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Class guinea.player.ChannelMapping


public class ChannelMapping
extends Object
implements Serializable
A channel mapping.

Variable Index

· dest
The destination channel number.
· source
The source channel number.
· strength
The connection strength from source to destination channel.

Constructor Index

· ChannelMapping(int, int)
Contruct a new channel mapping with the strength of connection of 1.
· ChannelMapping(int, int, double)
Contruct a new channel mapping.

Method Index

· toString()
Get string representation of the channel mapping.
· valueOf(String)
Returns a new ChannelMapping object initialized to the value of the specified String.


· source
 public int source
The source channel number.

· dest
 public int dest
The destination channel number.

· strength
 public double strength
The connection strength from source to destination channel. Not used to do volumecontrol.


· ChannelMapping
 public ChannelMapping(int source,
                       int dest,
                       double strength)
Contruct a new channel mapping.

source - the source channel index which to map to another output channel.
dest - the destination channel index to which to map the data from source channel.
strength - the strength to the connection. For now only 0 and 1 can be used.
· ChannelMapping
 public ChannelMapping(int source,
                       int dest)
Contruct a new channel mapping with the strength of connection of 1.

source - the source channel index which to map to another output channel.
dest - the destination channel index to which to map the data from source channel.


· toString
 public String toString()
Get string representation of the channel mapping.

toString in class Object
· valueOf
 public static ChannelMapping valueOf(String s) throws IllegalArgumentException
Returns a new ChannelMapping object initialized to the value of the specified String. Throws an exception if the String cannot be parsed as a ChannelMapping.

a newly constructed ChannelMapping initialized to the value represented by the string argument.
Throws: IllegalArgumentException
if the string does not contain a parsable channel mapping.

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