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Class guinea.player.Volume


public abstract class Volume
extends Object
implements Serializable
The Volume class is a base class used for expressing volume levels is different scales. Three volume scales can be used: linear, decibel and percent scale.

See Also:
VolumeLinear, VolumeDecibel, VolumePercent

Variable Index

The volume type for decibel scale.
The volume type for linear scale.
The volume type for percent scale.

Constructor Index

· Volume()

Method Index

· compareTo(Object)
· dB2linear(double)
Convert a decibel value to linear scale.
· dBVolume()
Get the volume level in decibel scale.
· linear2dB(double)
Convert a linear volume level to decibel scale.
· linearVolume()
Get the volume level in linear scale.
· percentVolume()
Get the volume level in percentage scale.
· scaleVolume(int)
Get the volume level in given scale.
· toDecibel()
Convert this volume object to a volume level object in decibel scale.
· toDecibel(double)
Convert a given volume level to a volume level object in decibel scale.
· toDecibel(Volume)
Convert a given volume object to a volume level object in decibel scale.
· toLinear()
Convert this volume object to a volume level object in linear scale.
· toLinear(double)
Convert a given volume level to a volume level object in linear scale.
· toLinear(Volume)
Convert a given volume object to a volume level object in linear scale.
· toPercent()
Convert this volume object to a volume level object in percent scale.
· toPercent(double)
Convert a given volume level to a volume level object in percent scale.
· toPercent(Volume)
Convert a given volume object to a volume level object in percent scale.
· toScale(int)
Convert the volume level of this volume object to a given scale.
· toScale(int, double)
Convert a volume level to an instance of given volume scale.
· toScale(int, Volume)
Convert a volume level to an instance of given volume scale.
· valueOf(String)
Get a Volume object from a string.
· volumeType()
Get the volume scale type of this Volume object.


 public static final int VOLUME_DECIBEL
The volume type for decibel scale.

 public static final int VOLUME_LINEAR
The volume type for linear scale.

 public static final int VOLUME_PERCENT
The volume type for percent scale.

 public static final Volume SILENCE
 public static final Volume FULL


· Volume
 public Volume()


· dBVolume
 public abstract double dBVolume()
Get the volume level in decibel scale.

the volume in decibel scale as a double.
· linearVolume
 public abstract double linearVolume()
Get the volume level in linear scale.

the volume in linear scale as a double.
· percentVolume
 public double percentVolume()
Get the volume level in percentage scale. The percentage scale is the same as the linear scale but multiplied with 100 to transform linear scale to percents.

the volume in percent scale as a double.
· scaleVolume
 public double scaleVolume(int scale)
Get the volume level in given scale.

scale - The scale in which the value is wanted.
Volume level in given scale.
· volumeType
 public int volumeType()
Get the volume scale type of this Volume object.

the volume scale type, one of VOLUME_LINEAR, VOLUME_DECIBEL or VOLUME_PERCENT.
· toScale
 public static Volume toScale(int scale,
                              Volume v)
Convert a volume level to an instance of given volume scale.

scale - the volume scale to which to convert. Must be one of VOLUME_LINEAR, VOLUME_DECIBEL or VOLUME_PERCENT.
v - the Volume level to convert.
a volume object in a given scale.
· toScale
 public static Volume toScale(int scale,
                              double v)
Convert a volume level to an instance of given volume scale.

scale - the volume scale to which to convert. Must be one of VOLUME_LINEAR, VOLUME_DECIBEL or VOLUME_PERCENT.
v - the volume level as a double appropiate for the given scale.
a volume object in a given scale.
· toScale
 public Volume toScale(int scale)
Convert the volume level of this volume object to a given scale.

scale - the volume scale to which to convert. Must be one of VOLUME_LINEAR, VOLUME_DECIBEL or VOLUME_PERCENT.
a volume object converted to a given scale.
· toDecibel
 public Volume toDecibel()
Convert this volume object to a volume level object in decibel scale.

a Volume object in decibel scale.
· toDecibel
 public static Volume toDecibel(Volume v)
Convert a given volume object to a volume level object in decibel scale.

v - a Volume level object.
a Volume object in decibel scale.
· toDecibel
 public static Volume toDecibel(double v)
Convert a given volume level to a volume level object in decibel scale.

v - a double value in decibel scale.
a Volume object in decibel scale.
· toLinear
 public Volume toLinear()
Convert this volume object to a volume level object in linear scale.

a Volume object in linear scale.
· toLinear
 public static Volume toLinear(Volume v)
Convert a given volume object to a volume level object in linear scale.

v - a Volume level object.
a Volume object in linear scale.
· toLinear
 public static Volume toLinear(double v)
Convert a given volume level to a volume level object in linear scale.

v - a double value in linear scale.
a Volume object in linear scale.
· toPercent
 public Volume toPercent()
Convert this volume object to a volume level object in percent scale.

a Volume object in percent scale.
· toPercent
 public static Volume toPercent(Volume v)
Convert a given volume object to a volume level object in percent scale.

v - a Volume level object.
a Volume object in percent scale.
· toPercent
 public static Volume toPercent(double v)
Convert a given volume level to a volume level object in percent scale.

v - a double value in percent scale.
a Volume object in percent scale.
· compareTo
 public int compareTo(Object o)
· dB2linear
 public static double dB2linear(double db)
Convert a decibel value to linear scale.

db - value in decibel scale.
the value in decibel scale converted to linear scale.
· linear2dB
 public static double linear2dB(double vol)
Convert a linear volume level to decibel scale.

vol - value as linear volume level.
the linear vol parameter converted to decibel scale.
· valueOf
 public static Volume valueOf(String s) throws NumberFormatException
Get a Volume object from a string. If the string ends with 'dB', the value is in decibel scale (ex.: the string '-6dB' returns about 0.5). If the string ends with the percent sign '%', the scale is interpreted in percent scale. Otherwise the linear scale is assumed.

s - the string to convert.
a volume value as a Volume object.
Throws: NumberFormatException
if the string doesn't represent a valid volume level.

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