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Interface guinea.ui.WarningDisplayer

public interface WarningDisplayer
An extension to SubjectUI interface for displaying a warning about timeout. The timeout is specified by giving the indicator the length of time when the indicator is to timeout. Optionally a warning time can be specified that signals the subject that the time is about to run out.

When the indicator is not active, it will be shown with the default background color. When the timeout indicator is activated, its color changes to green color and a running counter is shown that shows how many seconds there are left to answer. If a warning time is used, the indicator changes to yellow color when there are less than the warning the left before timeout. If the timeout is reached, the indicator color changes to red and 'timeout' is displayed in the place of the time counter. If the subject presses the 'Done' button on the subject UI before the timeout, the test system sets the indicator to inactive state by resetting it.

See Also:

Method Index

· isTimeoutVisible()
See if warning indicator is visible to the subject.
· resetTimeout()
Reset the indicator to default (inactive) state.
· setTimeoutTimes(int)
Set the timeout time.
· setTimeoutTimes(int, int)
Set the timeout time and warning time of the indicator.
· setTimeoutVisible(boolean)
Set visibility of warning indicator.
· startTimeoutWarning()
Start the timeout warning and the countdown display.


· setTimeoutVisible
 public abstract void setTimeoutVisible(boolean visible)
Set visibility of warning indicator.

visble - true makes the indicator visible to subject. When false, no indicator is shown.
See Also:
· isTimeoutVisible
 public abstract boolean isTimeoutVisible()
See if warning indicator is visible to the subject.

true if visible, otherwise false.
See Also:
· setTimeoutTimes
 public abstract void setTimeoutTimes(int timeoutTime,
                                      int warningTime)
Set the timeout time and warning time of the indicator.

timeoutTime - How much time there is to answer before the timeout expires. The timeout is in milliseconds.
warningTime - When to show that time is about to run out. It is the number of milliseconds before the timeout.
See Also:
· setTimeoutTimes
 public abstract void setTimeoutTimes(int timeoutTime)
Set the timeout time. No warning is shown before going directly to timeout.

timeoutTime - How much time there is to answer before the timeout expires. The timeout is in milliseconds.
· startTimeoutWarning
 public abstract void startTimeoutWarning()
Start the timeout warning and the countdown display.

· resetTimeout
 public abstract void resetTimeout()
Reset the indicator to default (inactive) state.

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