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Interface guinea.ui.MonitorInterface

public interface MonitorInterface
Monitor objects provide the subject information about test status, for example, how many items are still to do, which sample is playing, etc.

The monitor system is currently in development and is subject to change.

Method Index

· isMonitorEnabled()
Test whether monitor is enabled or disabled.
· reset()
Reset the monitor to default value.
· setMonitorEnabled(boolean)
Enable or disable monitoring.
· setMonitorValue(Object)
Set the value of this monitor.


· setMonitorEnabled
 public abstract void setMonitorEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enable or disable monitoring.

enabled - True to enable component, false to disable.
· isMonitorEnabled
 public abstract boolean isMonitorEnabled()
Test whether monitor is enabled or disabled.

true if monitor is enabled, false if not.
· setMonitorValue
 public abstract void setMonitorValue(Object value)
Set the value of this monitor. Used to set the value of the monitored variable.

value - the value to set.
· reset
 public abstract void reset()
Reset the monitor to default value.

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