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Class guinea.util.Queue


public class Queue
extends Object
implements Serializable
The Queue object implements a queue. Objects added to the queue go to end (tail) of the queue and objects are removed from the head of the queue. Also an object can be removed from anywhere in the queue. Also remove-methods can wait until the queue becomes non-empty or the desired object has been added to the queue.

Constructor Index

· Queue()
Construct a new empty queue.
· Queue(Enumeration)
Construct a new queue with the elements of an Enumeration as the contents.
· Queue(Object[])
Construct a new queue with an array of objects as the contents.
· Queue(Vector)
Construct a new queue with a vector of objects as the contents.

Method Index

· add(Object)
Add an object to the end of the queue.
· elements()
Get an enumeration of objects in the queue.
· elementsReverse()
Get an enumeration of objects in the queue in reverse order.
· isEmpty()
Is queue empty?
· remove()
Remove the first object from the queue.
· remove(Object)
Remove from the queue the first object that 'equals' the object given as a parameter.
· removeWait()
Remove the first object from the queue.
· removeWait(Object)
Remove from the queue the first object that 'equals' the object given as a parameter.
· setDebug(boolean)
· size()
Get the size (length) of the queue.
· toString()
Get a string representation of the queue.


· Queue
 public Queue()
Construct a new empty queue.

· Queue
 public Queue(Object objs[])
Construct a new queue with an array of objects as the contents. The first object in the queue is the first object of the array.

objs - An array of object to add to the queue.
· Queue
 public Queue(Vector objs)
Construct a new queue with a vector of objects as the contents. The first object in the queue is the first object of the vector.

objs - A vector of object to add to the queue.
· Queue
 public Queue(Enumeration objs)
Construct a new queue with the elements of an Enumeration as the contents. The first object in the queue is the first object (element) that is got from the enumeration.

objs - An enumeration of objects to add to the queue.


· setDebug
 public void setDebug(boolean debug)
· add
 public void add(Object item)
Add an object to the end of the queue.

item - the object to add to the queue.
· remove
 public Object remove()
Remove the first object from the queue.

the first object from the queue. If queue is empty, null is returned.
· remove
 public synchronized Object remove(Object item)
Remove from the queue the first object that 'equals' the object given as a parameter.

item - object which to compare to find an object from the queue.
first object that equals this item. If no matches is found, null is returned.
· removeWait
 public synchronized Object removeWait(Object item) throws InterruptedException
Remove from the queue the first object that 'equals' the object given as a parameter. If a matching object is not in the queue, will wait until it is added and then removed.

item - object which to compare to find an object from the queue.
first object that equals this item.
Throws: InterruptedException
the wait was interrupted.
· removeWait
 public synchronized Object removeWait() throws InterruptedException
Remove the first object from the queue. If queue is empty, will wait until queue is non-empty and then returns the first object.

the first object from the queue.
Throws: InterruptedException
the wait was interrupted.
· size
 public int size()
Get the size (length) of the queue.

number of objects in the queue.
· isEmpty
 public boolean isEmpty()
Is queue empty?

true if queue has no elements, false if it has.
· elements
 public Enumeration elements()
Get an enumeration of objects in the queue.

an enumeration of objects in the queue.
· elementsReverse
 public Enumeration elementsReverse()
Get an enumeration of objects in the queue in reverse order.

an enumeration of objects in the queue.
· toString
 public String toString()
Get a string representation of the queue.

a string.
toString in class Object

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