volume). Method in class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog
setMCLL(Volume). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Set the MCL Level on the MCLL dialog.
setMCLLevel(Volume). Method in class guinea.logic.SessionLog
Set the session's MCL level.
setMCLLLimits(int, int). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Set the limits of the level the subject can select.
setMCLLLimits(int, int). Method in class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog
Set the limits of the level the subject can select.
setMCLLLimits(Volume, Volume). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Set the limits of the level the subject can select.
setMCLLLimits(Volume, Volume). Method in interface guinea.ui.MCLLControl
Set the limits of the listening level the subject can select.
setMCLLLimits(Volume, Volume). Method in class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog
setMCLLLimits(Volume, Volume). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Set the limits of the level the subject can select.
setMCLLText(String). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Set the text to show in MCLL controller.
setMCLLText(String). Method in interface guinea.ui.MCLLControl
Set the text to show in MCLL controller component.
setMCLLText(String). Method in class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog
Set the text to show in MCLL controller.
setMCLLText(String). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Set the text to show in MCLL controller.
setMCLLTitle(String). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Set the title of the MCLL dialog window.
setMCLLTitle(String). Method in interface guinea.ui.MCLLControl
Set the title of the MCLL dialog window.
setMCLLTitle(String). Method in class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog
Set the title of the MCLL dialog window.
setMCLLTitle(String). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Set the title of the MCLL dialog window.
setMCLLVisible(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Make the MCLL setting dialog visible or hide it.
setMCLLVisible(boolean). Method in interface guinea.ui.MCLLControl
Make the MCLL setting dialog visible or hide it.
setMCLLVisible(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog
Make the MCLL setting dialog visible or hide it.
setMCLLVisible(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Make the MCLL setting dialog visible or hide it.
setMinimum(double). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Set minimum value of grade.
setMinimum(int). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
setMonitored(Sample). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
setMonitored(Sample). Method in interface guinea.ui.SampleMonitorInterface
Set sample to monitor.
setMonitorEnabled(boolean). Method in interface guinea.ui.MonitorInterface
Enable or disable monitoring.
setMonitorEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.PlayPanel
Enable or disable monitoring.
setMonitorEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
setMonitorEnabled(boolean). Method in interface guinea.ui.SampleMonitorInterface
Enable or disable monitoring.
setMonitorEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.TestProgressMonitor
Enable or disable monitoring.
setMonitorValue(Object). Method in interface guinea.ui.MonitorInterface
Set the value of this monitor.
setMonitorValue(Object). Method in class guinea.ui.PlayPanel
Set the value of this monitor.
setMonitorValue(Object). Method in class guinea.ui.TestProgressMonitor
Set the value of this monitor.
setMonitorValue(String, Object). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Set the value of the monitored variable.
setMonitorValue(String, Object). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
setMonitorValue(String, Object). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Set the value of the monitored variable.
setName(String). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Set name of sample.
setNumSwitches(int). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Set the number of times the subject switched between samples.
setOptions(int). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Set sample options.
setOutputVolume(Volume). Method in interface guinea.player.AudioPlayer
Set the output volume level of player.
setOutputVolume(Volume). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Set the output volume level of player.
setParameter(String, Object). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Set value of a parameter.
setParameter(String, Object). Method in class guinea.logic.NewGenericItem
Set value of a parameter.
setParameterNames(String[]). Method in class guinea.logic.NewGenericItem
setPlayer(Player). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Set the player this sample is using.
setPlayer(Player). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Set the player this sample is using.
setPlayer(Player). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Set the player this sample is using.
setPlayer(SoundPlayer). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
setPlayerDirectory(File). Method in interface guinea.player.Player
Set the directory for the player.
setPlayerDirectory(File). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Set the directory for the player.
setPlayerParameters(AudioPlayerInfo). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
setPlaying(int). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Switch to one of the samples contained in this parallel sample.
setPlaying(SoundSample). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Switch to one of the samples contained in this parallel sample.
setPlaylistFile(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Set the file name of the playlist file.
setPlaylistFilename(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Set the file name of the playlist file.
setPosition(long). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Seek to a given sample frame.
setPosition(long). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Seek to a position in sample.
setPosition(long). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Seek to a given sample frame.
setPositionNotifyInterval(double). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Set sample position notification interval.
setPositionNotifyInterval(double). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Set sample position notification interval.
setPositionNotifyInterval(int). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Set sample position notification interval.
setPositionNotifyInterval(int). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Set sample position notification interval.
setProcessorCommand(String, ProcessRemoteCommand). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
setProperty(String, Object). Method in class guinea.util.ExtProperties
Set a property.
setQuestion(String). Method in class guinea.ui.CheckboxChoice
Set the text of the question.
setQuestion(String). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Set the text of the question.
setQuestion(String). Method in interface guinea.ui.QuestionInterface
Set the text of the question.
setQuestion(String). Method in class guinea.ui.RankQuestion
Set the text of the question.
setQuestionAnswer(String, Object). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Set the (initial) answer to the question.
setQuestionAnswer(String, Object). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
setQuestionAnswer(String, Object). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Set the (initial) answer to the question.
setQuestionEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.CheckboxChoice
Enable or disable question component.
setQuestionEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Enable or disable question component.
setQuestionEnabled(boolean). Method in interface guinea.ui.QuestionInterface
Enable or disable question component.
setQuestionEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.RankQuestion
Enable or disable question component.
setQuestionFont(Font). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Set font of the question text.
setQuestionID(String). Method in class guinea.ui.CheckboxChoice
Set the ID of this question.
setQuestionID(String). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
Set the ID of this question.
setQuestionID(String). Method in interface guinea.ui.QuestionInterface
Set the ID of this question.
setQuestionID(String). Method in class guinea.ui.RankQuestion
Set the ID of this question.
setQuestionsEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Enable or disable all question or answer components.
setQuestionsEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Enable or disable all question or answer components.
setQuestionsEnabled(boolean). Method in interface guinea.ui.SubjectUI
Enable or disable all question or answer components.
setQuestionsEnabled(boolean). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Enable or disable the question (answer) components for all subjects.
setRank(int, int). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
Set the rank of a label.
setRank(String, int). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
Set the rank of a label.
setRanks(int[]). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
Set ranks.
setRate(int). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Set output sample rate.
setRemoteName(String). Method in interface guinea.ui.remote.ProcessRemoteCommand
setRemoteName(String). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectHelper
setRemotePipe(RemotePipe). Method in interface guinea.ui.remote.ProcessRemoteCommand
setRemotePipe(RemotePipe). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectHelper
setResults(Vector). Method in class guinea.logic.SessionLog
Set the results vector for this session.
setResultsFilename(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
setSample(Sample). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
setSample(String). Method in class guinea.logic.SequenceItem
Set the name of the sample in this sequence item.
setSampleRate(double). Method in interface guinea.player.AudioPlayer
Set output sample rate.
setSampleRate(double). Method in class guinea.player.AudioPlayerInfo
Set output sample rate.
setSampleRate(double). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Set output sample rate.
setSampleSequence(Sequence). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Set the fixed sample sequence.
setSamplesFilename(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
setSampleSwitching(int). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Set the sample switching type.
setSampleSwitchingFadeLength(double). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
Set the length of the crossfade from one sample to another.
setSampleSwitchingFadeType(String). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
Set the cross-fade type.
setScale(int). Method in class guinea.player.VolumeFormat
Set the scale we are printing in.
setSequenceType(int). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Set the type of the sample sequence.
setSessionID(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Set the session ID of this test item.
setSessionID(String). Method in class guinea.logic.SessionLog
Set session identifier of this session.
setSessionID(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
setSex(int). Method in class guinea.logic.SubjectInfo
Set sex of subject.
setShared(). Method in class guinea.util.EventQueue
Mark this queue as shared.
setSocketPort(int). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
Set the UI server socket's port number.
setStartMode(int). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Set the player starting mode.
setStartTime(long). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Set the starting time of the test of this item.
setStartTime(long). Method in class guinea.logic.SessionLog
Set the starting time of session.
setStepSize(Volume). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
Set the step size of rule.
setSubjectID(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Set the subject ID of this test item.
setTemplate(boolean). Method in class guinea.logic.Item
Set this item as an template.
setTestDirectory(File). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Set the test directory.
setTestDirectory(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Set the test directory.
setTestError(Exception). Method in class guinea.logic.SessionLog
Log the Exception that caused the test to fail.
setText(String, boolean). Method in class guinea.awt.GPTextField
Set text of the text field.
setTimeoutTimes(int). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Set the timeout time.
setTimeoutTimes(int). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Set the timeout time.
setTimeoutTimes(int). Method in interface guinea.ui.WarningDisplayer
Set the timeout time.
setTimeoutTimes(int, int). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Set the timeout time and warning time of the indicator.
setTimeoutTimes(int, int). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Set the timeout time and warning time.
setTimeoutTimes(int, int). Method in interface guinea.ui.WarningDisplayer
Set the timeout time and warning time of the indicator.
setTimeoutVisible(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Set visibility of warning indicator.
setTimeoutVisible(boolean). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Set visibility of warning indicator.
setTimeoutVisible(boolean). Method in interface guinea.ui.WarningDisplayer
Set visibility of warning indicator.
setTimes(int). Method in class guinea.ui.WarningIndicator
Set the timeout time.
setTimes(int, int). Method in class guinea.ui.WarningIndicator
Set the timeout time and warning time of the indicator.
setTimesAbsolute(long). Method in class guinea.ui.WarningIndicator
Set the timeout time.
setTimesAbsolute(long, int). Method in class guinea.ui.WarningIndicator
Set the timeout time and warning time.
setTitle(). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
setTitle(String). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Sets the title for this frame to the specified title.
setTitle(String). Method in class guinea.ui.MCLLDialog
Set title of dialog.
setUI(SubjectUI). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
Set the default subject UI that is sent to the remote client requesting a subject UI.
setUIFilename(String). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
setUnitIncrement(int). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
setValue(int). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
setValue(Object). Method in class guinea.util.Binding
Set the value of this binding.
setVisible(boolean). Method in class guinea.awt.ComponentGroup
setVisibleAmount(int). Method in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
setVolume(double). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Set volume of sample.
setVolume(double, int). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Set volume of specified channel in sample.
setVolume(Volume). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Set volume of sample.
setVolume(Volume). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Set volume of sample.
setVolume(Volume). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Set volume of sample.
setVolume(Volume, int). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Set volume of specified channel in sample.
setWarningIndicators(double, double). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Used internally to set the timeout and warning indicators for all subjects.
setWarningIndicators(int, int). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Used internally to set the timeout and warning indicators for all subjects.
sharedQueue. Variable in class guinea.util.EventQueue
The queue we are sharing.
showLabels. Variable in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
showPlaying(Object). Method in class guinea.ui.PlayPanel
Set which sample is currently playing.
showPlaying(Object). Method in interface guinea.ui.SamplePlayControl
Set which sample is currentl playing.
showPlaying(Object). Method in interface guinea.ui.SamplePlayMonitor
showProgressStatus. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Whether to show test progress status information to the subjects.
showProgressStatus(SubjectUI, Object). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
Show test progress status to the subject.
showSamplePlaying. Variable in class guinea.logic.GenericTest
Whether to show to the subject which sample is currently playing.
showValue. Variable in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
SILENCE. Static variable in class guinea.player.Volume
size(). Method in class guinea.util.Queue
Get the size (length) of the queue.
size(). Method in class guinea.logic.Sequence
SoundPlayer(). Constructor for class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Create a new sound player with default parameters: 2 channels, 44.1kHz sample rate, default audio device.
SoundPlayer(AudioPlayerInfo). Constructor for class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Create a new sound player with default parameters: 2 channels, 44.1kHz sample rate, default audio device.
SoundSample(). Constructor for class guinea.player.SoundSample
Create a new sample not yet associated with any file using the default player.
SoundSample(AudioPlayer). Constructor for class guinea.player.SoundSample
Create a new sample not yet associated with any file using the given player.
SoundSample(SoundPlayer, String). Constructor for class guinea.player.SoundSample
Create a new sample and load sample from designated player.
SoundSample(String). Constructor for class guinea.player.SoundSample
Create a new sample and load sample using default player.
source. Variable in class guinea.player.ChannelMapping
The source channel number.
SSItem(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.SSItem
Create a new Item.
SSMSItem(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.SSMSItem
Create a new Item.
SSMSTest(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.SSMSTest
SSTest(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.SSTest
Construct a new single stimulus test object.
stampThread. Variable in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
start(). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Start playing the sample.
start(). Method in class guinea.ui.WarningIndicator
Start the countdown display.
start(long). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Start playing the sample at given time.
start(long). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Start playing the sample at given time.
start(long). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Start playing the sample at given time.
START_CONNECT_SOCKET. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
start_frame. Variable in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Starting frame of last start.
START_LAUNCH_SOCKET. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
START_LAUNCH_STDIO. Static variable in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
STARTED. Static variable in class guinea.player.event.SampleEvent
Sample event type, sample has started.
startPlayer(). Method in interface guinea.player.Player
Start the sound player.
startPlayer(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Start the sound player.
startServer(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
Start remote pipe.
startServer(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
Start the subject UI server.
startTest(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
startTimeoutWarning(). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
Start the countdown display.
startTimeoutWarning(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
Start the countdown display.
startTimeoutWarning(). Method in interface guinea.ui.WarningDisplayer
Start the timeout warning and the countdown display.
startWait(). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Start playing the sample and wait for it to start before returning.
startWait(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Start playing the sample and wait for it to start before returning.
startWait(long). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Start playing the sample at a given time and wait for it to start before returning.
startWait(long). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Start playing the sample at a given time and wait for it to start before returning.
startWarningIndicators(). Method in class guinea.logic.Test
status. Variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandReply
STATUS_EXCEPTION. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandReply
STATUS_OK. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandReply
stepSize. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
The step size of a step in a TAFC test.
stop(). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Stop playing.
stop(). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Stop playing sample and rewind sample to beginning.
stop(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Stop playing.
stop_frame. Variable in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Frame of last stop.
STOPPED. Static variable in class guinea.player.event.SampleEvent
Sample event type, sample has stopped.
stopPlayer(). Method in interface guinea.player.Player
Stop the sound player process.
stopPlayer(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Stop the sound player process.
stopServer(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
Stop the subject UI server.
strength. Variable in class guinea.player.ChannelMapping
The connection strength from source to destination channel.
stringToArray(String). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
Convert a string-separated string to a array of strings.
stringToVector(String). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
Convert a comma-separated string to a vector of strings.
stringToVector(String, String). Static method in class guinea.util.Misc
Convert a string-separated string to a vector of strings.
SubjectInfo(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.SubjectInfo
Construct a new subject.
SubjectInfo(String). Constructor for class guinea.logic.SubjectInfo
Construct a new subject with given name.
SubjectInfo(String, float, int). Constructor for class guinea.logic.SubjectInfo
Construct a new subject with given name, age and sex.
subjects. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
List of subjects participating in this test session.
subjectSetsMCLL. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
If set to true, the subject sets the MCL level before proceeding to the actual items.
SubjectUIAdapter(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIAdapter
SubjectUIEvent(Object, String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIEvent
Constructs an CommandEvent object with the specified source object.
SubjectUIEvent(Object, String, String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIEvent
Constructs an CommandEvent object with the specified source object.
SubjectUIEvent(Object, String, String, Object, int). Constructor for class guinea.ui.event.SubjectUIEvent
Constructs an CommandEvent object with the specified source object.
SubjectUIHelp(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.SubjectUIHelp
SubjectUIServer(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
Construct a new subject UI server with default port and no default UI.
SubjectUIServer(SubjectUI). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
Construct a new subject UI server.
SubjectUIServer(SubjectUI, int). Constructor for class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
Construct a new subject UI server.
SWITCHING_NORMAL. Static variable in class guinea.logic.Test
SWITCHING_PARALLEL. Static variable in class guinea.logic.Test


TAFCRule(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
TAFCRule1(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.TAFCRule1
Construct a new TAFC rule for 'simple up-down procedure'.
TAFCTest(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
Construct a new TAFC test object.
TAFCTrial(int, int, Volume, boolean). Constructor for class guinea.logic.TAFCTrial
Construct a new TAFC test trial object.
TAFCTrial(int, Volume, boolean). Constructor for class guinea.logic.TAFCTrial
Construct a new TAFC test trial object.
target. Variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommand
The target of this message.
template. Variable in class guinea.logic.Item
The template that was used to create this item by copying it.
TenGrade(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.TenGrade
Construct a new ten-grade answering component with 'Clarity' as the question.
TenGrade(String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.TenGrade
Construct a new ten-grade answering component with a given text as the question.
Test(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.Test
testDirectory. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The directory of the test.
TestHelp(). Constructor for class guinea.logic.TestHelp
testInProgress. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Is the test in progress right now.
TestProgressMonitor(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.TestProgressMonitor
Construct a new monitor.
TestProgressMonitor(int). Constructor for class guinea.ui.TestProgressMonitor
Construct a new monitor with a width given as argument.
TestProgressMonitorObject(int, int). Constructor for class guinea.ui.TestProgressMonitorObject
Construct a new object with the index of the current item and total number of items.
testThread. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The thread that runs the test.
threadName. Variable in class guinea.util.EventQueue
Name for the dispatcher thread.
time. Variable in class guinea.player.TimeStamp
The current time time stamp.
TIMEOUT. Static variable in class guinea.ui.event.DoneEvent
The command of the event when this event was caused by exceeding the time limit for grading this item.
timeoutOccured. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Used in the test to indicate that at least one of subject's answering time has expired.
TimeStamp(). Constructor for class guinea.player.TimeStamp
Contruct a new time stamp.
TimeStamp(long). Constructor for class guinea.player.TimeStamp
Contruct a new time stamp with given frame number.
TimeStamp(long, long). Constructor for class guinea.player.TimeStamp
Contruct a new time stamp with given frame, and UST time values.
TimeStamp(long, long, long). Constructor for class guinea.player.TimeStamp
Contruct a new time stamp with given frame, UST, current time values.
TIMINGSTART_AFTER_ITEMRUN. Static variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Item duration timing start after the item/sequence has been run.
TIMINGSTART_BEFORE_ITEMRUN. Static variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Item duration timing start before the item/sequence is run.
toDecibel(). Method in class guinea.player.Volume
Convert this volume object to a volume level object in decibel scale.
toDecibel(). Method in class guinea.player.VolumeDecibel
Convert this volume object to a volume level object in decibel scale.
toDecibel(double). Static method in class guinea.player.Volume
Convert a given volume level to a volume level object in decibel scale.
toDecibel(Volume). Static method in class guinea.player.Volume
Convert a given volume object to a volume level object in decibel scale.
toLinear(). Method in class guinea.player.Volume
Convert this volume object to a volume level object in linear scale.
toLinear(). Method in class guinea.player.VolumeLinear
Convert this volume object to a volume level object in linear scale.
toLinear(). Method in class guinea.player.VolumePercent
Convert this volume object to a volume level object in linear scale.
toLinear(double). Static method in class guinea.player.Volume
Convert a given volume level to a volume level object in linear scale.
toLinear(Volume). Static method in class guinea.player.Volume
Convert a given volume object to a volume level object in linear scale.
toPercent(). Method in class guinea.player.Volume
Convert this volume object to a volume level object in percent scale.
toPercent(). Method in class guinea.player.VolumePercent
Convert this volume object to a volume level object in percent scale.
toPercent(double). Static method in class guinea.player.Volume
Convert a given volume level to a volume level object in percent scale.
toPercent(Volume). Static method in class guinea.player.Volume
Convert a given volume object to a volume level object in percent scale.
toScale(int). Method in class guinea.player.Volume
Convert the volume level of this volume object to a given scale.
toScale(int, double). Static method in class guinea.player.Volume
Convert a volume level to an instance of given volume scale.
toScale(int, Volume). Static method in class guinea.player.Volume
Convert a volume level to an instance of given volume scale.
toString(). Method in class guinea.logic.ABItem
Get the string representation of the object.
toString(). Method in class guinea.logic.ABRefItem
Get the string representation of the object.
toString(). Method in class guinea.logic.ARefItem
Get the string representation of the object.
toString(). Method in class guinea.util.Binding
Get a string representation of a binding.
toString(). Method in class guinea.logic.BRefItem
Get the string representation of the object.
toString(). Method in class guinea.player.ChannelMapping
Get string representation of the channel mapping.
toString(). Method in class guinea.player.event.FrameDropEvent
Return a string representation of the event.
toString(). Method in class guinea.logic.GenericItem
Get the string representation of the object.
toString(). Method in class guinea.player.event.LogMessageEvent
Return a string representation of the event.
toString(). Method in class guinea.logic.NewGenericItem
Get the string representation of the object.
toString(). Method in class guinea.player.event.PlayerEvent
Return a string representation of the event.
toString(). Method in class guinea.util.Queue
Get a string representation of the queue.
toString(). Method in class guinea.ui.RankOrderAnswer
Get a string representation of the answer object.
toString(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommand
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommandReply
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteObjectHelper
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString(). Method in class guinea.player.Sample
Return string representation of sample.
toString(). Method in class guinea.player.event.SampleEvent
Return a string representation of the event.
toString(). Method in class guinea.player.event.SamplePositionEvent
Return a string representation of the event.
toString(). Method in class guinea.logic.Sequence
Get a string representation of this item.
toString(). Method in class guinea.logic.SequenceItem
Get a string representation of this item.
toString(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Return string representation of sample.
toString(). Method in class guinea.logic.SSItem
Get the string representation of the object.
toString(). Method in class guinea.logic.SSMSItem
Get the string representation of the object.
toString(). Method in class guinea.logic.SubjectInfo
Get string representation of the subject
toString(). Method in class guinea.logic.TAFCTrial
Get a string that represents this trial.
toString(). Method in class guinea.player.TimeStamp
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString(). Method in class guinea.player.VolumeDecibel
Get a string representation of the volume level.
toString(). Method in class guinea.player.VolumeLinear
Get a string representation of the volume level.
toString(). Method in class guinea.player.VolumePercent
Get a string representation of the volume level.
toString(Enumeration). Static method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
toString(Object[]). Static method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
toString(Object[]). Static method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIClient
toString(Object[]). Static method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
toString(Object[], boolean). Static method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteSubjectUIServer
total. Variable in class guinea.ui.TestProgressMonitorObject
Total number of items in the test.
TRACK. Static variable in class guinea.ui.event.AdjustmentControlEvent
Events between FIRST and LAST events.
TRACK. Static variable in class guinea.ui.SampleMeter
TRACK_FIRST. Static variable in class guinea.ui.event.AdjustmentControlEvent
First TRACK event in a series of events.
TRACK_LAST. Static variable in class guinea.ui.event.AdjustmentControlEvent
Last TRACK event in a series of events.
trainingMode. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Is training mode on (true), results are not saved.
trialAnswerName. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCTest
The question ID used to log the trial list (if trials logging is enabled via logTrial variable.
trialNumber. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCTrial
The trial number.
trials. Variable in class guinea.logic.TAFCRule
A list of trials in this rule.
type. Variable in class guinea.player.event.FrameDropEvent
Type of framedrop, AUDIO or VIDEO.
type. Variable in class guinea.player.Sample
Type of sample, "audio", "video", or something else.
type. Variable in class guinea.player.event.SampleEvent
Event type.


UIEvent(Object, String). Constructor for class guinea.ui.event.UIEvent
Contruct a new event with given source and event source name.
UIEventMulticaster(EventListener, EventListener). Constructor for class guinea.ui.event.UIEventMulticaster
uiFile. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The file that contains UI properties.
uiFilename. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The name of the file that contains UI properties.
uiName. Variable in class guinea.ui.remote.SubjectUIServer
The remote UI's name (as a remote object for sending and receaving remote messages).
uiProps. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
The properties used to contruct an UI interface object.
UIUtils(). Constructor for class guinea.awt.UIUtils
unload(). Method in interface guinea.player.FileSample
Unloads sample file.
unload(). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Unload sample.
unload(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Unload sample.
unregisterPlayerObject(String). Method in interface guinea.player.Player
Remove a player object from the player.
unregisterPlayerObject(String). Method in class guinea.player.SoundPlayer
Remove a sample from sample hash.
ust. Variable in class guinea.player.TimeStamp
The UST time stamp.


value. Variable in class guinea.util.Binding
The binding's value.
value. Variable in class guinea.ui.event.ValueChangedEvent
The new changed value.
valueChanged(ValueChangedEvent). Method in interface guinea.ui.event.ValueChangedListener
ValueChangedEvent(Object, String, Object). Constructor for class guinea.ui.event.ValueChangedEvent
Construct a new value change event
valueOf(String). Static method in class guinea.player.ChannelMapping
Returns a new ChannelMapping object initialized to the value of the specified String.
valueOf(String). Static method in class guinea.logic.Sequence
Returns a new Sequence object initialized to the value of the specified String.
valueOf(String). Static method in class guinea.logic.SequenceItem
Returns a new SequenceItem object initialized to the value of the specified String.
valueOf(String). Static method in class guinea.player.Volume
Get a Volume object from a string.
values(). Method in class guinea.util.BindingVector
valueToString(double). Method in class guinea.ui.GradeBar
valueToString(double). Method in class guinea.ui.MCLLBar
verbose. Static variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
VIDEO. Static variable in class guinea.player.event.FrameDropEvent
Video framedrop type.
volume. Variable in class guinea.player.VolumeDecibel
The volume level in decibels.
volume. Variable in class guinea.player.VolumeLinear
The volume level in linear scale.
Volume(). Constructor for class guinea.player.Volume
VOLUME_DECIBEL. Static variable in class guinea.player.Volume
The volume type for decibel scale.
VOLUME_LINEAR. Static variable in class guinea.player.Volume
The volume type for linear scale.
VOLUME_PERCENT. Static variable in class guinea.player.Volume
The volume type for percent scale.
VolumeDecibel(double). Constructor for class guinea.player.VolumeDecibel
Contruct a new Volume object that is in decibel scale.
VolumeDecibel(Volume). Constructor for class guinea.player.VolumeDecibel
Contruct a new Volume object that is in decibel scale.
VolumeFormat(). Constructor for class guinea.player.VolumeFormat
Construct a new volume formatter.
VolumeFormat(int). Constructor for class guinea.player.VolumeFormat
Construct a new volume formatter.
VolumeFormat(int, String). Constructor for class guinea.player.VolumeFormat
Construct a new volume formatter.
VolumeFormat(String). Constructor for class guinea.player.VolumeFormat
Construct a new volume formatter.
VolumeGradeBar(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.VolumeGradeBar
VolumeLinear(double). Constructor for class guinea.player.VolumeLinear
Contruct a new Volume object that is in linear scale.
VolumeLinear(Volume). Constructor for class guinea.player.VolumeLinear
Contruct a new Volume object that is in linear scale.
VolumePercent(double). Constructor for class guinea.player.VolumePercent
Contruct a new Volume object that is in percent scale.
VolumePercent(Volume). Constructor for class guinea.player.VolumePercent
Contruct a new Volume object that is in percent scale.
volumeType(). Method in class guinea.player.Volume
Get the volume scale type of this Volume object.


waitEnd(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemotePipe
Wait for the remote pipe to be closed.
waitForStart(). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Wait for sample to start.
waitForStart(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Wait for sample to start.
waitForStop(). Method in class guinea.player.ParallelSamples
Wait for sample to stop.
waitForStop(). Method in class guinea.player.SoundSample
Wait for sample to stop.
wantACK. Variable in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommand
Other end wants an ACK for this command.
wantACK(). Method in class guinea.ui.remote.RemoteCommand
Is a ACK wanted for this command?
WarningIndicator(). Constructor for class guinea.ui.WarningIndicator
Construct a new warning indicator.
when. Variable in class guinea.player.event.FrameDropEvent
When framedrop happened (when output should have gone out).
whenTimingStarts. Variable in class guinea.logic.Test
Tells when to start the timing of the duration of item.
windowActivated(WindowEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
windowClosed(WindowEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
windowClosing(WindowEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
windowIconified(WindowEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI
windowOpened(WindowEvent). Method in class guinea.ui.ABSubjectUI